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Making a Jewel


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Burngirl; Just so you know, there is 800pixel limit on the dimensions of posted images (Rule #29).

Can you please resize the images or post a link to them (as I have done in your post above). Thanks!


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NMD - needs a bit of backfill to get the edges smooth on the jewel but I really like your work. Really great concept!

Burngirl, glad you have persisted. You can use any background at all or none too like NDM. I love the jewel. You did well!


Knowledge is no burden to carry.


April Jones, 2012

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  • 2 months later...


I joined the forums specifically to reply to this tutorial as I think some of the outcomes are just outstanding! I am however having troubles following some of the tutorial, specifically around Step 24 where you start mentioning the layers by other names? Would it be possible (pretty please) to include names on the layers when you create them and then refer to the names in the later steps? I will mention that I am fairly nooby and have just been completing some of the more basic tutorials on here.

Thank you.

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Ah, I see...the golden circle text & the wire frame are one & the same. The name changes because I am slowly getting the reader used to the idea that the text becomes the wire frame or the fancy/filigree part of the jewel.

I mostly never name my layers as when they are merged the names change anyway & sometimes this can be even more confusing. I have edited the steps to try & make it a bit easier. This tute is a couple of steps up from the beginner level, so you are doing very well. There are a lot of layers & a lot of steps to follow. When I first started I printed them all so that I could work on the image & tick off the steps as I went along.


Knowledge is no burden to carry.


April Jones, 2012

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Hi barbieq,

Thank you so much for explaining it a little more to the simple folks like meself. I managed to finish your tutorial (although the result didn't end up quite like yours). I'll try different images, and text etc next time (small steps at first haha).

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No matter how the image turns out you always learn something new. I never think of others as simple - just that we all have skills in different areas & the potential to learn. Looking forward to seeing some of your finished works. Always happy to help.


Knowledge is no burden to carry.


April Jones, 2012

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Awesome jewel cryocat!

The best solution to posting images is not to attach them to your posts. Instead upload them to an image hosting site (PhotoBucket, ImageShack, et al) and use the link from that site in your post. Like this:

Attaching images to your post will very quickly exhaust your available space limit.

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I love the background & what you did with your name in it.

I'd say that your starting canvas size was the problem which makes the settings all wrong. Try it again with the size stated & then:

1. Hide all the layers for the background.

2. Flatten the image CTRL + SHIFT + F

3. Open a new image in the size that you want your sig to be. Add a new layer.

4. Go back to the first image & copy the flattened image (CTRL + A then CTRL + C).

5. On the new layer on the sig size canvas, paste the copied image. When it asks if you want to keep the canvas size, yes you do.

6. Grab the resize handles & resize the copied image & position as desired.

7. Go back to the merged image & undo the flatten.

8. Copy the individual layers that make up the background, again resizing as before.

Now you know why I never say to flatten the image at the end. Leave as many layers intact as possible so that you can continue to manipulate & use elements that you like. It's like having your own stock to use as you like. For example, the highlight you did is great & you could save the highlight on a new layer with a black background layer underneath so you can see what it is & keep it in a folder for highlights & sparkly bits & the gold wire frame for using with other gems. No need to reinvent the wheel. :lol:

Hope this helps others too :black:


Knowledge is no burden to carry.


April Jones, 2012

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I love the background & what you did with your name in it.

I'd say that your starting canvas size was the problem which makes the settings all wrong. Try it again with the size stated & then:

1. Hide all the layers for the background.

2. Flatten the image CTRL + SHIFT + F

3. Open a new image in the size that you want your sig to be. Add a new layer.

4. Go back to the first image & copy the flattened image (CTRL + A then CTRL + C).

5. On the new layer on the sig size canvas, paste the copied image. When it asks if you want to keep the canvas size, yes you do.

