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PDN free-handing Drawing Contest! Topic Updated!

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So after some thought and some out loud discussion I thought maybe I'd attempt to try out this contest, please let me know what you think.

The concept of the contest is to express art work through your own talent and only your own, I understand how much talent it takes to use some of these plug-ins and such, but I believe is a different sort of talent. There-fore the purpose of this contest is to free hand drawings on PDN then vote on whose you like the best. My definition of free handing is: you may only use the pencil tool, lines/curves. Then I'm going to allow the gradient tool because its a convince. Then of course the paint bucket etc.. Every week a topic will be decided by the community, this first one i will choice to show an example and to get things started.

The PDN Free-Hand Drawing Contest Rules!

If your entry breaks any of the rules it will be disqualified.


* Max Size: 1280 X 968

* No inappropriate language, picture, et cetera.

* The image you make must only be made with the tools.

* Image must follow the set theme.

* Only one entry per person and no modifications to your image are allowed after

submitting your entry.

* No Models/Stocks are allowed. This is simply to be drawn using your imagination

* You are allowed one post in this topic. The post must include your image.

*No Plug-ins allowed! None what so ever. No exceptions.

*Of course it must be 100% PDN.




Many thanks to jerkfight and pyjo for helping to write these rules ^^!!!


Votes will be accepted in the form of PMs to me (k.digennaro) because of the amount of entries so far every one will get 2 votes, you must vote for your favorite two, and can not vote for your own. Votes must be in by the 29th of February, mid day ill get on and announce the winner.

This weeks Topic

Jurassic Age- Dinosaurs, etc., if youre not sure wats allowed to be drawn either google Jurassic age or just ask

The Dead line will be the Saturday the 9th at 12am (Pyjo this is your topic so i really would love to have you in the contest, let me know when you coming back in town, maybe i can extend the deadline).

*please let me know if i forgot anything (ill post my image to give a guideline, im almost done with it)

Post Away!

* Many thanks to sticking this topic :mrgreen:

Edit: As requested I have created a thread strickly toward the discusion and questions about this contest http://paintdotnet.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=22155&st=0&sk=t&sd=a. Thanks! ~Kevin~

Edit: Link fixed (sorry bout that)

Contest Winners!

Week 1 Automotives




To be honest people took this contest a lot further than i was thinking, this is a good thing :mrgreen:. When i drew my picture i didnt draw a background or clean it up cus i didnt think any one else was going to, boy was i wrong. I was really impressed by some of the drawing talent PDN's community has.

Our winner is PYJO


Support Our Troops, End The War

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Edit: As requested I have created a thread strickly toward the discusion and questions about this contest viewtopic.php?f=12&t=22117&st=0&sk=t&sd=a. Thanks! ~Kevin~

is it just me or is that link just the same as this page? :? :?:

It's not just you.

You want this page. >_> viewtopic.php?f=12&t=22155

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i apologize guys, ive been having a hard getting on PDN i was having fire wall issues, but im back up and running.

Sorry about the wrong link, the mods changed it around when they sticked it, ill be sure to fix it.

Mods don't change anything when we sticky stuff. In fact, we can't even sticky from the edit page. We have a drop-down menu on the forum index page that lets us do several different things.

However, phpBB3 did some odd stuff when I was moving some stuff out of this page and (theoretically) into the discussion thread. It lost several posts, and I sincerely apologize for that.


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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im extremely pleased with this contest :mrgreen:, every one has really done a great job so far, im surprised at some of these drawings. I hope to see more drawings like this in the pictorium, etc. I do about 90% percent of my work free hand, so i love to see others free hand.

Thanks for all the involement, and a special thanks to Pyjo for helping with the rules!



Support Our Troops, End The War

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R3VENGE, thanks for the entry, looking good, gradients are allowed, feel free to edit your drawing if you want, for now ill post it as an entry.

Just a quick reminder the contest ends the January 24th, therefor as long as you your entry in by 11:59 it will be accepted, voting will then start the next day.

Votes will be accepted in the form of PMs to k.digennaro, ill post more info about the voting process in a day or so.




Support Our Troops, End The War

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i can't believe im posting this..


a bit childish i know. lol. but it was fun to make! :mrgreen::mrgreen:

it was really a challenge to not use any kind of effect. i mean, when i do my creations, i go straight to the effects tab and fire away. it never dawned to me of what the tools option could do.

i mean look at pyjo's work :) astounding!

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i can't believe im posting this..


a bit childish i know. lol. but it was fun to make! :mrgreen::mrgreen:

it was really a challenge to not use any kind of effect. i mean, when i do my creations, i go straight to the effects tab and fire away. it never dawned to me of what the tools option could do.

i mean look at pyjo's work :) astounding!

very nice aile, i was drawing monsters last night lol, ill post them later lol


Support Our Troops, End The War

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I know I am hopeless in free drawing but I had lot of fun in doing this (I hand-drawed the ice-cream truck, while I got some help - err a lot of help actually! - from webdings for the background) I just wish I saw this contest earlier than yesterday (but that does not necessary mean that I would have been able to do any better :lol: !)


:oops: I realized now the deadline is february 24th not january! :oops:

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