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DrewDale's Images - Updated Dec 26. 2014


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I could have sworn I had commented on your gallery before, but apparently, I was mistaken.  Well, it's time to remedy that.


You've got some very strong works here, Drew.  I've been away from the forums for a while, so I'm a little unfamiliar with this ClipWarp thing (is that a plugin?), but I'm digging the results I'm seeing and you seem to make judicious use of it.


I look forward to seeing more from you.

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Drew, please no beach images right now. I've been wanting to go to the beach ever since summer ended. I miss it so much. Amazing image, by the way. It's beautiful and simple.


@Daniels: Well, the American English language DOES have cool words, but no one really uses them for some reason. 

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@ Daniels - We have some really splendid & spiffing words here that sadly hardly ever get used :lol: (its all street slang now unfortunately) Although Cockney rhyming slang is pretty neat ;) 


@ Helen - After our long and drawn out winter I for one am looking forward to a paddle in the sea and a beach bbq this summer :D 


@ Daniels, Helen and Barbieq25 - Thanks for your feedback as always it is most welcome.  :star:



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Thanking you kindly Barbieq25. B)

When I typed out the first layer of text, I made a duplicate of it, then un-ticked it,  - did the  clipwarp / Bevel objects treatment on the top text (using the original background image as the source)  Then I used a heavy dose of zoom blur on the background image, made the duplicate text layer visible again, flipped it and ran clipwarp and Bevel objects on the zoom blur image (following the same settings as the top text layer)  then just added some drop shadow to it. Happy you like the result :)

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