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Everything posted by jim100361

  1. After having toyed around a bit w/one of the planet tutorials, I did one of the actual earth and moon. I utilized a map similar to this for the earth: http://nssdc.gsfc.na...e/earth_day.jpg Another for the moon: http://www.nhn.ou.ed...oon_map_002.jpg Here's my piece: http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n264/CantaLibra/earth_day5.png To be honest, I wasn't totally happy w/the sun, but I didn't know how to improve upon it.
  2. If this statement is to me, then yes, I didn't include as part of the starscape in my first finished piece, but maybe this will be better: So essentially, 2 cloud layers. One done as the Shape3D and another for the starscape for the picture above. And a little AA would be helpful too! lol
  3. Here's the "Planet" After the planet is created, create the clouds and do the Shape3D as you did w/the planet Adjust the Opacity to your liking. The clouds will blur the layer below a bit.
  4. Thanx for the comments. I deviated a bit from the tutorial. Once you do the layers creating the glow, return to the actual planet layer. I can't give you specifics because I did not annotate them at the time, but you can toy around with blur, and brightness/contrast, and even the Hue to vary the result. When I created the black/white clouds, I applied the same shape3d effect as I did to the planet (I figured "why not? They're encapsulating the planet anyways). When that was done, again you can toy with rendering and opacity on that layer (the clouds will blur it out a bit too - which is why I needed to toy with the opacity on that layer: so it wasn't too heavy). Sorry I'm not more helpful with details. And here's a further modification of the first:
  5. Again, we've seemed to have gone off-track. My apologies.
  6. I don't know why you're interpretting this as a sort of bashing (yes, that's how I interpret "...instead of posting..I should have mailed...Santa") There obviously is some disconnect in the communication here. Let's see if I can break this down logically (not emotionally): A "wish list" simply put is a desire for more (you yourself point out "it would be cool to have..." in your example above - hence a desire). Antonyms for the word "desire" are: aversion, disgust, dislike, distaste, hate, hatred, and repulsion. (but don't take my word for it: http://thesaurus.com/browse/desire ) So, in order to have a desire, and hence a wish list, you must have a distaste or disliking (to some degree) for the current situation. You desire more or a change from the way things are. To this end, I've already tried to point out you cannot add more and still maintain the same simplicity. EDIT: Let me apologize. This discussion seems to have gone a bit off-track. My intent was not at all to attack you, but merely clarify and help you. As I said, it seems to have gone off-track, and for that I apologize. I tried to explain the pros and cons in regards to your inquiry, and I tried to explain it's simply a case of needing to learn (or relearn) some things. Beyond that, I do not know what more I can say. Again my apologies.
  7. Sorry, but this is disingenuous. By pointing out anything is technically a complaint (a mark of dissatisfaction). Otherwise you'd have no issues. But that aside, it is impossible to have simple. If you wish to add the functionality of a forklift to your car, it inherently would no longer be simple in terms of how your car exist currently. The structure and controls would all change to accomodate new features. You would now need to memorize new steps to take advantage of these capabilities as well as trade off on other things like the added weight to the vehicle necessary for a forklift to counterweight the load. But note also this. You are inherently dissatisfied with MSPaint because it is, as I pointed out, simplistic by design and as a result limited in its capabilities. You can't have it both ways, it is impoossible. The more features MSPaint adds, the more bloated it too becomes and you then have to learn how to use those capabilities.
  8. I know, a day late and a dollar short in my reply.. In my somewhat limited knowledge of the ins-and-outs of Windows, installing in Safe mode or for that matter VGA mode sounds like you're having resource issues to me. If the installation works by that route as opposed to normal, it seems to me it is because Windows in those other modes is not loading a bunch of other things as it normally would. Of note in this thread is the lack of info about your system in general, which may/may not have been helpful for you or others in the future.
  9. Simply put, that is afterall, the intent of MSPaint: To be simplistic and limited- afterall they're trying to get the most for their investment as well. No harm, no foul. We're simply responding to your concerns and am trying to emphasize that when we all migrate from some of the simpler things in order to accomplish greater things we need to learn some new things (and try not to become disheartened by it).
  10. When you copy the star, simply grab the little circles in each corner or the center of the horizontal or vertical of the selection outline and then move your mouse to resize as desired.
  11. Actually, you wouldn't need a layer each time. So long as your star is selected on the layer you are working, once the first one is in the position you need/want/desire, simply copy it and then paste it. The resulting pasted image then clones ontop of the first and is now the newly selected image. At this point, move it to it's destination and repeat the process. The layering is not duplicated, but you will need to repeat the copy and paste several times.
  12. I mean no offense, but I'd hate to have the gentleman go through duplicate info: those are the same ones that I provided the links for above in my post.
