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Everything posted by HyReZ

  1. I have used the Drop Shadow plugin on most of my projects for 10 years, and thanks for reminding me of my design privileges.
  2. A similar result came be obtained with Pyrochild Outline Object if you adjust the Softness control (anti-aliasing). You are a ware that Drop Shadow appears to be sharper because anti-aliasing is being applied with Blur Radius control being set to a value that is also adjustable from 0?
  3. A debate is not necessary. When it is known that the Wand Tool does not incorporate anti-aliasing and you desire anti-aliasing , you use the Alpha Mask that does or apply anti-aliasing later!
  4. Wow! Thanks @xod, and welcome to the today's session on freestyle cat skinning. ๐Ÿ™‚ @welshblue I looked at your attachment at 1400% magnification and did see that the Wand Tool does not use anti-aliasing as does Alpha Mask and Drop Shadow plugins. Drop Shadow does allow for a variety of shadow placement but does not provide for greater shadow widths than the Outline Object plugin. What has been made clear is that @typiiz has a variety of options!
  5. @welshblue That is a great solution. I came up with another but did not have it before you did. It has a few less steps so here it is: I use a font called 'Sweet Sorrow' at 170 pts on a 1920 x 1080 canvas and violet as its color. Next on a duplicate layer I applied the Outline Object plugin pyrochild ( my plugin set ) with settings shown in the attachment After merging down I used the Wand tool set to Global with a 10% tolerance for making the cyan outline transparent. The result is a mask that can be overlain upon a texture or gradient. http://apmauldin.com/Image_Storage/Sweet_Sorrow_3.jpg
  6. Greetings! I am not aware of any Paint.NET tool nor plugin called 'Buffer'. To what exactly are you referring?
  7. There is another plugin that may allow for producing the low polygon effect using line segments called 'splines'. None of the Paint.NET plugins that I have provided links for are a 'click and done' solution. Each takes time and talent to get a good result!
  8. Greetings, Doing graphics that have that low polygon effect are best done with vector based software such as Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape. There is a plugin for Paint.NET that uses vector elements and can saved to its own file format or can be converted to a raster image to be worked on in PDN. (There are YouTube tutorials on using Illustrator and Inkscape for achieving this effect.)
  9. @BoltBait @welshblue Welcome improvements on a job already well done. Thank You! I see that @yellowman was able to add rotation and extrusion to his example above. Those features would be a welcome addition to the functionality of this plugin if it was built in! With rotation, zoom and extrusion built in, it would also lend itself to producing frames for animations. I use a product by Magic called Xara 3D Maker 7 that does something similar.
  10. When Rick added new icons to Paint.NET he talked about using SVG to produce them and something about high DPI scaling and dynamic DPI infrastructure. Maybe that is something that could apply to your query and not just to the UI of Paint.NET?
  11. Here is a video link that simply explains using basic layer application:
  12. You can search here: https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/15260-plugin-index/
  13. It is part of the Tanel Plugin Pack. Here is a direct link. Download: tanel_pluginpack_20120305.zip 109.34 kB ยท 30,089 downloads
  14. The simple answer is 'yes'! The photo that I use seems to used a key light that is directed into the face of the model. The photos in the video clip use a technique called a 'High Contrast Copy' that is made into two color print. Kodak used to make a film just for this purpose before the age of digital printing. Portrait Lighting Guides
  15. The use of Threshold is not from my example. I attached a screen capture of my result. It shows in the layers window that I use layers of the same size, with the black + transparent layer over the red layer. There is no red border!
  16. The part about creating a duplicate to work on is just a measure for not messing up your image and for having a backup ready if you screwed up. I would just uncheck and move this layer to the bottom and finish the project as normal. Some of the links to older plugins have not been repaired. Just add the .zip extension to the file name and you can then open the archive and get the plugin.
  17. I would zoom in and with a brush set to gray, paint out the background on a duplicate image layer and then do the steps on it. Start close in with a medium brush and increase the size to get rid of areas away from your subject. It should go pretty quick and it gets faster the more times you have to do it. Practice makes better!
  18. I took a stock photo from Pixabay and in ~4 steps produced this: I used the Effects>Color>Black And White plugin by Adam Gaskins set to 360 Pure Black and White converter Next I used the Wand Tool set to Global to remove white from the image. Then I added a red layer underneath Last thing to do was to merge down. (My original composition was 4 times larger and a copied all of layer to a PDN file before merging as a backup)
  19. It appears that Windows 10 has the ability to open and write WebP files since Build 17692.1004. (I think that you have to install the Microsoft store WebP extension codec) I just looked at Microsoft's Paint on my computer (running version 1909 build 18363.657) and it can handle WebP files, so Paint.NET running on a current version of Windows 10 should do the same.
  20. Greetings, There are a few plugins that will do what you are requesting. Here are links to some of them: https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/15828-color-balance-works-like-photoshop/ https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/22977-manual-color-correction/ https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/9740-color-mixer-v12-2008-12-24/ There is also the 'Curves' adjustment that is a built in to Paint.NET. You set to RGB for adjusting the color curve for each color group. https://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/Curves.html
  21. I confess that I did not know this until I looked it up just now, so none of this intuitive, but you don't have to guess either. It is covered in the documentation. Shift Key + Magic Wand https://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/MagicWand.html Backspace = Fill Selection https://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/KeyboardMouseCommands.html#27
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