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v3.5.11 policy?

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Pdn4 has landed! - everyone that can update, should!

However, is it wise to remove access to the safe (virus free & legal) 3.5.11 and plugins that work with it?
Would it not be possible to move all 3.5.11 compatible only plugin versions and a 3.5.11 download link to dedicated 'archive' thread?. This thread could also be used to extol the benefits of v4 and explain that v3.5.11 is no longer supported and user questions won't be answered.

The reason: Users that cannot install v4 will simply go to that Australian pirate site, get malware and blame Pdn.
Yes XP is obsolete, Vista and Win7 (without SP1) are not. Additionally, Pdn is ideal for new users and younger people to learn about computer graphics - these are exactly the people who won't have the latest hardware or the experience to avoid bogus sites.

Please do consider.

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Red ochre Plugin pack.............. Diabolical Drawings ................Real Paintings



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Next edition of the Plugin Index will flag plugins which are incompatible with 4.0x.  There are relatively few of them.


Once the new edition is out I'll visit each of those plugin threads and apply a note to say that "this plugin will not work with Paint.NET 4.0".


There is a whole host of older plugins which do work with 4.0x.  I'll leave these alone as users should be safe to continue installing & using them.

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I was more concerned that older plugins that work with 3.5.11 will be deleted and replaced with ones targeting 4.NET - so will no longer work with 3.5.11  - lost forever! (but available on pirate sites). If they were stored on an 'archive' type thread this would be safer and shouldn't impact on the uptake of 4.

Many thanks for maintaining the plugin index, it is always extremely useful.


Red ochre Plugin pack.............. Diabolical Drawings ................Real Paintings



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We have discussed briefly our policy about 3.5.11 as a whole - to my recollection, Rick didn't make a final decision (or at least, proclamation) about when we would cut off all support for 3.5.11 on the forum.  We will keep you all informed, though.  And the rules will be updated when we know.


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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I'm advocating plugin authors release new versions of their plugins in a new thread if they are not backward compatible.  This way both versions remain available.  Someday we may need to lock the 3.5.11 version - but it would remain here until then.


If an updated plugin works with both 3.5.11 and 4.0x then a single thread should do.  Authors should make it clear which versions of their plugin work with which version of PDN.


I have copies of almost everything released on the forum.  Nothing should be lost.

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If you are using Visual Studio it is possible to build plugins that work with 4.0 using the references from 3.5.11.

The one problem is that in order to debug your plugin you must temporarily switch the target framework to 4.0 so that the debugger will hit any breakpoints you have set (and remember to change the target framework back to 3.5 before releasing it).


Plugin Pack | PSFilterPdn | Content Aware Fill | G'MICPaint Shop Pro Filetype | RAW Filetype | WebP Filetype

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Pdn4 has landed! - everyone that can update, should!

However, is it wise to remove access to the safe (virus free & legal) 3.5.11 and plugins that work with it?

Would it not be possible to move all 3.5.11 compatible only plugin versions and a 3.5.11 download link to dedicated 'archive' thread?. This thread could also be used to extol the benefits of v4 and explain that v3.5.11 is no longer supported and user questions won't be answered.

The reason: Users that cannot install v4 will simply go to that Australian pirate site, get malware and blame Pdn.

Yes XP is obsolete, Vista and Win7 (without SP1) are not. Additionally, Pdn is ideal for new users and younger people to learn about computer graphics - these are exactly the people who won't have the latest hardware or the experience to avoid bogus sites.

Please do consider.



Red ochre! Thank you for the clarification. (but available on pirate sites) Never, never, never. 

Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.




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