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Everything posted by LFC4EVER

  1. The rules say nothing about "you have to vote" so i don't think you do. :wink:
  2. Looks great! Just needs a bit more blending of the sprite. Not a lot, just a little. It looks like its been slapped on too much right now. Maybe change the background to a dark purple shade, it'd help with the slight monotone-ness. Nice job though! KIU! (feels great when you make an awesome sig dunnit?)
  3. LAOTW Entry: Memory For those who don't understand my entry to its intention, go read the explanation the LAOTW entries thread. Stocks: MacBook Pro Splash1 Splash2 Street Rain ___________________ 6k views!
  4. Well, here goes. For those who don't understand my entry to its intention, here's an explanation: Memory doesn't have to be associated with the brain only. It can be linked to technology too, Hard Drives have memory, RAM (random access memory), Flash drives, etc. The list is endless. The MacBook Pro has 320GB hard drive memory, and 8GB memory, so it seemed a suitable candidate for what i wanted to do. Stocks: MacBook Pro Splash1 Splash2 Street Rain
  5. Thanks Kemaru! Its a great compliment! You're becoming much a hell of a lot better too!
  6. Urmm... i have no idea what flags in plugins are.. :?
  7. Problem: I think this plugin interferes with PDNs Photoshop filetype plugin. It doesn't let it save properly, when its installed, but when i removed it the Photoshop filetype plugin worked fine. :?
  8. I have an awesome idea for "Memory". I just hope i can execute it well.
  9. Write you text on a new layer, then rotate it.
  10. I really like the concept in your current sig. Its awesome. Just needs some :AntiAliasingOn: :wink:
  11. I don't think it is. What i think jeszbby wants is to have the text with a blend mode, but the outline without. For this write your text on its own layer (call it text), preferably in white. Then, duplicate it. Call the dup'ed layer text outline. Then, simply use outline object at what ever you feel like, on the text outline layer. Set the text blend mode layer to overlay or something.
  12. Nice job on the glass paperweight. Like, Helen said, it just needs reflections and such in the middle to make it more glassy. Then to make it look even more real, i don't have a clue. You'd have to ask bb00, Ash or someone.
  13. stealthed, the reflections on the water are varied, but dead straight. Try displacing them.
  14. :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: Absolutely amazing. Your PDN space skills give many PS space artists a run for their money. I just have to know how you got the clouds like that. Smudge? Tut it please? or you can just post a mini no-picture tut in here if you want. Great texture on the planet too. Alyn's tut is amazing for planets, just takes a bit of time to colour it properly. I like the starfield too. Now for the critique (i just had to say a few things that seem wrong to me. ) The stars in the background don't look too varied. Maybe run clouds on top and blend mode multiply should help. Another thing, is that the lighting looks somewhat wierd. Its fine at the top, but at the bottom the lighting just sort of stops and becomes shadow. I think it should fade out a bit more. Nice job on the dual lighting though. Its nice you didn't just use a simple linear reflected gradient, and actually manually did it. KIU!
  15. Try the sine waves plugin. It'll get you close.
  16. I'd noticed this too. It was annoying that it would be aliased when subtracting. Helps, but not solve.
  17. Some of the stuff here is excellent! I really like the Andrew text piece. Excellent text effects! I'll look forward to seeing more of your work! KIU
  18. Ah. Maybe animation would got on the other side of the "N", make the 3D go the other way. Just a though. The font is the SEGA font, can be found easily if you want to do some stuff using the concept yourself. Thanks for the comment.
  19. Text need work in what piece? Current sig? All pieces? and yeah, i half suck at text (i can make good effects but the rest is kinda lame ), but i remember when i used to be really bad. I'm improving though. (i hope)
  20. If you think about it, we read from left to right. So, thats sorta you're flow. You want the main concept of the magazine on the left, and others on the right. Maybe a top left to bottom right flow would work better. Just make sure you organise the cover so on first sight the main topic is seen, then the title (should still be at the top), then other random stuff.
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