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Everything posted by HyReZ

  1. @Pixey Both plugins that I mention above are by Tanel. The AlphaBlur.dll v1 is from 2008 and the AlphaBlur.dll v2 is from 2012. I don't use either, but tested both since I had AlphaBlur v1 on my computer. I have the current Paint.NET v4.2.9 and that is the version used to make today's test.
  2. I have the AlphaBlur.dll v1 on my computer and when I ran it today I got this error: File: C:\Program Files\paint.net\Effects\AlphaBlur.dll Effect Name: AlphaBlur.AlphaBlur Full error message: System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'PaintDotNet.PdnResources' from assembly 'PaintDotNet.Resources, Version=4.209.7335.2867, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. at AlphaBlur.AlphaBlur.OnCreateConfigUI(PropertyCollection props) at PaintDotNet.Effects.PropertyBasedEffectHandler`1.RelayCreateConfigUI(PropertyCollection props) in D:\src\pdn\src\Effects\PropertyBasedEffectHandler.cs:line 59 at PaintDotNet.Effects.PropertyBasedEffectHandler`1.RelayCreateConfigDialog() in D:\src\pdn\src\Effects\PropertyBasedEffectHandler.cs:line 38 at PaintDotNet.Menus.EffectMenuBase.RunEffectImpl(Type effectType) in D:\src\pdn\src\PaintDotNet\Menus\EffectMenuBase.cs:line 859 I then installed AlphaBlur.dll v2 from the plugin pack and restarted Paint.NET and got this same error! My guess is that the Plugins are no longer compatible with the present iteration of Paint.NET It would up to the author to update the plugin or if it is open source; for one of the forums coders to update it.
  3. @BoltBait I just looked at the Roadmap / Change Log and found that there was a Paint.NET version 2.0 released: December 17th, 2004 Maybe the OP is still running XP or even Vista. I still have bootable drives containing those operating systems for running older apps.
  4. @ToxiicRaiinTV You can use the Search feature of the Forum to provide a start in your quest to understand the uses of the 'Noise' effects. Here is link that does that for you: https://forums.getpaint.net/search/?q=noise
  5. Paint.NET has a set of effects called the 'Glitch effect plugin' that may be useful.
  6. Noise is to a digital image as Grain is to a film image. Image Noise: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image_noise
  7. There is no need for a plugin to rescale/resize and image in Paint.NET It can be done with an option under the Image Menu tab https://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/ImageMenu.html If you want to rescale/resize an image on a layer, you select the Move Selected Pixels Tool and click on the layer. https://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/MoveTools.html Then, while holding the shift key you drag down the image corner to the size that you need. While the image is still highlighted you can make a copy of the resized image and paste it into a New canvas that will already have its dimensions and save it.
  8. You are aware that a PDF is an Adobe Acrobat document file? PDF stands for Portable Document Format that was developed by Adobe in the 1990's. IHaveNoName mentioned using Adobe Acrobat Reader as part of his above comment. Since you are trying to copy an image from an Adobe PDF file, I thought that using a free version Adobe Acrobat DC Reader and explaining how to us it to bringing to the clipboard so that us the steps I provided to use it in Paint.NET would be useful for you.
  9. If you attempted to use the free Adobe Acrobat DC and the great solution submitted by IHaveNoName, you should use the 'new' image option rather that the 'add a new layer'. When you use the New image option in Paint.NET, you create a 'new' work space of the dimensions of the copied image, which you now should pasted into.
  10. It seems that change is difficult or at least undesirable. As it applies to software, I have had to make that adjustment since my use of Microsoft's Windows from version 386 (v2) up the present version of 10 (1909). BTW: The icons of the latest update to Windows 10 are very similar to the icons of the current update to Paint.NET.
  11. In order to preserve transparency + a 24 bit color depth, you have to save as a 32 bit image!
  12. I think that I read in a future iteration of Paint.Net, it would permit the use of brushes with out the need for plugins, but util then you can install Brush Factory. After that you can do a web search for hair brushes ABR files such as this one: http://designbeep.com/2012/11/13/100-free-hair-brushes-for-photoshop-users/
  13. Check this out: https://www.pngwave.com/search?q=coin+purse
  14. You can cast your line into the Google image sea and find scores of references. Then you can do as Pixey has recommended. Google Image Search For 'coin pouch png' : https://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&q=coin+pouch+png&chips=q:coin+pouch+png,g_1:medieval:q-tHW99NL7I%3D&usg=AI4_-kTAVucxTFz7pMeeSdcBIhPhHgxnwQ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi5pfmM_5LnAhVHOs0KHWCzDaQQ4lYIKSgA&biw=1034&bih=652&dpr=1
  15. @Keith Turkowski You are responding to a post from 2 years ago.
  16. @toe_head2001 Thanks for providing the link, although the link is broken, it can be downloaded and installed if you add the .zip extension to the file after the download.
  17. Your result looks like what you would get if you used the Effect>Render>Color Wheel on a square canvas and zoomed in with Layers>Rotate / zoom until the edge of the color wheel met the corner of the canvas space. Anyway I now understand what you where trying to achieve.
  18. Physically Based Rendering (PBR) and the creation of PBR maps can probably by done in Paint.NET with use of a few plugin, but I don't know how! If your goal is to produce PBR maps without the cost of renting Photoshop, here are links to a video and free app that may help you. https://youtu.be/hHH178pgS1w http://boundingboxsoftware.com/materialize/
  19. I have read the post as well as the readme file that is in the imPDF compressed folder. I am also stating what is working for me! I have no trouble using the PDF read/write plugin for Paint.NET and I have the OptionBasedLibrary files in the paint.net folder and the other files of this plugin in the FileTypes folder. My question, as is yeebutton, why is my set up is working form me and no setup seems to be working for them. BTW I also have version 7 of the OptionBasedLibrary files in the paint,net folder. @Ego Eram Reputo I put Paint.NET on another computer and copy and pasted the OptionBasedLibrary files from my DropBox to the FileTypes folder as per documentation and works there too as indicated. @yeebutton Maybe the the ImPDF.Open.FileType.dll is damaged and needs to be removed and replaced?
  20. @yeebutton You have placed the OptionBasedLibrary files into the wrong folder. It should be placed into paint.net folder not the FileType folder. It works for me! BTW: Make sure that Ghostscript 9.27 is removed from the gs folder and that Ghostscript 9.26 is placed there.
  21. Have any of you tried installing the Nikon codec that I provided a link for above in this thread? Since I have not seen a comment stating that "I installed the NEF codec and it didn't work", I would assume that you have not done it. I have the Nikon D3500 and it worked for me.
  22. Is it just one PDF file that will not load or is that no PDF will load?
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