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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. That's one reason I took it out of my pack. That and it sucks.
  2. Yes. Just be sure you have the latest version of my pack. Go get it here: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/8318- Previous versions of the pack did not play nice with 4.0. But, the latest one should be fine.
  3. The plugins available at this message board are vetted by our crack team of software experts! That's how.
  4. Using the Image > Resize dialog box, try different resampling methods... like Nearest Neighbor.
  5. Design your own ambigram. Here's an example: An ambigram is a text image that reads the same right-side-up or up-side-down. The advanced class can make ones that say different words depending on direction. One I saw said "LOVE" one way and "HATE" the other.
  6. I made my name into an Ambigram* and EER helped me fix it up. Then, I took his image and made it into this: It still needs to be cleaned up. But, overall, I like it. *An AMBIGRAM is an image that reads the same right-side-up as up-side-down. Here is one example:
  7. OK, I took yours and made it into this: It still needs to be cleaned up. But, overall, I like it. I think I'll put it into my gallery now. Thanks for your help!
  8. The currently loaded palette can be found in the registry here: Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Paint.NET\Workspace/CurrentPalette
  9. This is the one that always blew me away: https://d2nh4f9cbhlobh.cloudfront.net/_uploads/galleries/17874/the-princess-bride-poster.jpg It doesn't even look like a lame attempt... it looks perfect. One of the best one's I've ever seen.
  10. Wow, EER! That's WAAAAAY better than mine! +1 from me.
  11. Some of the plugins are part of Paint.NET. For example, Ink Sketch was originally a plugin developed by me and Rick incorporated it into the official build. But, Rick doesn't just add every single plugin as the code would be too much to maintain. Plus, every plugin takes time to load. So you'll only want to install the plugins you're likely to use. Most plugins are in plugin packs. So, it should only take a few minutes to grab the ones you want.
  12. Here is my first try at an ambigram signature. I did it all by hand (and it looks it). Can anyone help me make a better one? Send help!
  13. Please remember, the ads on the web site keep Paint.NET free of charge. If there is an inappropriate ad (like porn), Rick can block it. But, for the most part, the ads stay. I'm going to lock this thread. If Rick wants it open, he knows what button to push.
  14. Is that an old version of my Stars plugin or the latest? Please verify.
  15. Yes, it is old. CodeLab used to build plugins with these older style UI's. Are you dropping legacy support for them in 4.0?
  16. OK, here is the important part: It looks to me that you have a permissions problem with your registry. This may be a left over problem from a virus/malware you've had previous.
  17. I had PdN 4.0 open with an unsaved image and I went to the Gear > Updates > Check Now. I clicked OK and it downloaded this latest build and I waited and waited and the installer never started. I closed PdN and restarted it. I followed the same instructions and this time it worked fine. I'm now wondering if it had something to do with the fact that I tried it with an unsaved image open.
  18. Instead of Edit > Paste, try Edit > Paste into new layer.
  19. Select the magic wand tool. Shift-Click a pixel of the color you want to keep. Press Ctrl-I to invert your selection. Press the Del key to delete the selected pixels.
  20. Yeah, I checked the logs... he voted for The Gimp. COME ON! Let's show them what our community can do! VOTE!
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