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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. What you want to do is put that body on its own layer. Then, when it is positioned the way you want, merge the layer down.
  2. The alpha value of the primary color affects the amount of clone that happens. Expirament with very low values. There is no "spray can" tool in Paint.NET. Use Gaussian blur instead.
  3. There is a slider on the "Save as" screen.
  4. Have you considered a vector editor for your project? Inkscape is free and good.
  5. If you're having trouble attaching it, just paste the text into a post.
  6. If you are not using 64-bit windows, you'll be able to create bigger graphics by switching to a 64-bit OS. Or, you may have better luck creating a poster using Inkscape. Hope this helps.
  7. Wow! That's really interesting how you used the Indirect UI controls. My mind is blown.
  8. You're kidding, right? I use that plugin at least 5 times per day. Oh, wait... That's Feather. Nevermind.
  9. OP, Are you on a laptop or desktop computer? The reason I ask is because cheap keyboards sometimes have problems with multiple keys being held down at the same time. If you're on a desktop computer, it may be worth your while to spend more than $10 on a keyboard.
  10. Everything you need is here: http://boltbait.com/pdn/CodeLab/
  11. Take it to Costco and have it printed and mounted? [/obvious] Joking aside, you may get something out of this tutorial: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/12246-
  12. You need to read the instruction book that came with your camera. We don't do tech support for cameras or computers here. This is not a Paint.NET question or issue. Therefore, I'm going to close this thread. Once you get the images onto your computer, if you still have questions, open a new thread.
  13. Easy. Read this: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/12196-making-backgrounds-of-images-transparent/ If you are new to Paint.NET (or graphic editing in general), I suggest you take a look at the tutorials section. Try a few of them just to get your feet wet. Start here: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/forum/20-beginner-tutorials/
  14. Are you talking about using "BB Flashback", or something like that to video yourself using Paint.NET? If so, then NO, that's not possible. Sorry. You might want to make the picture layer very transparent in the layer's property window. It'll still show up very faintly, but you might still be able to use it for reference. I'm just not sure what you're aiming for here.
  15. Looks to me like you need to reinstall (or repair) the .NET framework.
  16. I've always wondered why people install more plugins than they actually use.
  17. Reminds me of this: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/16610-enhance-details-plugin/
  18. Totally not the same thing. It would be an interesting filetype plugin. I'm sure one of the filetype plugin authors could knocking something like this out in just a few minutes.
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