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Goonfella`s Gallery - New Frontiers 28.02.16


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I would love to - if I could remember what I did to get it looking like this !

I`ll see if I can replicate it and if I can I will have a better idea on how to do the tut. But don`t hold your breath. It was one of those images that had so many steps to it it would be difficult to make it into one. I will have a go though because there are so few decent galaxy tutorials around and I would love to add another.

Thanks for the cookie, enjoy your spacescaping. ;)



Please feel free to visit my Gallery on PDNFans

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I would love to - if I could remember what I did to get it looking like this !

I`ll see if I can replicate it and if I can I will have a better idea on how to do the tut. But don`t hold your breath. It was one of those images that had so many steps to it it would be difficult to make it into one. I will have a go though because there are so few decent galaxy tutorials around and I would love to add another.

Thanks for the cookie, enjoy your spacescaping. ;)

your galaxy is the best here i liked Jerry23450978 galaxy tutorial but his is not as realistic.

Edited by ninja


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Thanks very much. :)

I`ve tried a few times now to do the galaxy from scratch again but I`m struggling. I think it`s got something to do with the texture I used and the twist setting.It`s one of those `if only' images, as in -if only I had saved the texture pdn file and if only I had made a note of how I did it in the first place ! :roll:

Edited by Goonfella



Please feel free to visit my Gallery on PDNFans

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hi Goonfella, just recently dropped by your gallery.. (cant believe I missed it till now!) :/

you have some fantastic pieces there..espcially like ."bubble box" and "fish tank".

but my all time fav. would have to be your abstracts..."on line" is just the biz wow. just love it :mrgreen:

BTW. happy birthday :beer::cake:

regards j.d.

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Thanks Chris and Skitzo. Glad you like them. ;)

And thanks for the cake and drink J.D. I`ll enjoy that later. ;)

Ironic that you consider one of my abstracts as your favourite, as I think they are my weakest point. Never thought I was any good compared to someone like Oma. Now she is an abstract genius.Thanks anyway though. ;)

Newest piece is inspired by a 3D chair made by Sargon that I saw on Fans- all made using S3D. Thought I would have a go at a bit of furniture as well. :)



Please feel free to visit my Gallery on PDNFans

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Goonfella, your images and spacescapes mainly, seem to always surprise and inspire me. Beautiful new image btw!

[offtopic]...and csm, whats with your post? Nevermind, when I loaded this page, csm's post had a bunch of unicode characters in it, and it filled like half my screen.

Edited by Weylin
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Thanks for the comments and advice everyone. Much appreciated. ;)

Weylin , that`s nice to here. The idea of any gallery is to inspire and I`m glad mine is doing it`s job. :)

csm725 - I don`t think my wood will ever be as good as Welshy`s. He`s irreplaceable. Nice thought though. Thanks. ;)

ptuz - I think you`re quite right, the table does not look as if it standing properly on the floor. All to do with the shadows I think. I`ll try to sort that out. :)



Please feel free to visit my Gallery on PDNFans

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goonfella, the changes to the table are fantastic, (dont get me wrong..the original was great!)..but WOW.. the difference..although subtle..really enhances the image :mrgreen: well done..

regards j.d.

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Goonfella, if I may say so, the table is quite amazing. You use shadow to excellent and realistic effect--the only thing that looks slightly off to me s the disconnect between the shadow cast by the legs of the leftmost side of the table and the surface of the table itself.

The small detail you added on the most prominent corner of the table--the small gleam really soften's the table's edge and makes it much more realistic.


Click on my signature image for my gallery | hmmmm...

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Thanks Chris & ZizOiz, you might have a point there. I`m finished with this one now though. I`ll just have to watch my shadows in the future. ;)

Latest image is my entry for the PDN advertisement comp on Fans. 100% PDN. :)

Tree trunks based on a wood texture from Welshblue. Thanks mate. ;)

Edited by Goonfella



Please feel free to visit my Gallery on PDNFans

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Thanks TrineO . Earlier on this evening I noticed Photobucket playing up. When I went to view my images they were all gone! That must have been when you were looking in the gallery. It seems to be fine now though, I can see all my pics now. :)

Thanks Soka , glad you like it. ;)



Please feel free to visit my Gallery on PDNFans

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