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Possum Roadkill

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Everything posted by Possum Roadkill

  1. Wow ! That's hot for fall. I always wondered how to convert the temps from one to the other. I always thought 32 degrees Fahrenheit was the same as 0 degrees Celsius or something like that. I think I have a thermometer around somewhere but it's only reads in Fahrenheit. To me, if I'm sweating, it's hot and if I'm cold I put on a sweater. OK back to the thread topic.... Leonte has chosen a brilliant theme for the next round. We are working out the details right now. I think you will find it very challenging, so I may extend the entry period by a few days. When I read his PM my brain overheated thinking about it (I don't know if it was Fahrenheit or Celsius). I think you will find it to be a lot of fun and push your PdN talents to the limit. So, get some rest, meditate a little, drink plenty of water, get out in the sunshine, and get ready because the next round starts tomorrow night !
  2. Leonte has chosen a brilliant theme for the next round. We are working out the details right now. I think you will find it very challenging, so I may extend the entry period by a few days.
  3. You can set the poll for people to have more than one vote, but I'm not sure if you can limit it to just two votes. I'll have to give it a look. 30 Celsius? Let me see, is that 62 degrees Fahrenheit?
  4. I noticed that there were very few votes. I think I'll let the voting run longer on the next comp. I do want them to move along, but maybe now that it's summer here (I know it's winter down under!) more people are out and about and not on the forum as much. Maybe one more day to vote wouldn't hurt?
  5. I think the best ones are the ones that are created one star at a time. Layer upon layer of stars in different sizes. Blurs and blend modes are important, but placement and grouping to me is the most important thing. I would start out with a star field layer, then place your main and secondary elements, then go back and add a layer above the starfield and add more stars in the open spaces, blur and merge them down.
  6. Thanks JD ! Don't worry, you will get there. I've seen a lot of improvement in your artwork over the past couple of weeks. I think your last piece was very good. Keep trying and soon you will be rewarded for your hard work. I appreciate you entering in the comps and I enjoy seeing what each and every member comes up with from week to week. This is the most fun I've had since I joined this forum and I hope that everyone enjoys it as well.
  7. Winner is Leonte ! Congratulations ! Very nice abstract !!! Congratulations to the 2nd Place entries by Oma, Welshblue and Possum Roadkill !!!! Leonte, check your PM's in a few minutes to pick up your gold encrusted and bejeweled award. Please have a new theme ready as soon as possible !
  8. Winner is Leonte ! Congratulations ! Very nice abstract !!! Congratulations to the 2nd Place entries by Oma, Welshblue and Possum Roadkill !!!! Leonte, check your PM's in a few minutes to pick up your gold encrusted and bejeweled award. Please have a new theme ready as soon as possible !
  9. Oh, he's not dead, just overcome by the smell of a possum.
  10. Welcome to the WOTW # 19 Discussion Thread. Poll Is Up ! Vote Now ! This thread is intended for all discussions about this WOTW competition. WOTW # 19, FLIGHT ***Please do not post your entry in this thread*** WOTW #19 WOTW Comp Rules: All submissions must be created in Paint.net with the exception of renders and stock photos when allowed. All images must be submitted as a thumbnail link to the full size image. DO NOT POST FULL SIZE IMAGES! Minimum size is 800 X 600. There is no maximum size, but keep in mind that people will want to look at your image and if it takes too long to load, they may not look at it. When Theme Rules allow, you must post a link to any stocks, renders, images or parts of images you did not create in Paint.net, i.e. fractals created in a fractal generator program. NO PLACEHOLDERS Do not post an entry until it is a finished product. NO WIPS ! Obviously you cannot use the stocks or renders as your entire submission, so the majority of your image should be created in Paint.net. As stated in the WOTW rules, you must provide a link to any and all stocks or renders used. Special rule # 5. Do not anger the Possum. WOTW #18 Theme is "Flight" - Theme Rules. Please read this ! Theme is "Flight" You are to make an image of anything that flies. This could include bubbles, balloons, umbrellas, clouds, birds, airplanes, magic possums, you name it..... You MUST show the main flight subject in the process of flying. Your image could be a combination of Paint.net with the use of a single stock photo. Your stock image can be any part of your image except the main subject that flies, that must be drawn in Paint.net. Or your image could be 100 % Paint.net. An example could be (but not limited to).... You use a landscape stock photo and draw a hot air balloon as your "flight subject". Or you could use a stock photo of a tree and draw a bird landing on a branch as your "flight subject". Another example could be, you use a stock photo of a lady, you draw an umbrella as your main "flight subject" and create an image of the umbrella flying the woman over a landscape that you draw in Paint.net. As you can see, the possibilities are almost limitless if you use your imagination. This will be a test of your Paint.net abilities as well as your overall image composition. Since this will be a more difficult competition than in the past, the entry period for this comp will be two weeks instead of the usual one week. Take your time, plan your image well, and produce the best image that you are capable of. Good luck ! Do not post your entries to this competition in this thread. To submit your image use the entry thread HERE Entry time for this competition will run through 7:00 p.m. Tuesday evening (May 18th 2010), U.S. Eastern Daylight Savings Time. All submissions entered up to this time will be allowed. If you have any questions, post them in this thread or PM Possum Roadkill. I would be happy to help anyone interested.
