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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. Paint.net doesn't come with a file called Install.exe. You probably downloaded a virus pretending to be Paint.NET. Try downloading from the link in the upper right corner of this page: http://www.dotpdn.com/downloads/pdn.html
  2. The saving option defaults to the format where no dataloss will occur. This gives the highest quality to all images you work on. If your image has layers, the default will be .PDN as Paint.NET's native format supports layers and the image is saved in a lossless format. If your image does not have layers, the default will be .PNG as the PNG format is lossless. The JPG format is not chosen as the format is lossy and each time you load and save some picture quality is lost. Same goes for GIF and some other formats. If you want to save in a lossy format, you must consciously make that choice.
  3. Then, I think Paint.NET may not be the tool for you. Have you tried Inkscape?
  4. Paint.NET 4.0 includes soft selection edges... so, basically feathering is already included in 4.0.
  5. In the color docker window, I... Click the palette folder button to reveal the palette menu. As I move my mouse over to the menu it disappears. It happens every time. I can't use the mouse with that menu. I can get it to work if I do it this way: Click the palette folder button to reveal the palette menu. Press the keyboard's down arrow button to select the menu item I want and then press the enter key.
  6. These are the ones I use most often: CodeLab - by far, my most used BoltBait's Transparency Adjustment, Selection Tools (Bevel, Feather, etc.), Flip, Combined Photo Adjustments, and Sharpen Landscape Tanel's Shadow / Highlight Recovery and Red Eye Quick Fix evanold's Conditional Hue/Saturation Adjustment pyrochild's Curves+ I'm most impressed by Smudge and Liquify. But, I never use them... not my style.
  7. Took less than a second to find with Google... http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/26826-trs-bokeh-plugin-v11/
  8. I just updated the "Fill From" pack in the above post. Changes: -Version 1.3 of "Fill From Clipboard" now supports alpha
  9. The next version of CodeLab will fix this issue. It will be out soon.
  10. Selecting something on one layer, switching layers, then applying an effect to the selected area is VERY handy. That's why changing layers doesn't cancel the selection.
  11. Since you can only change pixels that are selected, be sure to press Ctrl-D before using the text tool.
  12. barbieq25, you are having trouble with the clipwarp plugin, not Paint.NET itself. First, make sure you're using the absolutely latest version of that plugin. See if there's a new one in the Paint.NET 4.0 forum. If you're using the latest one, post in that plugin's forum thread. That way the plugin author will see it and update their plugin.
  13. Good idea. I fixed the dll and reattached it to the above post. The 14 of you that downloaded it, please do it again.
  14. Are you downloading from the official site? Try the link in the upper right corner of this page: http://www.dotpdn.com/downloads/pdn.html
  15. Also, why is there no bleem color wheel?
  16. As a previous member of the US Coast Guard, I'm glad to see that they are being represented in your graphic. It is such a small service that it is often overlooked.
  17. Also, remember that not all forums here on this board allow images to be attached to posts. The Pictorium, for example, requires external hosting. Plus, there is an overall limit to how much uploading one person can do here at the board.
  18. There are some buttons in the upper right corner of the main Paint.NET window. Try those.
  19. How to use images in your posts: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/12193-how-to-use-images-in-your-posts-signatures-and-avatars/
  20. Please continue this conversation on the 8bf thread: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/20622-psfilterpdn-2014-03-05/ This way, the 8bf plugin author will see it. Closing.
  21. OK, here is version 1.2 of the Fill From File plugin... Changes: -Now includes a Browse button -Includes icon -Moved from "Effects>Render" to "Effects>Fill" menu -Also includes a matching Fill From Clipboard effect -NEW: Fill From Clipboard now supports alpha Enjoy. $USD $ GBP £ EUR € JPY ¥ CAD $ AUD $ Download here: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/28488- Install the normal way. EDIT: This has been added to my new plugin pack. Download it there.
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