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Paint.NET v3.10 Beta 2 is now available

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The new paintbrush size of 500 is not available on my notebook after the Beta 2 Release installed itself. Maximum still of 100 only.

Right now, the drop-down only populates to 100. Type in a larger number, or keep [Ctrl]-Clicking the [+] button and you'll get to make it bigger.

I am not a mechanism, I am part of the resistance;

I am an organism, an animal, a creature, I am a beast.

~ Becoming the Archetype

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Right now, the drop-down only populates to 100. Type in a larger number, or keep [Ctrl]-Clicking the [+] button and you'll get to make it bigger.

I didn't know that, tried it but ctrl+[+] doesn't work for me??

EDIT: ctrl + [ or ] does work,

not ctrl + clicking the + or -


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• Fixed: Adding a new layer now adds it above the currently active layer instead of at the very top of the layer list

• Fixed: Merge Down now activates the merged layer instead of the one above it

Totally neat!

No. Way. I've just seen Bob. And... *poof!*—just like that—he disappears into the mist again. ~Helio

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EDIT: ctrl + [ or ] does work,

not ctrl + clicking the + or -

Hmm.. You have the latest Beta, correct? Because I downloaded last night, and it functions as advertised here.

I am not a mechanism, I am part of the resistance;

I am an organism, an animal, a creature, I am a beast.

~ Becoming the Archetype

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ctrl + [ or ] works for me, ctrl + -+ zooms.

[ or ] increases/descreases by 1, ctrl and those does so by 5.

btw the mouseover tooltip says to use bracket or ctrl bracket so it is right.

EDIT: ctrl + [ or ] does work,

not ctrl + clicking the + or -

Hmm.. You have the latest Beta, correct? Because I downloaded last night, and it functions as advertised here.

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Sorry, I didn't mean the [+] key, but the [+] button next to the Brush Size drop-down. Holding [Ctrl] while clicking on that should raise the brush size by 5.

I am not a mechanism, I am part of the resistance;

I am an organism, an animal, a creature, I am a beast.

~ Becoming the Archetype

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That is up to the original plugin authors to take advantage of. You can expect an update of my plugins soon...

Thank you very much. :D

This is up to the plugin authors to implement. You'll have to ask them for a new version of their DLL(s).

Too bad, at the moment the sensless submenus are the most disturbing thing by far (as Paint.Net has almost 0 disturbing things :) )and I don't think every developer will change them. But I see that it can't be done and I understand that this isn't Rick's fault.

Maybe there should be an announcement or something in the plugin forum so everybody gets informed about the new submenu-system.

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Yeah, I'm having a problem with the help file as well, it launches in IE7 yet my default browser is FF, even set in Set Program Access and Defaults and it still launches in IE7. I can't tell you if it happened in the previous Beta, though.

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It's not just the help page that's launching in Internet Explorer, it's all of the items in the Help menu that open a browser. Help Topics, Paint.NET Website, Donate..., Forum, Tutorials, and Plugins all do. Also the donate links elsewhere in the program, such as in the save config dialogs.

Remember, Rick, that people are likely to be more generous if you are opening the Donation page in a browser that doesn't drive them to pull large clumps of hair out of their scalp. Also, many people probably have their PayPal or credit card information saved in their default browser, not IE.

Keep that in mind ;)


ambigram signature by Kemaru

[i write plugins and stuff]

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Remember, Rick, that people are likely to be more generous if you are opening the Donation page in a browser that doesn't drive them to pull large clumps of hair out of their scalp. Also, many people probably have their PayPal or credit card information saved in their default browser, not IE.

Keep that in mind ;)

I'm quite aware of this. Remember, I don't make things like this broken on purpose. The intent is in fact to make sure that the default browser is launched. This is actually a pretty nasty thing to implement 100% correctly in Windows for many reasons.

Do you by any chance have UAC turned off? (do you ever get those "click to continue" permission dialogs?)

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Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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Do you by any chance have UAC turned off? (do you ever get those "click to continue" permission dialogs?)

For anything Paint.NET related --including plugin development-- I mostly use my desktop PC which runs XP. It's a royal pain to work with images or code with a touchpad, at least for me. So obviously no UAC on there. On my laptop, though, I did disable UAC. Why?


I'm not even sure that question was directed at me...


ambigram signature by Kemaru

[i write plugins and stuff]

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Because if UAC is disabled then the shell is also running with admin privilege, which might be thwarting some of the weird security API's I'm using.

On a side note, I strongly recommend leaving UAC enabled. If the prompts bug you (which is understandable), then just disable the prompts through the group policy editor. That way you still get the benefits of minimum privilege and isolation (i.e. not everything is running w/ admin privilege!).

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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Ok, this is important.

If the help menu web links are not working for you, download this ZIP file: http://www.getpaint.net/misc/PaintDotNe ... 2780.A.zip Edit: fixed 404 url

Extract it to your installation directory. You will be asked to overwrite the existing PaintDotNet.SystemLayer.dll file -- click Yes (or Overwrite or whatever the appropriate response is).

Next, start Paint.NET and try to launch the help file from the help menu. It will either work, or it will present a dialog box showing some cryptic error message. If you get an error message, press Ctrl+C which will copy that error text to the clipboard. Then, reply to this thread and paste it (Ctrl+V) into your post.

Also, if it works now but it didn't before, then please reply and state that as well.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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Checked the Adjustments drop-down menu and found 3 Curves (2 Curves+ and 1 Curve) options.

Checked the adjustments subdirectory and only found one .dll. Anywhere else I should search?

Another query - downloaded the latest version from getpaint.net and found that the brush size problem remains unchanged - is this problem only for some users as someone said the updated prog works as claimed.

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Checked the Adjustments drop-down menu and found 3 Curves (2 Curves+ and 1 Curve) options.

Checked the adjustments subdirectory and only found one .dll. Anywhere else I should search?

Another query - downloaded the latest version from getpaint.net and found that the brush size problem remains unchanged - is this problem only for some users as someone said the updated prog works as claimed.

I'm not seeing either of those problems in Beta2. Maybe your installation got screwy somehow. Try a full reinstall. First uninstall it, then check the Program Files directory to make sure the Paint.NET folder is gone. Reboot, redownload, and reinstall.

'Tis what I would do, anyway.


ambigram signature by Kemaru

[i write plugins and stuff]

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Checked the Adjustments drop-down menu and found 3 Curves (2 Curves+ and 1 Curve) options.

Checked the adjustments subdirectory and only found one .dll. Anywhere else I should search?

Another query - downloaded the latest version from getpaint.net and found that the brush size problem remains unchanged - is this problem only for some users as someone said the updated prog works as claimed.

What do you mean by "brush size problem" ? The dropdown only goes up to 100, but you can type whatever number you want in there, or use the +/- buttons to go higher than 100. Are you simply referring to the dropdown list?

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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Is it supposed to remain at 100, and if the users wish a larger size they have to type in the size? If so, nothing's wrong.

That is what it is supposed to be like, so yes, nothing wrong. Rick, are there any plans for extending the drop down or are you remaining with the current maximum of 100? Maybe in increments of 50 or 100's?

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