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To Itsuka.Yamazaki.

Thats a good drawing but I think a few of the sketchlines could be emphasised more. The center of the image is great, I am talking about her right hand arm and those giant hernias.

It's great though it realy looks like it was painted.

Dear Mr 13_15_4_14_1_18

Nice picture and the backdrop is real good. What are those spikey things at the bottom right of the image?

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That's nice! ^_^

I like the sky and ground and everything XD A very interesting piece even if it isn't finished~


=0 Good work done in 5 mins ^.^

I spend a lot of time in Paint.NET to make anything look as decent like that, even avatars ^^;



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I just copied the layer and fliped it (rotated the pic)then blurred a bit and changed the opacity. Looking at it now I can see the reflections don't really look real. Oh well, it was like 4 in the morning when i made it :P


^Click to visit my Flickr Gallery^

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Just want to mention that I love Paint.net, even though some people say its foolish.

Here is My first posting


I didn't quite follow the tuts on the subject of glass orbs, but its close. I found it easier to use the wand selector on a white circle over the base image (which is original) then do a gradient effect and radial blur in 2 quick steps. followed that up by doing a glow to give it that softer look.


Take responsibility for your own intelligence. 😉 -Rick Brewster

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your sig is really good =) next time i'll post some images here.....i really need my scaner to show some stuff that i got here...

Itsuka.Yamazaki : was your banner done by you? in paint.net? how u did it? it's soooo cool some of the best i've ever seen!

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