  11. [ WOTW #18 Flight Another tie ! Welshblue and Possum Roadkill WOTW Comp Rules: All submissions must be created in Paint.net with the exception of renders and stock photos when allowed. All images must be submitted as a thumbnail link to the full size image. DO NOT POST FULL SIZE IMAGES! Minimum size is 800 X 600. There is no maximum size, but keep in mind that people will want to look at your image and if it takes too long to load, they may not look at it. When Theme Rules allow, you must post a link to any stocks, renders, images or parts of images you did not create in Paint.net, i.e. fractals created in a fractal generator program. NO PLACEHOLDERS Do not post an entry until it is a finished product. NO WIPS ! Obviously you cannot use the stocks or renders as your entire submission, so the majority of your image should be created in Paint.net. As stated in the WOTW rules, you must provide a link to any and all stocks or renders used. Special rule # 5. Do not anger the Possum. WOTW #18 Theme is "Flight" - Theme Rules. Please read this ! Theme is "Flight" You are to make an image of anything that flies. This could include bubbles, balloons, umbrellas, clouds, birds, airplanes, magic possums, you name it..... You MUST show the main flight subject in the process of flying. Your image could be a combination of Paint.net with the use of a single stock photo. Your stock image can be any part of your image except the main subject that flies, that must be drawn in Paint.net. Or your image could be 100 % Paint.net. An example could be (but not limited to).... You use a landscape stock photo and draw a hot air balloon as your "flight subject". Or you could use a stock photo of a tree and draw a bird landing on a branch as your "flight subject". Another example could be, you use a stock photo of a lady, you draw an umbrella as your main "flight subject" and create an image of the umbrella flying the woman over a landscape that you draw in Paint.net. As you can see, the possibilities are almost limitless if you use your imagination. This will be a test of your Paint.net abilities as well as your overall image composition. Since this will be a more difficult competition than in the past, the entry period for this comp will be two weeks instead of the usual one week. Take your time, plan your image well, and produce the best image that you are capable of. Good luck ! Do not discuss this competition in this thread. If you have questions, comments or general comments about this comp, post them in the discussion thread HERE Voting period for this competition will run through 7:00 p.m. Tuesday evening (May 18th 2010), U.S. Eastern Daylight Savings Time. All submissions entered up to this time will be allowed. If you have any questions, post them in this thread or PM Possum Roadkill. I would be happy to help anyone interested.
  12. Thanks ! I DID IT!!!! I got my sig done !
  13. No, someone voted for you. Bad news everyone, the lawyers said we cannot allow polar bears to use computers, so training them to use PdN is out of the question. I tried all day to teach a field mouse to use PdN, but he is just too little to push the mouse around to draw much of anything artistically. So we will have to go with plan B. Next theme will be...... "Flight" ! I'll have the rules put together later tonight and have the comp started soon after......so be thinking of things that fly !
