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Everything posted by jim100361

  1. I love the Starry Hoops. Nice colors. There's something "magical" about it!
  2. Nice work. The gif is much better now that you slowed the animation down. I think you did a great job on the cigarette and I love the clone pic. I look forward to seeing more.
  3. There's a tutorial at the link below for creating exploding planets, and I believe it features much of what you want in it. Familiarize yourself with it and I think you will find skipping steps 4-6 and stopping after step 13 will give pretty much the effect you are looking for: http://forums.getpai...loding-planets/
  4. You may wish to look at the second reply at the link below and use the first method outlined there: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/24269-how-to-change-the-hue-of-just-one-object-in-a-picture/
  5. My latest manip: http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n264/CantaLibra/AngelWatchingOverBaby2.png
  6. I think if you use the method in the tutorial at the link below you can first isolate the image, extract it, and then re-paste it on a new layer where you can adjust the hue/saturation separate from whatever else may be in your picture. http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/13796-cutting-out-images/ The alternative may be to use the magic wand. In that case you would need to adjust the tolerance at the top of the screen to limit what it is selecting. This can be very tricky in getting it to select all that you want (adjusting it down so as not to select something undesireable) and even using the "Ctrl" key to select some more. If you manage to select all that you desire using this method, you can then use the hue/saturation and apply it to the selection. Because you want to minimize selection errors, I think the first method would be your best alternative. I hope this helps you.
  7. I don't believe there is a method in PDN to do so (at least I didn't see anything either and don't recall now if the installation had asked for it), but you should be able to use the method described below through Windows: http://www.ehow.com/how_5751801_fix-extension-association-windows-xp.html
  8. I'm not sure whatyou mean by "iridescent", but there is a tutorial at the link below which may provide you some information that you seek for making fur/grass and the like: http://forums.getpai...irfurgrasseasy/ Also, a member recently did a cat image and further in his gallery he mentions what he did (though not specifically a tutorial). That may give you a little insight as well: http://forums.getpai...ruit-2-25-2012/ Good luck
  9. There have been a couple people w/this problem discussed at the link below. You may wish to review and see if anything in there might help you. http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/23336-printig-problem-with-wia/
  10. I believe there is a tutorial in here somewhere, but I don't recall where it is. I did do a quick search though in google and the first reply gave me this link: http://www.lautre-monde.fr/background-masking-technique/ I think this should help you. Sorry it wasn't a link from here.
  11. WOW! Blows my mind! Those last 2 pieces (phonograph and the wings) are cool to say the least. Nice work, great details!
  12. I'm going to do some guessing here in trying to reply to you. I'm guessing that you cannot get Paint.net to run and you don't know why, but you've installed it. Do you have the Microsoft .NET Framework installed? (http://go.microsoft..../?LinkId=124150) If you haven't downloaded and installed it, then you must do so before you can run the program. If you've already done that, then please provide some more information. Are you having a specific error come up?
  13. He's using them for a game. I presume the game will accept the .gif and not the .png
  14. I sit corrected: I opened a very large file (just grabbed anything without noting how large it was) and ajusted the slider down. Of course that's why the file size dropped so much in my case. I know this doesn't help you, but it explains what I conveyed previously. Sorry.
  15. OK. I'm out of ideas. I'll have to leave this to the PDN gods then. Sorry I wasn't much help.
  16. An additional comment: In a previous discussion about saving files, etc. it was noted that PDN is set with settings defaulted to give the best output (if I'm interpetting it correctly). This means, defaults to give the best without sacrificing too much one way or the other (I'm paraphrasing). Thankfully the sliders are available in both the .gif and .png format (and others as well) so you may adjust them to better suit your needs.
  17. An adjustment to the "dithering" slider will take the file size down considerably. Check it out and see how it effects your piece. (Sorry, but I don't personally use .gifs too often and when I do, those sort of things aren't normally a consideration for me).
  18. One thing to note. If your filesize is larger in paint.net, that's not necessarily a bad thing. It would be an indication that the paint.net pic contains more detail to it than it would with the other program. Hence a larger file size. EDIT: Also one would have to ask the question what settings are you using when you save as gif? Adjusting the sliders will effect the file size. Do the other programs have the same sort of adjustments when saving, or do they default to something else?
  19. How did I break the rules? All I did was quote his pic to which I was commenting. He posted the oversize pic. I didn't repost it larger. The only other time I was guilty of it was when I posted offsite from someplace other than my photobucket account. My personal work as far as I recall has always been 800 or less. As a matter of fact, 3 pics in his gallery, I comment on one, and it's my fault not his.
  20. EDIT: (Removed quoted pic) I wonder how the SG-1 pic would've looked if the gate was replaced with an aluminum pie plate (heck it already looks almost like one with the center you put in it).
  21. Spill is pretty good all things considered. The cup handle seemed mis-aligned and the spoon seems off kilter too. But overall, nice piece. The "spill" itself spelling out "DUG" was a cool thought too. I didn't notice it at first, only after I was sitting there absorbing the pic in my melon that I took note of it. Again, nice job.
  22. Cool clones. I particularly like photo manips. GIF animations are quite cool too (and very time consuming as well).
  23. Great work! Even though the cat is quite cool, I think the fruit are better. Very realistic. ...and yes, we would like to see a tutorial on the fruit.
  24. Downloaded, but I haven't had a chance to toy w/it yet. I expect it will be very handy. Thanx.
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