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paint.net 4.0 alpha build 5034

Rick Brewster

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Details, please.


Can you post the crash log information and a specific list of steps to recreate the crash?


Just did it again. So, I simply used the magic wand to highlight the area I did not want to work with, inverted the selection to only have it surrounding the image I wanted to feather, went to effects, selection, feather. And as soon as I attempt to adjust the feather strength, it crashes. If I do not attempt to change it, but only hit "okay", it crashed as well. Crash log attached.


EDIT---crash log attached


Edited by dmd7978


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I've only found one bug so far: drawing on an invisible layer causes 128x128px blocks to appear and you can see what you're drawing. It doesn't cause any trouble, but it is a bit odd.

I think this is my favorite bug so far :) It's kind of hilarious.

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Bug- Unable to drop a png file onto a window and "add layer". When I click it it does nothing. No image placed. Also, the selection box stays orbiting another image layer.




EDIT---- think I figured it out. It only won't add the image layer if there is a selection box already open. I closed it and now it will allow the layer to be added.

Edited by dmd7978


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Bug? Arrow keys no longer function when  trying to "drag"/move a layer in a selection box.




EDIT----Bug - No longer defaults to 32bit when saving .png files



Bug--- when pressing CTL+W wo close an open window, half the time it just closes the layer and leaves the image window open




EDIT---CRASH on "Color Match"- Went to adjustments, clicked color match. the window came up and when I clicked browse it crashed. Log is attached


Edited by dmd7978


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I've found another weird behavior: the new "help" menu does not react like a regular menu.


Steps to reproduce:

- click the "?" menu

- move your mouse to the left

- the dropdown menu disappears (which it should not)

- then, without clicking anywhere, move the mouse back to the right so that it hovers the "?"

- the dropdown menu appears again...


To summarize, it appears one has to be very careful not exiting the "?" area once he has clicked and go right to the dropdown otherwise it disappears. By comparison, the Effects menu - which is a regular menu - behaves normally: when going too far to the right after the click, the dropdown remains opened and you can go back to it and click a menu entry.


Hope this helps.


I noticed this too and it is really annoying. I even made a screenshot to illustrate it. The case is, after clicking the Help button, I tend to move mouse pointer diagonally in the bottom left direction (shown in red), which makes menu disappear. 

Only when carefully moving mouse as shown in green I can effectively reach a menu item. 



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EDIT----Bug - No longer defaults to 32bit when saving .png files


That's not a bug. The default has always been "Auto". The settings/preferences from 3.5 do not migrate to 4.0, it's a clean slate.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

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I noticed this too and it is really annoying. I even made a screenshot to illustrate it. The case is, after clicking the Help button, I tend to move mouse pointer diagonally in the bottom left direction (shown in red), which makes menu disappear. 

Only when carefully moving mouse as shown in green I can effectively reach a menu item. 




An image worth a hundred words... 

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Localization BUG:


Apparently, the string used to log layer opacity changes in the History is made by simply concatenating the strings 'Layer' and 'Opacity'. I got to this conclusion by searching the entire .resx files (both: english and pt-br) finding no trace of 'Layer Opacity' or its translated couterpart 'Camada Opacidade'.


Although the concatenation solution does work in english, it may not work for other languages. For instance, in portuguese, the correct translation in this case would be 'Opacidade da camada'. Probably other latin languages like spanish, italian and french will have the same issue.



Edit: I just found out the same applies to other layer properties, i.e., Layer Name, Layer Visibility and Layer Blend Mode

Edited by gege
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Just did it again. So, I simply used the magic wand to highlight the area I did not want to work with, inverted the selection to only have it surrounding the image I wanted to feather, went to effects, selection, feather. And as soon as I attempt to adjust the feather strength, it crashes. If I do not attempt to change it, but only hit "okay", it crashed as well. Crash log attached.


EDIT---crash log attached


Your crash log says:



Exception details:

System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'System.Drawing.Size PaintDotNet.Utility.ComputeThumbnailSize(System.Drawing.Size, Int32)'.

   at SBCommon.Controls.PanControl.RefreshDragAreaRect()

   at SBCommon.Controls.PanControl.OnSizeChanged(EventArgs e)

   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.UpdateBounds(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 clientWidth, Int32 clientHeight)

   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.UpdateBounds(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height)

   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.SetBoundsCore(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height, BoundsSpecified specified)

   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.SetBounds(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height, BoundsSpecified specified)

   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.set_Size(Size value)

   at SBCommon.Controls.PanControl.InitializeComponent()

   at SBCommon.Controls.PanControl..ctor()

   at EditableText.EditableTextDialog.OnLoad(EventArgs e) in G:\Documents\WorkingCode\upload\EditableText\EditableTextDialog.cs:line 55

   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateControl(Boolean fIgnoreVisible)

   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateControl()

   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmShowWindow(Message& m)

   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)

   at System.Windows.Forms.Form.WndProc(Message& m)

   at PaintDotNet.PdnBaseForm.WndProc(Message& m) in D:\src\pdn\paintdotnet\src\Core\PdnBaseForm.cs:line 1559

   at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)




Which is weird since the Feather plugin does not include a pan control.  It looks to me that you're using an Editable Text plugin, not a feather plugin.