  14. My PdN Friends are who inspire me.
  15. A Fleeting Glimpse has sent me a Theme. It is AWESOME ! We are in the process of working out the details. This might take a day to get it all worked out. This might involve a half a dozen attorneys, the help of a marketing firm, and a Presidential decree to get it done, so be patient, I think you will enjoy this one.
  16. Congrats WB ! Don't worry, we will swear quietly under our breath and behind your back when you aren't looking.
  17. POLL IS UP - GO VOTE !!!! The VOTING period for this competition run through Saturday evening (May 1st, 2010) at 9:00 p.m., Eastern Daylight Savings Time. All votes submitted up to that time will be accepted.
  18. I need to extend the polling for a few hours. I'm at a Commission meeting until 9:00 p.m. I'll close voting when I get home..... VOTE SOME MORE !!!! Tell your friends !
  19. Competition is closed for entries. Poll will be up later tonight.
  20. Yes, in the end it is my decision, but it's also my responsibility too. It's not as easy as you might think. I'll tell you what I'll do, on the next opportunity I'll have an abstract theme that is all photo-manipulation. I have some ideas that I have been playing with, so I'll work something up. See? I'm not a bad guy (all the time). There is also the new Space Art Comp that allows stocks and renders and just about anything else. It's kind of a Space Free For All idea. You would be able to use what you want in that comp, so check it out.
  21. I'll try to hunt down some tips and stuff at lunch today and post them.
  22. Wow, I didn't expect anyone would be interested in doing a space comp. (yes that was sarcasm) OK everyone ! You have two weeks, so don't rush your piece. I want to feel like I'm watching a documentary on the Discovery channel when I browse through this gallery. Axel, I expect to see something from you. There are a lot of tuts on this forum and I've purposely left the rules wide open. You can use stocks, renders, and other stuff, SO MAKE SURE YOU READ THE RULES !!! Let's have some fun !
  23. I'm glad you liked them. I want to see what you make from them.
  24. I thought you did a pretty good job. You'll get used to doing textures. They are the basis of any image we do. Whether we make the texture or not, it's the texture in an image that give it it's realism and cohesion. Without texture, everything would be flat.
  25. Space Art Competition #1 THEME IS: A View From An Asteroid POLL IS UP ****** VOTE NOW ! Voting extended by request until Sunday SAC Comp Rules: All submissions must be created in Paint.net with the exception of renders and stock photos when allowed. When they are allowed, obviously you cannot use the stocks or renders as your entire submission, so the majority of your image should be created in Paint.net. When Theme Rules allow, you must post a link to any stocks, renders, images or parts of images you did not create in Paint.net, i.e. fractals created in a fractal generator program or textures created in another program of any kind. All images must be submitted as a thumbnail link to the full size image. DO NOT POST FULL SIZE IMAGES! Minimum size is 800 X 600. There is no maximum size, but keep in mind that people will want to look at your image and if it takes too long to load, they may not wait to look at it. NO PLACEHOLDERS! Do not post an entry until it is a finished product. NO WIPS (works in progress) ! No images previously submitted will be allowed. I reserve the right to add to the rules as people do things to annoy me. (See special rule # 5.) THEME IS: A View From An Asteroid Theme rules: You are to make an image depicting a space scene with an asteroid or a group of asteroids (commonly known as an asteroid belt) with the point of view being from the asteroid surface, or within the asteroid belt looking out into space, or into a solar system, or at/into other space like phenomena. You may use stocks and or renders in part of your image. (The less the use the better, in my humble opinion). You MUST link to the stocks or renders you use. The use of another program to create textures is also allowed, i.e. Apophysis to create planet textures or nebulae textures or even Blender to create 3D planets. However, the majority of the image must be done in Paint.net, because this is a Paint.net forum competition. As in the use of stocks and renders, you must post any textures or elements you create in another program as if they are stocks/renders. (Remember, Possum’s have a sixth sense about things like this, do don’t make me hunt you down. So with that in mind, special rule #5 is in effect for this competition ). This thread is for DISCUSSION only ! If you want to enter this comp, please go to the entry thread HERE. The VOTING period for this competition run through Sunday evening (May 14th, 2010) at 7:00 p.m., Eastern Daylight Savings Time. All VOTES submitted up to that time will be accepted
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