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Everything posted by HyReZ

  1. Well Yumpin' Yiminy! Maybe you'll have it done before this weekend! 🙂
  2. @Rick Brewster When are you going to add AI to Paint.NET with the ability to read minds and predict what I want to have created and then produce it? Maybe you can make it use my VR headset to scan my thoughts and visions and produce a Paint.NET graphic. I need it this weekend! Thanks! 🙂
  3. Thanks for keeping us informed and for your interest and work on this plugin project! Currently I only have 16GB of RAM, but whatever improvement on render times will be appreciated.
  4. Thanks for keeping us informed and for your interest and work on this plugin project!
  5. I created a vector image in Inkscape, scaled it up (5K x 5K pixels), and copied and pasted it into Paint.NET (image A) I applied the Shaped_Gradient plugin to both positive and negative spaces of Image A that I had on different layers to make Image B. I next made each layer into an alpha mask that I applied a rainbow color wheel effect to make image C. I needed a faster/better Shaped_Gradient effect to make more of this type of work.
  6. @Reptillian This is over my head, but this is what I found: https://dmitryulyanov.github.io/deep_image_prior
  7. @Reptillian Thanks for your response!
  8. Currently I have been using the Shaped Gradient plugin on larger canvases (5k x 5k pixels) and have encounter render times of 25 minutes or more. Will this plugin be re-coded to support shorter render times for large canvases?
  9. Nice Job! I looked thru the 9 pages here to see if there was a mention of the software needed for making the xmal images. Are you using Inkscape to develop the images in svg and saving to xmal? I have not found a freeware dedicated to the creation and editing of xmal files.
  10. Installing Additional Plugins https://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/InstallPlugins.html
  11. Thanks for bringing me up to date on your history. I know now that your digital graphics knowledge is extensive, however your choice of colloquialism is lost on me. BTW: I just Googled your you egg sucking reference. 🙂 Quaint.
  12. The Classic version of Paint.NET vs the Windows Store version: https://blog.getpaint.net/2017/09/29/paint-net-is-now-available-on-the-windows-store/
  13. @welshblue Here is a link to some nfo on digital brushes: What are Digital Brushes for Digital Painting? Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Nt9fa8jZUE There are some brush plugins that use rudimentary implementation of digital brushes: Plugin Listing 8 / 1022 Brush Factory 11 Dec 2016Joshua Lamusga Import and use dynamic brushes with custom shapes as drawing tools. Imagine the paint brush with different tips available at your selection. Use it to create textures, or stamp out objects like grass, trees and buildings. It can be used like a spray can or be used to draw symmetrically. EffectActive4.0.13+Effects > ToolsBrushFactory.dll Brush Filter beta v1.0 21 Nov 2017Joshua Lamusga Apply paint.net Adjustments and Effects with a brush. Select an effect, a brush, brush behavior and draw to apply the effect (imagine painting where the strokes reveal the filtered image). Supports dynamic brushes and custom brushes. EffectActive4.0.19+Effects > ToolsBrushFilter.dll CustomBrushesMini v2.1 19 May 2009Simon Brown Draw with customized brushes. Replaces previous incarnations of Custom Brushes. Found in Simon Brown's Plugin Pack.See also: #15218 EffectActive3.5.x, 4.0xEffects > ToolsCustomBrushesMini.dll & CustomBrushesMini.pdb Photoshop Brush 23 Dec 2012null54 Load and save brushes used by Adobe® Photoshop®. Brushes sampled from image data are supported, dynamically computed brushes are ignored. FiletypeActive3.5.10N/AABRFileType.dll Simon B's plugin pack for 4.0 11 Jun 2014Simon Brown Plugin Pack for 4.0x. Pack includes Effects: Custom BrushesMini, DragFrom, Editable Text, ExtendBorder, FindEdges, Olden, PrinterPlus, ThatOtherApp and Filetype: AnimGif. Plugin PackActive4.0+N/AN/A Smudge v2.2 04 Jul 2008pyrochild Use custom brushes (*.png format) to smudge along the mouse path. Found in Pyrochild's PluginsSee also: #7291 EffectActive3.5.x, 4.0xEffects > ToolsSmudge.dll Tesserae v1.0 23 Dec 2016NomBot A mosaic effect which uses path brushes to apply a tiled texture to an existing image. EffectActive4.0.13+Effects > ArtisticTesserae.dll TR's Dodge and Burn 10 Aug 2015TechnoRobbo A photo retouching tool which allows the application of effects via custom brushes. Effects included: Dodge, Burn, blur, sharpen, saturate, desaturate, contrast, rotate hue, color blend & luminosity. Many other photography type options. EffectActive4.0.6+Effects > PhotoTRsDodgeBurn.dll
  14. I did not know Woodsy, but love his work and appreciated his help. This was a nice tribute!
  15. There is also a 3D Image Object effect in the G'MIC plugin. It can be found here: G'MIC After install the plugin and launching it from Paint.NET's Effects>Advanced>G'MIC-Qt you will goto G'MIC's Rendering>3D Image Object. I used it to help in the creation this retro image:
  16. I have using Paint.NET since 2008 so I am sure that you are wrong about that. It is obvious that you have become aware that Paint.NET handles Layers and Objects in its own way, but I have learned how it works and use it for ~90% of my graphics work. I prefer the graphics engine in Microsoft's products such as PowerPoint and the defunct Expression Design which uses a single 'stage' that image and text layers are applied.
  17. That is correct! I did mean to run Windows in the safe-mode and then launch the Paint.NET app. The next option from my point of view is to completely remove Paint.NET and then reinstall. When you update Paint.NET it removes most of the the stuff inside the Paint.NET folder anyway so that you are suppose to get a clean install. Maybe something was corrupted during the update. A reinstall takes only a few minutes. In a few minutes you will have more information at worst or a smoothly running application at best.
  18. Greetings, You will achieve success if you create a new transparent layer to paste and move the weapon. You will want to have the new layer underneath the first layer. Then you can merge down if you like.
  19. If you are opening a GIF that is animated to edit or view it contents; you must rename the file extension from .gif to .agif to reveal its layers. There is a 'Read me" file in the "ImAGIF.FileType v0.13.zip" folder that explains its features and how to use it correctly.
  20. I assume that your are being rhetorical since I know nothing about the workings of CodeLab. I will be waiting for you to demonstrate how it works.
  21. I don't think that what you are asking is in the range of Paint.NET It seems like something that would be in the range of a presentation manager such as 'Power Point' and a spreadsheet such as 'Excel'. (There is open source freeware such as 'LibreOffice' and 'OpenOffice' , that can create documents which can be read and written to by the Microsoft Office apps that I mentioned above. It would take an app that lets you run scripting along with graphics. (Javascript, or the Canvas part of HTML5) Introduction to HTML 5: https://www.youtube.com/user/MrNodehead
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