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Everything posted by oma

  1. welcome for somereason I think its hanging up on his preview window. the writer hasn't been around for a long while and I don't beleive he ever released the source code, maybe someone will have to have a go at writing an updated version. ciao OMA
  2. yes there is something wrong with that plugin. but I found this will make it work transparent layer do the multi gradiant colors you want. it looks wrong just rainbowcolors across the picture. now stay on the same layer and under effects hit repeat multicolred gradiants. it will change to the one you just set. (control +f)
  3. version 1.2 circle text viewtopic.php?f=16&t=31772 I haven't tried it with the others in the pkg. but if one doesn't work I'm thinking the others may not as well. ciao OMA
  4. having an error saving script message with the new 3.5 version. any ideas what I could be doing incorrectly? using circle script. edit just tried it with using polygon stars and that seems to work correctly so it must be with how the circle script has been coded. . ciao OMA
  5. @Welsh :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: now that is just eyepopping lovely! ciao OMA
  6. oma

    Oma's gallery

    i most likely will after I finish fiddling around with this concept stage, for the possible tut . Actually if i was just drawing this for my own enjoyment it would be still drawn with paintbrush at 4 x size and rescaled down at the end. the skin texture will more than likely go out side of the lines drawn so real sharp lines would not be necessary. not every thing in nature has straight lines there are bumps and wiggles everywhere. now if the line tool had more nubs that would be a whole different ball game :wink: ciao OMA
  7. oma

    Oma's gallery

    yes yellowman just mouse I wish I had tablet but its not necessary for drawing. ciao OMA
  8. oma

    Oma's gallery

    :wink: :wink: thinking with paintbrush 24088
  9. I haven't used this plug in so not sure how it really works. but look down the third image on first post. The plugin developer removes the fence (sort of) http://paintdotnet.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=28562 personally I'd suggest cloning stamp. will be pretty tedious to get correct. ciao OMA
  10. I do beleive he has gone on to use other programs. Seems I recall something about photoshop in connection to his name. Or quite possibly he is still on the forum under another name. you never know. ciao OMA
  11. very nice gallery so far. this one is really finely done! ciao OMA
  12. the icy blue texture sparks many many many ideas for some fantastic asymetrical abstracts. hint hint. time for advancing , you are one of the few on the forum capable of moving to next step. you have the patterns undercontrol now lets see you let go of the reins and let the mind just slip along with an asymetrical abstract. :wink: ciao OMA
  13. so many nice new spacescapes. my fav is that nebula but all the rest are just as well done. I just like that one best. (must be the color :wink: ) ciao OMA
  14. oma

    Oma's gallery

    @Axle :wink: http://omagrandmother.deviantart.com/art/landscape-141587915 check this varriation of the image. on my DA. antlers just for you. @sharp thanks I really like how the water turned out. much fiddling but the results are pleasing to the eye. I'm trying to knock down the steps to something a bit simplier now. but its all the little observations of how water looks color wise and how it moves that makes it look real more than what paint.net plugins and techniques to use. There was nothing really exceptional in the method. Many of you are more than capable of doing that type of water. It is all in the seeing what's around you. ciao OMA
  15. oma

    Oma's gallery

    yes i agree nemo but alas flattened both working pdn's in error. finished kicking myself 30 or 40 times over that stupidity on my part and have moved on to another image. Unfortunate as it is it will just have to remain as I've posted it here. sorry can not do much more to this one. ciao OMA
  16. @Birukoff not really sure why you are getting so mad at EER I just downloaded this plugin as well for my paintnet beta version not more than 2 mins ago. nothing out of the ordinary, it downloaded correctly, no problem. ciao OMA
  17. do you know the inside dimensions of the frame? and do you know the size of your picture? basically what you will need to do is resize the picture to correct size (with paint.net) to fit inside the frame. and save it in your pictures file in documents. resizing along top is file edit view image clik that one then clik resize. fill in the approprite boxes. next open the frame can you see the checker box in the middle of the frame? if not wand it at 0% tolerance and use the sissors to cut it out. then along top next to the image is the word layers clik there import from file simply matter of finding your saved resized picture. it will import on a layer above the frame now you just have to move that layer down under the frame. you may need to use the move pixels arrow to shift the picture layer around to line up within the frame. ciao OMA
  18. a very appealing image that Purple Symphony. It has all the features that attract the paint.net addicts. glassy shine, swirly motions, symetry, and that just how'd you do that little tidbit. great job! It has been a real pleasure to see you progress from one image to the next. ciao OMA
  19. oma

    Oma's gallery

    yes I agree with both Helen and Axel. I'm still kicking myself at flattening both working PDN's. That just frys me. that comment about adding antlers ..... now there's a thought. I'll give a whirl at changing this to a buck tonight you never know, I might just be back in business. ciao OMA
  20. oma

    Oma's gallery

    I guess its going to have to be called finished at this stage. somehow I managed to flatten the PDN and I can't go back . I wanted to skinny the body up a bit but guess it won't happen this time around. sorry. work in progress shots on pg 68. 23677 and here is a link to one on DA that I did just a tad different. Poor salvage job. Well at least I learned how to make a nice landscape. I can cross that off my lists of things I want to try in PDN. http://omagrandmother.deviantart.com/ar ... -141587915
  21. its under creations here is the link viewtopic.php?f=31&t=28453
  22. emanda1964 this is very nicely done! imaginative and colorful. Its so nice to see images that are not all dark and heavy. fleeting glimpse I still can not find words to describe that latest glass piece. It is just WOW! :shock: ciao OMA
  23. wow :shock: wow :shock: wow that is some nice work! glass life has a life of its own! somehow I'd like to see this without the two round spheres. I'm sure it would be equally awesome. ciao OMA
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