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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. Yup. That's how I did it. I've been meaning to write a tutorial on that one.
  2. If you search around the web, I'm sure you can find the source code to Paint.NET... an older version, but it should still have all the clipboard stuff in it. I would love to see this.
  3. If you can read a bitmap off the clipboard with transparent pixels, I'd be impressed. I can't seem to figure out how to do it. When you figure this out, I'd love it if you could correct the code listed on this page: http://boltbait.com/pdn/CodeLab/help/tutorial4.php ...under the "Clipboard" heading.
  4. Too many keystrokes. I was thinking more like this: <-- Click Only, pretty, of course.
  5. Thanks, Rick. I had to scan a ton (~50) documents today. I found it a breeze with Paint.NET. My only suggestion would be to include the Accquire > From Scanner button right on the tool bar. Or, at least give it a short cut key. I was using a networked MFC printer/scanner/copier that was WIC.
  6. The URL paint.net is owned by Warren Paint. That is true. Our URL is getpaint.net. They used to have a landing page with links to us as well as their paint store. Now, they've replaced that with a nice web site. They still have a notice on page 2 of their intro that says "Looking for software by the same name? Try getpaint.net" but it is not clickable. They don't have to link to us, they do it just to be nice. We don't have any control over that. Now, if there is a link on this forum that points to them, just report the post and we'll fix it.
  7. The reseed button loops at 256 presses... so, you can always get clickin'! Just don't lose count in your head.
  8. You can't. Once a line is finalized it becomes part of the bitmap graphic. If you are looking for a free vector editor, try Inkscape.
  9. If you have my plugin pack installed, you can always use Effects > Object > Switch Gray to Alpha.
  10. If you want to compare 2 photos of the same size, just put one on each layer and change the top layer property to XOR blend mode. The differences will be highlighted.
  11. I imagine Photoshop pays someone to read your blog and implement all your best ideas so they don't fall too far behind you. My prediction: The next version of Photoshop will have this feature.
  12. Us mods typically move plugin requests to the General Discussion forum. If you want to post plugin ideas, questions about development, and rough versions of plugins, etc. try here: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/forum/17-plugin-developers-central/
  13. Well, don't feel bad. I've been around almost from the beginning and even I don't know them all. You might want to download the Plugin Index and do a quick search before starting a plugin. We typically don't mind someone making improvements to existing plugins. But, exact duplicates are somewhat frowned upon. There are some people around here that download EVERY plugin! FWIW, I've been enjoying your plugins so far. I've got my eye on you. You want to tackle something tough? How about a "seam carving" canvas plugin?
  14. Reminds me of http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?showtopic=2244 only adjustable. Or, is it like the panelling plugin http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?showtopic=2617 with less options.
  15. EER summed it up nicely on another thread: Or, as it says on the initial post on this thread:
  16. I find it best to always redownload plugins and Paint.NET when doing a fresh install. That way, you get all the latest plugins. Plugin authors often make changes and republish plugins. It pays to redownload every so often just to stay current.
  17. This belongs in the Pictorium http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/forum/16-the-pictorium/ Go ahead and create a post in there to show off all of your art work. Closed
  18. I think his main point is that Paint.NET should never suggest that the width or height be changed to less than 1.
  19. Effects > blur > Gaussian Blur (radius 2) Effects > noise > Median (radius 3)
  20. Actually, I think its the pizza that does that.
  21. Yeah, CodeLab is the best plugin ever. Now, I can't speak for those who write canvas plugins, but I find that actually coding a plugin is the easy part. Coming up with the idea is the hard part. In this case, I wrote it to save myself a ton of time. Any time you find yourself doing the same steps multiple times, make a note of it. If you don't have the ability to code a plugin yourself, I'm sure someone would be able to automate those steps for you.* And, thanks for the vote. *Keeping in mind the limitations of the plugin system.
  22. So, I was scanning a ton of photographs today and kept having to do the same steps to remove dust from the images. I automated it into a plugin. Enjoy. // Name: Remove Dust // Submenu: Photo // Title: BoltBait's Remove Dust v4.0 // Author: BoltBait // URL: http://BoltBait.com/pdn // Desc: Remove dust from scanned photographs // KeyWords: dust|stamp|scan|clone #region UICode byte Amount1 = 0; // [1] Dust Color|White|Black #endregion // Setup for using Lighten blend op private BinaryPixelOp lightenOp = LayerBlendModeUtil.CreateCompositionOp(LayerBlendMode.Lighten); // Setup for using Darken blend op private BinaryPixelOp darkenOp = LayerBlendModeUtil.CreateCompositionOp(LayerBlendMode.Darken); // Here is the main render loop function unsafe void Render(Surface dst, Surface src, Rectangle rect) { for (int y = rect.Top; y < rect.Bottom; y++) { if (IsCancelRequested) return; ColorBgra* prevPtr = src.GetPointAddressUnchecked(rect.Left, y); ColorBgra* srcPtr = src.GetPointAddressUnchecked(rect.Left, y); ColorBgra* dstPtr = dst.GetPointAddressUnchecked(rect.Left, y); for (int x = rect.Left; x < rect.Right; x++) { ColorBgra CurrentPixel; if (Amount1 == 0) { // Remove white dust CurrentPixel = darkenOp.Apply(*prevPtr, *srcPtr); } else { // Remove black dust CurrentPixel = lightenOp.Apply(*prevPtr, *srcPtr); } *dstPtr = CurrentPixel; prevPtr = srcPtr; srcPtr++; dstPtr++; } } } There is no UI. Just run it and the white dust specks are gone. There is now a simple UI. Select White or Black and those color specks are gone! It's not perfect. It only works on very small specks. Basically what it does is Clone Stamp them out. Install the dll in the normal way. Then, restart Paint.NET and look in Effects > Photo > Remove Dust for the effect. Download Here For Paint.NET 3.5.11: RemoveDust.zip For Paint.NET 4.0+: https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/113220-b I'm thinking "Plugin of the Year". Yes?
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