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centralized means for plugin distribution

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I've edited my post. The poll is closed; I'm just asking if any forum members have any ideas on better organizing plugins.

Edited by jerry533482

Space...The Final Frontier. -James Tiberius Kirk; circa 2260s


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Boltbait, I have heard numerous times that plugins shouldn't be redistributed without permission. I agree, but I'm curious as to how many plugin authors actually disagree with it. I'm not making this post for copying any plugins myself, but to clear the inconsistencies on the situation. And to help Rick get an idea on whether or not organizing plugins for v4.0 is a good idea or not.

Regarding me writing plugins, I haven't written any.

And regarding CommanderSozo's comment, mods please move this to the off-topic or a more appropriate forum if need-be.

Edited by jerry533482

Space...The Final Frontier. -James Tiberius Kirk; circa 2260s


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...to help Rick get an idea on whether or not organizing plugins for v4.0 is a good idea or not.

If Rick needs the information, he will ask the question.

jerry, don't ask poll questions for other people. If you must, ask them for yourself.

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Boltbait, I have heard numerous times that plugins shouldn't be redistributed without permission. I agree, but I'm curious as to how many plugin authors actually disagree with it. I'm not making this post for copying any plugins myself, but to clear the inconsistencies on the situation. And to help Rick get an idea on whether or not organizing plugins for v4.0 is a good idea or not.

Have you asked Rick whether he needs this information? From what I assumed, he wasn't talking about a plugin pack for v4.0, but something similar to the systems Firefox and Notepad++

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A plugin pack might help. It could be something like the plugin index (which, by the way, is very helpful; thanks to Ego Eram Reputo :) ).

Edited by jerry533482

Space...The Final Frontier. -James Tiberius Kirk; circa 2260s


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It has already been suggested several dozen times. I don't see the point of gathering statistics when you don't how if/how hw wants to implement it. You're poll also doesn't mention organising plugins better, but an "official pack."

Edit: You changed your post. People have tried to get permission for plugin packs before, but didn't get enough people to agree.

Edited by Simon Brown
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Do you mods have any ideas on a better way to organize plugins? I'm trying to do good here, but I'm not getting any ideas.

What if the plugin index were somehow available directly through paint.net? Now there's an idea.

I've edited the post. No more polls, just discussions on plugin organization.

Edited by jerry533482

Space...The Final Frontier. -James Tiberius Kirk; circa 2260s


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The Plugin Index arose because I, too, felt that the plugin section was in need of some organization.

Some pros & cons were discussed at the time. I felt that an Index was a reasonably simple method of helping the situation without requiring a reorganization of the plugin section of the forum.

A collective pack is fraught with problems. It would be a labour intensive job to maintain the thing every time a new release of a plugin was issued (just look how many times Blend Modes+ has been ammended).

I know you mean well, but a pack is just not the answer.

Your last suggestion is.....interesting!

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Just what I was thinking. I actually didn't realize it until I added the post. A simple answer to plugin frenzy: accessing the plugin index through paint.net! I don't know if Rick would approve, but it's an idea.

Just like I said earlier Ego Eram Reputo, the plugin index itself is brilliant. Thank you for managing it.

Edited by jerry533482

Space...The Final Frontier. -James Tiberius Kirk; circa 2260s


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Slightly-off topic, EER, why isn't your Plug-in Index sticky'd as an Announcement like it was at Forumer? I find it a slight nuisance to scroll until I find the index. That's something I'm used to from Forumer.

Hmmm... looks like a pain to do. I can see a button to create a new announcement. But, I can't just click something to promote a thread into being an announcement.

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Slightly-off topic, EER, why isn't your Plug-in Index sticky'd as an Announcement like it was at Forumer? I find it a slight nuisance to scroll until I find the index. That's something I'm used to from Forumer.

Good question - one that BoltBait has already looked into by the look of it. It would be nice to have the Index as an announcement. Shall I keep it at the top of the pinned topics by shamelessly bumping it every 20 minutes :lol:

@APShredder: I wasn't complaining - it was just the example that sprung to mind! True!

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Why not something simple like a link in PDN's help menu that links straight to the index?

BTW, I'm heading to school now, so I won't be able to reply till' after 4 o clock'. See ya' guys later.

Space...The Final Frontier. -James Tiberius Kirk; circa 2260s


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Jerry, if you had read back a page, you would had seen that Sarkut had posted, "Help>Plugins," which, when clicked, takes you directly to the Plugin section of the entire forum.

The problem I forsee with adding a link to the Plugin Index is this: suppose someone, God forbid, Google, comes and offer Rick something he cannot refuse, then it becomes Google's brand of Paint.NET. Now, say, that Google decides to revamp the entire system, and then the link to the Plugin becomes useless. Or suppose this server that the forums is on crashes and the staff are forced to move it to an entire new server again. That would mean a release of new Paint.NET to address the issue. I think it's far easier to simply code the link to Plugin to a redirector page, which then in turn would direct the user to the correct address of the Plugin section. The redirector is quicker to edit and easier to maintain than to code Paint.NET and release it.

Officially retired from this forum. Have a nice day.

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Or suppose this server that the forums is on crashes and the staff are forced to move it to an entire new server again. That would mean a release of new Paint.NET to address the issue. I think it's far easier to simply code the link to Plugin to a redirector page, which then in turn would direct the user to the correct address of the Plugin section. The redirector is quicker to edit and easier to maintain than to code Paint.NET and release it.

What would stop Rick adding a redirector for the plugin index?

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