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Image Umbrella: Abstract Images


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Bjarni - did you make that entire image in Paint.NET? Or did you use a stock? Those cracks are fantastic!

Soka that's a very sweet effect you've got going on there - maybe add a glow?

"pyrochild, you're my favorite person ever. We should go snowboarding some time."~ 007 Nab. Ish.

PDN Gallery | I Made a Deviant Art!

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@ 007 Nab , I was thinking the same I should have added some glow , perhaps I will and post it in my Gallery later thanks for the tip :wink:

@ Pikey welcome to PDN , I like the colors very nice work :D

@ Briamoth ha ha , looks like we had the same Idea , I some how made the same effect this afternoon only to go farther and made something else . But that is a cool outcome , maybe try it with some colors next time .

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@ Briamoth: Thanks for the remarks. Really starting to get into it, will be more to come soon hopefully

@ Sokagirl: Cheers, appreciated. Thanks for the welcome; still getting to grips with it, but fairly confident I'll use it as my default package soon enough

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@ sokagirl. Very pretty design. Maybe a touch more yellow or red might liven it up a little?

This is something I did a while back. I thought it might work with something else but never got around to using it. I looked at it tonight and thought, it looks fine as it is. Sometimes it takes a little longer to make peace with an image than others.



SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

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Thanks Possum , your new piece looks amazing .. Reminds me of a spinning top :D

Lol that's exactly what I thought. I really like your last piece, heck I like everything you do, but it has given me an idea for an image in the future.

@ Bjarni That is so cool ! I Love it. I can't figure out how you did it. :shock: Very very nice piece.


SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

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