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Sozo's Old Gallery, Now Closed


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That nebulae is amazing! Looking forward to see the piece complete. :wink:

If other people request a tut too, then yes please! Even if others don't, can you post a mini tut in your gallery, like oma does?

I'll try. First I have to recreate it my self. :)

UPDATE: V2 of my as-yet-unnamed space scene:


What do you think guys? It's not done yet, anything you want to see in the finished version? I was thinking of adding a gas giant in the background, around the upper right corner.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sort of. Texture maps from Venus, Mercury, Mars, and the Moon. I've got half the solar system in there! But no, this wasn't just a download-texture-and-shape-3d-it deal. I spent the last 5 days working on this.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Yep, it's another planet [click for full view]:


Surprise. I was just experimenting today, mostly lighting, though I tried out cities (nightside) and vegetation. Still having trouble with water. See y'all later...

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I like that planet you've got there :)

Love the texture of the planet and the starscape. Also like the idea of the city lights. The only qualm I have is that when I look at the city lights on the dark half of the planet, I sorta think that that side is transparent and that I'm looking through the planet at the stars behind it :| But don't worry, it's probably just my eyes :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

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