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That's not a bug. The default has always been "Auto". The settings/preferences from 3.5 do not migrate to 4.0, it's a clean slate.



What "settings/preferences"? I don't recall ever seeing a settings or preferences windows in pdn. If you mean that by last configuration used when you closed the app last, that still isn't working. I almost never had to manually select 32bit on 3.5. I have saved thousands of png files and this is something that really really slows down the process without being able to CTL+shift+S, name file, then tap Enter key rapidly until it goes through and saves. Now I have to pause and manually select it. I have to do it, literally, every time. i very often have dozens of images that I edit and then leave open until i am ready to save them all. I just use keyboard shortcuts and rapidly close them all out. This halts that practice. I have closed pdn and re-opened and still nothing. It  definitely is SOME type of bug, unless the functionality was written out of this build, which I doubt.


Either way, can you tell me how to "configure" it? (I'[m telling you, I  have never seen a conf------oh, wait, is it in an ini file or something?) Thanks.


Anyway, regardless of little issues, this build fn rocks, big time. You guys kicked arse. WAY improved. The magic wand, while having some issues right now, I can totally tell is vastly superior.  The layer window has become  NOT my most hated component to any software, anywhere, anymore, but one that is now a pleasantry. No bug could ever be as big or as scary as the layer window used to be. Overall speed is greatly improved too. Much quicker response.. Not sure about the proximity rotation aspect instead of right click but never know. All in all, so far, this is about the single best feature and function upgrade I have ever seen with the new build of a program. And it is still alpha.

Edited by dmd7978


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I use paint.net for quick gfx edits so I was anxious to try out the 4.0 version since its early stages (at least considering its public versions). But there are a couple of things that bug me in the alpha version so I thought I'd register and report them:

- big chunk of my usual actions is to select a rectangular area with "fixed ratio" set and then cropping to selection (ctrl+shift+x); with 4.0 when I select an area and crop it immediately, the lowest row of pixels in the resulting image is empty (fully transparent so that checkerboard shows); I usually use 392x116 ratio and select areas slightly bigger - in pixels - that his ratio; something can be wrong with rounding numbers, it worked flawlessly in 3.x even with such non-typical ratios; unfortunately this behavior is not 100% reproducible, I get such a blank row once per 3-4 times but it's consistent enough to be problematic;

- sometimes I cannot switch to paint.net window other than the first window in the taskbar flyout (I use Win8); I can reproduce it if I copy an image from Google Chrome, paste it into paint.net, switch back again to Chrome and then try to return to paint.net through taskbar button.

- not a bug: when I paste something on the picture, I would like cursors to move the pasted image, it worked this way in 3.x; in 4.x I have to click in right-bottom corner on the button with arrows and only then the program registers pressing cursor keys moving the image; couldn't it happen by default though?


And I quietly hoped for this suggestion: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/6297-growshrink-selection-suggestion/ to be implemented. Maybe sometimes in the future? :)


Other than this, great release, thanks a lot for your work on the program!

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Translation things:

  • SettingsDialog.Plugins.SupportInfo.Copyright.Format appears to be not translated.
    (See attached screen capture)
    Faulty reference in source code?
  • The additional localization files in subfolder "Resources" are no longer used?
  • paint.net does not yet scan for PaintDotNet.Strings.4.*.resources files
  • paint.net appears to have undergone a name change: no capitals.
    Does this apply to ALL instances of the name, including at the start of a sentence?

Otherwise no problems updating the Dutch translation.
When would be the appropriate time to share them on the forum?




Edited by StephanP
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That copyright isn't translated because it's coming straight from the plugin DLL.


You'll have to explain what problem you're seeing with the Resources folder -- they are certainly supposed to still be in use.


String."4" isn't a thing. It's still just 3.


And yes, "Paint.NET" is now "paint.net" in all instances.


You can share your Dutch translation whenever you'd like, just mark it as being for version 4.0. 

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

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I downloaded the alpha on Friday and played around with it for a bit. I did not see any appreciable bug or glitch, then again, I am not a beta tester so I wouldn't know what exactly to look for.  As a precautionary measure, I took out all the plug-ins and moved them to a temporary folder on the hard drive.


Additionally, I am running the alpha on Windows 8 Pro, and everything is running smoothly as can be.  I would say one thing, when running Gaussian blur at 200 pixels, it isn't a chore for my laptop to render the blur.  Well done, Rick.  Keep it up.




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I cant describe it but sometimes my magic wand totally trips out, it would select an area not even remotely close to what i wanted, seems like others are having this issue, i dont know how i caused it though 


"Seems like others are having this issue" ... hmm .... who? Where was this discussed?


Maybe you can capture a video or something?

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I believe he may be talking about the bug with transparency.

Or it's the one where the magic wand randomly decides to select a rectangle.

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No, Paint.NET is not spyware...but, installing it is an IQ test. ~BoltBait

Blend modes are like the filling in your sandwich. It's the filling that can change your experience of the sandwich. ~Ego Eram Reputo

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