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  1. Jim, that fur tutorial helped quite a lot, I've more or less got the effect I desired. I mean iridescence like this See how the fur's color varies depending on the amount of light that hits it and the angle it gets hit at? (Some carpets have iridescence as well, mine does) Another example would be: So basically what I found: The fur tutorial to make the iridescent furs, a gradient bar to add in the appearance of a smooth colour change, and another gradient to get rid of the iridescent fur where it is not wanted.
  2. Hey uh, does anyone know of some way I could make iridescent (animal) fur? I'm quite at a loss about what to do. I haven't really had that much experience image editing, so looking for some help. It's for this guy here: http://fav.me/d4r518q Thanks ^^
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