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Everything posted by LFC4EVER

  1. TwinBlade778: Nice outcomes! Good job! bereantrb: Thanks, i think you've got a problem with the alpha masking. Don't worry, alpha masking is tough at first but once you master it, you can do wonders. :wink: Blooper: Thanks, but i like the text colour this way. I think yellow would make it a bit too bright for my liking. [MH]AWG: Nice result! Good job! Brygard2008: Nice result! Good job! cherry_morphine: Thanks! Yvil: Thanks, and i'd love to see the text in use for you're website. TopHATslash: Thanks, and yeah, i got the idea from the tut on PSD tuts, and decided to make a tut after a few people asked. hyrule: You can skip the bevel stage by using BBs handy bevel plugin, but i prefer to create bevels myself, as theres more flexibility.
  2. I remember asking about this some time ago. Ash (thanks Ash!) told me to use Polar Transformation. Its in Madjik's plugin pack if you haven't got it. Examplar tut: Draw a black to white linear gradient from left to right. Effects > Distort > Polar Transformation Set it to "Rectangular to Polar", rest of the settings at default. Done! Easy eh? Note: A linear reflected gradient + polar trasformation is the same as a conical gradient.
  3. I think that GFX should be something you enjoy, and if you only enjoy making footy sigs, then thats what you should do. Not much point in making stuff that isn't of much interest to you. pipp92, the latest wallpaper is quite nice, but if you notice that on his left leg there is a flat horizontal cut where it meets the grass. Maybe a problem with the stock? Try clone stamping more leg, or some grass over the leg.
  4. Why does the focal seem stretched? It does look LQ i admit, but i haven't stretched it in any way. :? The fx do seem a bit bright, what do you suggest i do to them? Also, does the sig have depth? Looks good, but its quite monotone, and the large white lighting is somewhat distracting. Great depth though. :wink:
  5. Thanks for the comment, and yeah, i realise your point on the lighting. I'll take it into account for my final piece. Glad you like my rainbow tut too. Thanks! Yeah, this was more of a lighting test than a texture one. My final piece will involve different textured planets though. Thanks!
  6. Messed around with more planet lighting today. Attempt at lighting with 2 light sources on a planet. 100% PDN.
  7. Thanks! Thanks! and will do! Thanks!, and yep Median it is. :wink: ________________________________ This one is self-explanatory (100% PDN - even the texture): Prepare for the final spacescape piece to be released in 2009! Watch this space!


    That looks so real! I'd love a few pointers on how to achieve the effect of the glass thingy. As always, extraordinary work!
  9. Great job on the planets! I really like the lighting, and the starfield is really nice too. Keep it up!
  10. Nice job on that J2k! I remember doing something very similar with a city skyline a while ago. Nice use of Polar Transformation. :wink: If you make a tutorial (possibly in the newbie playground?), i'm sure it'd be a popular one. Its possible to do in 4 steps with the the image you used, as its seamless horizontally. Its harder with one that isn't seamless, as you have use panelling on it, then make the clear join invisible, so you get a smooth sky. Hard (but not impossible) with no healing tool in PDN.
  11. With the justification topic in this thread, i've just wondered, what about justified text, where a paragraph doesn't have messy ends, where both ends are straight. Sort of like in a newspaper where the text is written in perfect coloums and the "justify" alignment in MS word. Possible on these forums or not? Just out of curiosity.
  12. I'll collab. Looking for something to do other than my spacescape.
  13. Nice use of Seismograph, and its very colourful! The dark red bg is sort of going downwards, i'd make it go sideways so it goes with the flow of the lines. __________ SnowStorm
  14. Thanks! I'll look forward to see what you're going to complete. :wink: _________ SnowStorm
  15. Looks great, only thing i'd do is maybe add a gradient to the text, and move to the left of his head. It hard to read on the bottom. And maybe a few more of those effects on the left too, but keep it quite subtle.
  16. Great work janettsue! You're getting much much better at drawing on PDN, and the shading is great too. Now you just need to add some fold/creases into her dress. :wink: ______________ A glass die.
  17. Thanks! Glass is tough to do on PdN, i'm hoping to make more realistic glass eventually with reflections and such. This was just a basic attempt to get a glassy feel.
  18. The Vinyl Chloride is excellent! Great job on that, but there's a problem with the lighting IMO. See here: Note: In the red text, it should say: ".. the lighting should follow 1 main direction, unless other light sources are there..
  19. viewtopic.php?t=1158 I'd do the whole tut, and you'll learn quite a lot, including what you're looking for.
  20. Run some black and white clouds on a new layer, preferably slightly rough, apply a blend mode multiply on the layer, lower the opacity to something suitable, and you'll have a slightly aged Turn sign thingy. Or... Check this tut out: viewtopic.php?f=35&t=27092 Adapt it to your turn sign thingy and it'll be like loads of LED's showing the sign. You could even make it into an animated GIF if you want to. :wink:
  21. I have finally delved into the realm of PDN glass.. first up a very bad glass die. First "real" attempt at something glassy:
  22. ... but if you have school work, we just have to wait. Which isn't that hard when you have a hell of a lot of school work to do for yourself. But, I'm glad i'm not retaking any of my GCSE modules..
  23. Ecofrog, xCoRt3zx, Frenzy, jiZer, loky and Ocho, great job on the outcomes! I like the fact that some of you added your own effect to the text and didn't just follow the tut. JiZer, where did you go wrong? I'm sure i can help (unless its plugin issues ). Instead of flattening with the background, flatten without it. Just uncheck the checkbox on the background layer, then flatten. Then copy and paste it on top of your photo, resizing it if needed.
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