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Everything posted by HyReZ

  1. The problem that you are experiencing is dependent upon the other app that you are pasting into. I have experience that some apps will let me paste an image with a transparent background from PDN just fine, while other apps will only retain the transparency if you use 'cut & paste', rather than 'copy & paste'. It may have something to do with how various apps use data from the 'clipboard' and how they handle alpha channels during 'copying' vs 'cutting'.
  2. The video shows that the Lasso corrections can be merged into one action. https://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/SelectionTools.html The link above will explain how to use the Tools with these options:
  3. @Aleksa Before you ditch the laptop run CHKDSK from Command Prompt as an Administrator How to Run CHKDSK in Windows 10 https://windowsinstructed.com/run-chkdsk-windows/ Next from the Command Prompt as an Administrator run sfc /scannow and if that does find and fix the errors, later from the Command Prompt as an Administrator run DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth System file check (SFC) Scan and Repair System Files & DISM to fix things SFC cannot https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_10-update/system-file-check-sfc-scan-and-repair-system-files/bc609315-da1f-4775-812c-695b60477a93
  4. As welshblue has stated "The circle is the actual paintbrush"! The Paint.NET default brush is round. When you adjust the brush width; the circle will change sizes and the cross-hairs will indicate the center of the circle brush. If you select the Brush Tool, increase the brush size, and just click of the canvas you will get a dot indicating that the brush is round. There are plugins for Paint.NET that allows it to use brushes of various shapes and images. You can even create custom brushes or use Photoshop .abr (Adobe Brushes) after they are converted to .png files with transparent backgrounds.
  5. @Maggie What is puzzling to me is why you need to use the Lasso Tool on the image that you provided, when it appears that its background is transparent. If the background is not transparent and it is truly a checkerboard; you can use the Wand Tool at ~50% Tolerance to get rid of it. Check out this video: (The notes are not in English but the technique is well demonstrated)
  6. @pepeh In your first image of Kaptian Bomba I was able get rid of most of the black background with the Wand Tool by setting the Tolerance to 6% and clicking on a black area of the background. It still left a star field with anti-aliased artifacts around each star and areas around part of the text. It also destroyed some of the black outlining of the Kaptian figure. You could start by using the Eraser tool to remove the stars by erasing them with a brush width of ~90 px to remove large area of stars then zoom in and reduce brush width to remove stars that are closer to your main subject. It will not be a one click operation!
  7. Often you will have to 'copy' a Dynamic-Link Library (.dll) from the compressed archive (.zip) file and then 'paste' it into Paint.NET>Effects folder instead of trying to 'Open' it from the compressed archive. BTW: in Paint.NET brushes are raster image files such as .png with transparent backgrounds. Also: Where your Effects folder resides is dependent upon whether you installed the getpaint.net or the Microsoft Store version of Paint.NET!
  8. I did not understand the question, but from a few words I recognized it as being French. I needed to use a language translator to understand the question before I can help! What would 'be better' is for the person needing the help to make it easier to help! Maybe next time thibault should add this to the heading: Je seulement quelle aide de ceux qui parlent français
  9. 22) Toutes les activités du forum doivent être en anglais. Sauf dans la section Localisation. Cela inclut les messages ainsi que les signatures. Cependant, vous pouvez utiliser la langue de votre choix lors de l'envoi de messages privés à d'autres membres du forum.
  10. Good job! It looks that the original had a water spot on the lens.
  11. The first crash log indicates that there was some type of system update on the same day of the crash. I would check to see if something in Windows has been corrupted. It should not hurt to run the Command Prompt as an Administrator and type 'sfc /scannow' and press 'ENTER' to see if something has broken:
  12. I created a variety of custom watermarks and save them to a transparent layer. I can open and apply them as needed as well as alter their color and opacity and even re-scale them as it suites the project. Best Wishes!
  13. As Pixey recommended, create a bottom layer in all white, but then go back and select your face on the top layer and set you primary color to white. Now run the Effects>Artistic>Vignette1 plugin with the 'Set RGB to Primary Colour' and the 'Invert transparency' boxes unchecked while you adjust the other settings.
  14. With Paint.NET there are many ways to accomplish the same goal. I would use the 'Grim Color Reaper Plugin'. Select the whole image. Make sure that the Primary color is set to black and use the default setting as they are. Click Ok and done!
  15. Until the link is repaired, just download the file and add .zip to the number and text file. Open it and put the Effect in the paint.net Effects folder.
  16. Greetings, You will notice when you examine the EXIF data for your RAW image you will not see info for PPI or DPI. The DPI or PPI is needed for printing (to paper or to the screen). In your TIFF file that has the dimension of width 4640 pixels x height 3472 pixels and saved at 350 PPI it will be saved to a file size of ~2.7 Mb. That large file size from your RAW file is because RAW files contains more image information from your camera's image sensor than used in your TIFF conversion. Paint.NET does not support the full TIFF specification.
  17. The BSOD gives a stop code and a reason like 'Critical_Process_Died'. This may not be your error message, but since the stop code was issued after an update, you may have a corrupted file.
  18. These two controls effect the clock-wise and anti-clockwise rotation. The numeric control allows for minute changes to the rotation by one degree or less. When set to a whole number, each click on the up or down triangle will alter the rotation by a degree. The incrementation can also be changed by using the up and down keyboard buttons.
  19. Check the files Properties to see if it is being blocked because the file is being recognized as coming from an alien system. In the Properties window you can check the unblock box to clear the warning. It may also work if you just copy the file to a trusted device like a thumb drive and open it from there.
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