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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. It is designed to prevent an effect from modifying pixels outside of the current selection.
  2. Look at http://www.boltbait.com/pdn/CodeLab/help/tutorial3.asp In the first section, it explains how to pass parameters to the called functions. Look at the code samples where there is a "//fix" comment.
  3. This functionality is only available to filetype plugins, not effect plugins.
  4. To answer your questions: 1) You can call any installed effect in the same way you can call the built-in effects. 2) You can chain the effects together, but as I said in the tutorial... you only have 2 surfaces to work with (the source canvas and the destination canvas). If you want more, you need to create them yourself. This is not impossible. Just be careful you don't run out of memory. 3) You may run as many single-pixel operations as you like. You can also call as many blending operations as you like. An example of calling external plugins can be found in this plugin: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/6091-scriptlab/
  5. The word "Copyright" is coming from the DLL itself. It is not coming from Paint.NET.
  6. You can make one using my Render > Stars plugin. Also, there is a way to define your own shapes. But, I don't think Rick has officially published some instructions for that yet.
  7. Your crash log says: Which is weird since the Feather plugin does not include a pan control. It looks to me that you're using an Editable Text plugin, not a feather plugin.
  8. Details, please. Can you post the crash log information and a specific list of steps to recreate the crash?
  9. Remember that this has not been sent out for translation yet. So, any new strings will still show English. Can you check to be sure you're using the latest versions of the plugins that are failing to load? Report back once you've updated your DLL files. Thanks! But, please understand that not every plugin will be compatible with 4.0. Rick has already put in a bunch of code to enable MOST plugins. However, it will simply not be possible to provide workarounds for every plugin out there. It will be up to the individual plugin authors to provide updated plugins that work with 4.0 once we hit the beta stage. One of the reasons that Rick released this alpha build early is so that plugin authors can start playing with it and get their plugins ready for the beta wide release.
  10. First, try pressing Enter to finalize the first gradient drawn. Then, put any additional gradients on their own layers.
  11. It can be frightening at times. I always try to use it for good.
  12. Can you imagine a proper filetype plugin that outputs a zip file containing multiple png files? That would blow my mind.
  13. It should. Paint.NET is a free download. So, why not try it and let us know.
  14. Using the Image > Resize menu item, try different Resampling methods to see which looks best for you.
  15. OK, there's your problem. You have your dll files in the wrong directory. They don't belong in the Documents > Paint.NET > Effects directory. Go to: http://boltbait.com/pdn/InstallingEffects.asp and follow steps 5, 6, and 7. THAT's where the dll files go. Paint.NET should be installed in the C:\Program Files\Paint.NET directory.
  16. Please be sure you've installed the effect dll files according to these instructions: https://boltbait.com/pdn/InstallingEffects.php If you think you have, post a picture of your effects folder here.
  17. Please read the first post in this thread. It gives an overview of this coding environment. Then, if you are ready, you can read a series of tutorials on my web site on how to create effects with Paint.NET CodeLab.
  18. First, download and install CodeLab. http://www.boltbait.com/pdn/CodeLab/ Then, read these tutorials: http://www.boltbait.com/pdn/CodeLab/help/ Afterwards, if you have questions, ask here.
  19. I suspect that when Paint.NET 4.0 comes out you won't have this problem. It has a completely new memory manager which is much more efficient than the one built into 3.x. NOTE: I do not know WHEN version 4.0 will ship. Sorry.
  20. I'm glad you got it working. Welcome to the forums.
  21. Select the area you wish to blur with a selection tool: :Replace: etc. Then use the menu Effects > Blurs > Gaussian Blur
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