6. Grab the resize handles & resize the copied image & position as desired.

7. Go back to the merged image & undo the flatten.

8. Copy the individual layers that make up the background, again resizing as before.

Now you know why I never say to flatten the image at the end. Leave as many layers intact as possible so that you can continue to manipulate & use elements that you like. It's like having your own stock to use as you like. For example, the highlight you did is great & you could save the highlight on a new layer with a black background layer underneath so you can see what it is & keep it in a folder for highlights & sparkly bits & the gold wire frame for using with other gems. No need to reinvent the wheel. :lol:

Hope this helps others too :black:

Hm... it's a good thing that I kept one as a .pdn and another as a .png

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  • 5 months later...

A great, easy tutorial with a great result. I played with it a lot, and ended up with a rather different gold frame because of the differences in font. (The highlighting was way too strong, etc.)

This is my take.


'Civil disobedience is still disobedience.'


'↑ And that is how you confuse an atomic computer. ↑'


▬ Xžε⌐¡z○╖

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A nice take on the tute. You can see how learning something that is unrelated can help you with what you are currently working with. Think about how this can help with the weapons?

It is important with this one to have the 3200 x 2400 starting canvas - that is why you got different highlights etc too, not just the font. Also when you Gaussian Blur that is why you got a not-so-clear frame. I like the splashy bits around the frame too.


Knowledge is no burden to carry.


April Jones, 2012

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Ok, attached to this post should be the .PNG file for the ball highlight. I am not that good with attaching stuff & links etc. but I think it has worked. It looks like there is nothing there because it is white & the forum background is white (at least on Mine).

Open the file in Paint.NET, Ctrl + A, Ctrl + C. Open the jewel image, add a new layer & Ctrl + V to paste it. Let me know how you go with it. Jewel looks great. Love the colours.

Please feel free to use the ball anytime.

Thank you for the glossy ball.

By the way, great tut. I am impressed by the intricate design. :):)

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A great, easy tutorial with a great result. I played with it a lot, and ended up with a rather different gold frame because of the differences in font. (The highlighting was way too strong, etc.)

This is my take.


Looks like a (power) metal disc. I like it. How did you metallise it?

Edited by Yusuf Zah
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Heres another effort. I'm still not sure how to post better images though.

Hi barbieq,

Thank you so much for explaining it a little more to the simple folks like meself. I managed to finish your tutorial (although the result didn't end up quite like yours). I'll try different images, and text etc next time (small steps at first haha).

Looks good anyway. Sit back and enjoy!

Here's my go at it!


Wow, how did you implement a ninja weapon into the jewel? Great work but is it possible to ant-alias the sharp areas. It is alright if you can't. ;)

Hi Barbieq - Thank you for this amazing tutorial which I'd been longing for. I made three attempts, mainly to choose colours, and then had one gigantic crash ....... but fortunatley I had somehow saved the jewel. One area I was a bit confused with was at step 30 where you say "On topmost flag use Drop Shadow at max width and blur, twice. Do you mean the Blur radius to be used on max?

Thanks for the great tute :D Congratulations on the Sticky :)


Violet and pink combo. What can I say? Great effort. :)

Thanks barbieq.

This tutorial is very helpful, and long awaited. :)


Sarkut, you should really let others know how you created such an intricate design. That silky effect is simply amazing. How did you create sparkles and reflections on your jewel. Exemplary work. :)

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Here is a simple adjustment to turn a gold ring into a silver one.

Turn the saturation to zero (on your jewel and ring layers) and your ring will be silver whilst retain the qualities you produced.

WARNING: First make a copy of your jewel with a gold ring before making it silver. The desaturation effect can not be undone after you save it. If you have a copy, you are alright.

Note to those who didn't follow the warning.

Use colour filter to try and revive as much colour as possible.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Barbie,

Just thought I would stop by and break up the monotony,lol. ;)

It's been awhile since I first did your tut,the very first successful tut I did,lol but I still make one from time to time. I figured I would stop by and show you one I made starting with a shaped gradient for the jewel and the rest kept coming,lol.




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