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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. V3.5 of the plugin does default the color of the outline to the primary color set in pdn.
  2. Attached is a really simple "Fill from file" plugin that works on 4.0. <snip> It shows up under the "Effects > Render > Fill from file" menu. Yes, I know that without a "File Open" dialog box, it pretty much sucks to use this. I'll build a better one later.
  3. Welcome to the forum. Since you were not publishing a plugin, I have moved your thread to the appropriate place. As for your questions... First, to get more familiar with developing plugins, start here: 1. Download and install CodeLab http://www.boltbait.com/pdn/CodeLab 2. Read all the CodeLab tutorials http://www.boltbait.com/pdn/CodeLab/help/ 3. Familiarize yourself of the limits of plugins http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/14566- 4. Ask specific questions in the Plugin Developers forum http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/forum/17-plugin-developers-central/ Hope this helps.
  4. You can't win an argument with a person who has no morals.
  5. How about downloading a fancier font at http://www.dafont.com ?
  6. To my knowledge there are no plans to do a web version of Paint.NET.
  7. I'll be the judge of that! And, nope. I'm just going to put the built DLL file on the user's desktop. Deal with it.
  8. CodeLab does this for you automatically with the information you enter on the "Save as DLL" screen. This was added in version 1.0 of CodeLab which was published on April 28, 2008.
  9. I was developing the next version of CodeLab last night and I'm thinking of making a change of where the DLL file is generated. Currently, it puts the DLL file in the Paint.NET Effects folder. This requires Paint.NET to be run as Administrator when developing plugins. This causes other problems, like you can't drag-and-drop files onto Paint.NET in order to open them, etc. I've never liked this limitation. In the next version of CodeLab, I'm going to have CodeLab build DLL files to the user's desktop. In order to see these newly built effects in Paint.NET you will need to move the DLL file to Paint.NET's Effects folder and restart Paint.NET. I feel confident that plugin developers will not have any trouble handling this. With this change, Paint.NET will no longer have to "run as" Administrator in order to use CodeLab. Anyone have heartburn with this change?
  10. This question comes up occasionally. Perhaps it would be useful to change the behavior of the eraser to act like an overwrite pencil when the size of the eraser is set to 1. Or, you could have a hard/soft setting on the eraser.
  11. Well, I suggest you start in the tutorials section of the forums: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/forum/18-tutorials-publishing-only/ There you'll find many different tutorials written for various levels of skill. Try following the tutorials you like and go from there. In each tutorial, the author will list the plugins necessary to complete the tutorial.
  12. Not possible. If you've not closed Paint.NET, you can always press Ctrl-Z to undo any changes you've made. After closing Paint.NET, however, the history is not saved. -or- Had you made your text/shapes on their own layer, you could delete that layer. But, once a shape has been applied to the base layer or you have flattened the image down to a single layer, that type of change is not possible. Can you go take another screenshot?
  13. Paint.NET does not ship with any fonts. It uses the fonts that are already installed on your pc. So, yes, you'll need to download that one. FYI, http://www.dafont.com/ is a great resource.
  14. Please read the forum rules: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/2932-read-first-the-rules-yes-you-read-this-2013-12-21/ Specifically, read rules 23 and 24. These are the reasons I'm locking your thread.
  15. I'm glad to see that you've brought something interesting to the table instead of just copying another plugin. It is now quite an improvement over my original.
  16. How is this different from my Selection Outline plugin: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/11514-x Source code is on this page: http://boltbait.com/pdn/CodeLab/help/tutorial4.php To me, it looks the same, only less features. I suggest taking a few minutes to be sure a plugin hasn't already been written before starting on one.
  17. When using layer properties, you typically need 2 layers and you should be adjusting the properties of the top layer.
  18. Try holding down the Shift key when vertical scrolling.
  19. Every time I think that, I'm surprised by the creativity of the programmers here at the forums. By the way, I've just started making changes to CodeLab to support Paint.NET 4.0. I added the 3D Roll Control last night and I've got some more ideas on the way. (BTW, this is not published yet. I will publish it all together when 4.0 is launched.)
  20. While waiting for a fix, you can always use the Effects > Render > Polygon/Stars plugin in my pack.
  21. I agree. DLL files typically include code that will be executed. There should be some level of protection taken when installing DLL files. Now, what would be a good idea is that Paint.NET had some type of built-in Plugin Manager. Something that would allow searching for new plugins, one button downloading and installing them, and managing their visibility.
  22. If you have my plugin pack installed, easy! Type your text as a black color on a white background and finalize it. Press Ctrl-A to select the entire layer. Then press Ctrl-C to copy that layer to the clipboard. Switch to your target layer (where you want the transparent text). Use the Effects > Object > Paste Alpha menu. Click the "Invert alpha" check box, then click OK.
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