  13. I think he's referring to the "Free Form Selection Tool" (if I understood his question correctly) as was discussed here: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/22396-where-is-the-freeform-selection-tool/ If this is the case, as the link above points out, Rick is planning on adding it for 4.0
  14. That is essentially correct. The screen becomes an input device just like a standard (Windows-based) tablet. So the only difference you should encounter is the change in conventions used for menu selections and such. We utilize from time to time a Windows-based tablet at work. There is a tutorial that is part of the OS (Windows XP Tablet) which will guide you through the overall use of tablets. If you have not yet purchased the unit and are inquiring here before you make your purchase, you may ask the retailer if such a tutorial exists on it as well. As I understand it, Windows 7 has built-in tablet support, but I do not know if when tablet capabilities are enabled, whether a tutorial or help file is available.
  15. Similar to this are some of the features that are presumeably going to be part of the Windows 8 http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-GLRqh2I01UE/TZwFzsFlCNI/AAAAAAAAAco/OIAuZcVWxSM/s1600/windows_8_superbar.jpeg http://allinonereview.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Microsoft-Windows-8-new.png
  16. Below are a couple of other methods of re-coloring your car (or whatever you may be working on). The tutorial remains mostly the same except we won't be using "Color Dodge" or "Color Burn" 1.) Below you will see that I have created the color layer as described previously. Note that the metal trimmings and tires and such are not being affected: This is the point where we will modify the process 2.) Select the color layer from the "Layers" pane (if you're not already on that layer) 3.) Select the "Magic Wand" from the "Tools" pane (I am using default settings) 4a.) Next click on a portion of the painted layer on the canvas Note that in the picture below there are actually 2 separate colored areas 4b.) If you have multiple areas similar to this, while still using the "Magic Wand", Hold the "Ctrl" key and click on the other portions not yet selected 5.) Now with each of your separate colored areas selected, go back to the "Layers" pane and remove the check-mark from this layer so it is hidden. This should automatically put the focus on the bottom layer and the same portions of the canvas that were selected from the color layer should be selected on our background layer 6.) With our area selected we may now use 1 of 2 different methods: a.) Go to the menus and "Hue/Saturation" as shown: Adjusting the sliders on the resulting dialogue box will give us a couple results: If you are dissatisfied with any of the results that you may obtain using this method, then instead try this: b.) Go to the menus and select "Grayscale on Colored Paper": From the resulting dialogue box, select a color from the color wheel and adjust the sliders to your liking: I hope you find these methods useful as well.
  17. Maybe these can help you: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?showtopic=15611 http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?showtopic=17525 http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?showtopic=3201 http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?showtopic=8099
  18. http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n264/CantaLibra/android_logo.jpg
  19. You're right about the tears. I too came to that conclusion after I completed it... but I decided to leave it as is. Guess I just got lazy/tired at that point. Maybe another day or so 'til I make another attempt at it... I thought about doing a white pegasus (aren't they all supposed to be white??), but when I inverted the colors of the wings, I couldn't get the darker shading that was in it to match that of the horse that I began working with, so after fighting with it for awhile, I decided to go with a horse that was closer to the original color of the wings instead. The zipper...I was originally going to make it an opened zippered pouch - kind of reminiscent of a Kangaroo I guess, but decided against that, so I made it much simpler and kept it closed! lol http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n264/CantaLibra/Mermaid.png
  20. http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n264/CantaLibra/pegasus4.png http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n264/CantaLibra/Pregnant.png
  21. I divided up the eagle to affect some drop shadow from the right leg over the left, and also the right wing too, plus the right wing overlaps the screen bezel a tad too to add to the effect. http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n264/CantaLibra/EagleLCD6.png Source for picture below: http://www.commsyn.org/Bereavement/ http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n264/CantaLibra/SadWomanCrying4.png
  22. After you do the drop shadow (but before you do a gaussian blur), try the AA again. And yes, it's only done on one layer (on top of your background pic). Also note that mine was a much larger and more detailed pic, try also adjusting the blur radius on the drop shadow down to 2 or 1 (before doing AA) and see how that looks. Also, if you notice the 3rd pic I posted, after manipulating the tear again to contour a bit better, I went through the brightness/contrast adjustment again to make it look a bit more faint.
  23. I used the second link provided by Ego and did some slight modifications. Orig: Modified: In step 5 it reads: "Apply ‘Drop Shadow’: Widening radius 2, blur radius 5, and everything else set to default." But I did Apply ‘Drop Shadow’: Widening radius 0, blur radius 3, and everything else set to default. Then after Step 8, I went to brightness/contrast and toned it down even more less bright and the contrast (sorry I don't recall the settings now). After I had the layer to my liking there, I then used the liquify plugin to reshap it (originally it was just a slim, elongated ellipse). I could've reshaped better, but you should get the idea. EDIT: A little more tweaking...:
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