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Image Umbrella: Abstract Images


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@Oma , thank you :D

@Possum Roadkill , thanks . I made it using the hexagons and glass blocks :P one of those things they tell you that you can stumble upon while playing with the effects :lol: I love your orb it's beautiful as always I enjoy looking at your work .

Oooh ! Ok ! I can see it now. Great idea ! I'll give it a try as well. That is one of the things that I love to do, experiment ! Thanks for your compliment, I did think it was one of my better orbs and it too came out of experimentation. And I enjoy your work also ! You have a good imagination, turn it up and, turn it loose !


SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

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Thanks Possum Roadkill :P because I went back to make my signature and this thing that if you look closely it sort of looks like students with books , or is it just my eyes playing tricks on me :lol: I made those with the Kaleidoscope Generator and Gradient mapping to get the color then for the signature the same thing except I did the outline object and used additive I think . I don't think many people use those effects much ? I don't know


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Thanks Possum Roadkill :P because I went back to make my signature and this thing that if you look closely it sort of looks like students with books , or is it just my eyes playing tricks on me :lol: I made those with the Kaleidoscope Generator and Gradient mapping to get the color then for the signature the same thing except I did the outline object and used additive I think . I don't think many people use those effects much ? I don't know

I see students at desks reading open books ! This is AWESOME ! Great job ! It's so detailed and has such depth.


SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

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really nice sokagirl

well, I tried to redo my other abstract with a bigger image, but since i just screw around until it looks cool, I can't remember exactly what I did. So its changed a bit but hopefully for the better





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@ Sokagirl You are welcome ! Keep up the good work. I read where you deleted your gallery. Oh NO ! You really should put it back up. It has really helped me to have a gallery because people stop in and give suggestions to other pieces and tell you what they do like. It also helps to gauge your progress over time. Sometimes when we do a piece, we don't see it in the same way that other people do and it's really a great learning experience to hear from them what part of an image they see as important. It also gives inspiration to the younger (?) artists. You never know where inspiration will come from and everyone can learn something from anybody. You just never know. :shock:

@ Breathe Very nice, I agree with Sokagirl the colors are much more vibrant. One addition I would make would be do slightly blur or fade the edges of the object so it melts/blends into the background. Maybe a gradient blur or a radial transparency. Still, very nice !


SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

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yeah i see how that could help. I'll post one with blurred edges and some more tweaks later

Great ! I can't wait to see it.

This is something I did this morning while playing around with blurs, layers, blends and other stuff.



SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

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@ Possum Roadkill OMG ! :shock: you never cease to amaze me :P I'll give it a thought about the Gallery maybe someday when I create more things other than signatures .. How did you get those swirly lines ??

The swirl in the middle was pretty much just random lines (curves, connected) blurred and swirled, and....uh I can't remember which blend mode, I'll have to look it up. The larger lines were pretty much the same thing but were stretched, moved and not swirled (and....uh I can't remember which blend mode, sorry I just got out of bed and haven't finished my coffee, I'm old and don't function well without it).


SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

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