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Blur An Edge

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Hey all,


Here's the scenario. I'm editing a photo of a friend to make it look like the tongue of Gene Simmons is sticking out of his mouth ~ He's a HUGE KISS fan. I've already used the Magic Wand tool to isolate the tongue and mouth of a Gene Simmons picture (attached). And made adjustments to match my photo. But it looks very odd when I copy and paste it onto my friends face because the edges are so sharp and the photo is slightly out of focus.


I've been searching for days on how to just blur the edges of this. But every tut I've seen contains a long list of plugins and instructions that I guess I'm just too thick to understand. Is there no single, simple plugin that can do this on an irregular shape image, or is in right under my nose? Lol!


- Dean -



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Hey Dean, try AA's Assistant






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