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Everything posted by LFC4EVER

  1. Great job on the gift box - especially the bow. I'd have drawn it and shaded it in, but using Polar Inversion. Ingenious. :wink:
  2. I like it jiZer. Nice and glossy and good :AntiAliasingOn: ing. Maybe a different font though. __________________ cc? Altair render used, and this stock: Clicky
  3. Pyro, is it possible for a live preview function to be added?
  4. Or if you're looking for a gradient with more than 1 colour then: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=23040&hilit=gradient
  5. Thanks man. Thanks, and yeah i know its too small, i had to crop it to get rid of the dark space lol. Thanks, and yeah i s'pose they were quite monotone, so i added some more stuff to it. _______________ EDIT: Here's a link to 11 great render packs: http://www.gamerenders.com/forum/index. ... pic=371767 (you'll need to register, but its well worth it)
  6. Thanks man. Thanks, well the white stripes on the text was easy. Just some dents + Alpha mask + blur. To make the white shine, i used the same bevel principle in my Gold text tut, and applied it to the text. Many selections and transparency gradients were done. Took a while, but worth it dont ya think? __________________________________ V1 V2 V3 No brushing or stocks. all pdn. cc?
  7. Re-worked my Christmas sig. Experimented more on the Photoshop glare effect in PDN. 100% PDN except for background floral brushes. Brushes: http://yasny-chan.deviantart.com/art/Ve ... s-63582224 http://hawksmont.deviantart.com/art/Flo ... s-55792659
  8. Thanks man. I dunno, it was just an entry for MSC XIV, so i s'pose it is a concept. Should i create the site? I'd have to learn to code it first lol. Thanks! Thanks, that pattern.. i don't know how it seems like one, but i used add noise, so the dots are random. Maybe a trick of the eye? :? ______________________ Christmas sig. I know its not the best, but i really like the text in this one. One of those "complicated" Photoshop bevel + glare effects. 100% PDN sig.


    A hell of a lot of PDN skill.
  10. Thanks, i really appreciate your comments. ____________________________ Today i remembered about MSC XIV, so i decided to enter. Here's what i came up with The 3 pages Gallery Main Menu Gallery - Space Art Tutorials Main Menu I know the content text is aliased, i thought it looked better that way. No stocks. 100% PDN.
  11. Remembered about this competition today, so i thought i'd design something. So... Here's my entry: The 3 pages Gallery Main Menu Gallery - Space Art Tutorials Main Menu I know the content text is aliased, i thought it looked better that way. No stocks. 100% PDN.
  12. For some unexplainable reason, your new Impact piece looks like it has more depth, making the piece better. One suggestion, maybe add some smaller fainter stars in the background? The wolf manip is great too. Great job! (your link to the original wolf pic is wrong, it goes to the mountain stock, i'd fix it if i were you ) Great new gallery update, and glad to have you back on the forums again! KIU!
  13. Some starfield testing. 100% PDN This is a cropped version.
  14. Nice job, but to make the metal seem glossy, reflect the text onto the blade.
  15. Alpha masking tut already exists. http://cmdsketchpad.com/tutorial.php?tutid=2 http://cmdsketchpad.com/tutorial.php?tutid=3 There are also tuts on this forum that kind of teach you how to use alpha mask too. Just gotta do a little exploring. (or search)
  16. With coloured sketches, use the first 2 steps of the method i gave above to create a mask for the sketch. Then use the created mask to cut out the sketch. Alpha masking: http://cmdsketchpad.com/tutorial.php?tutid=2 http://cmdsketchpad.com/tutorial.php?tutid=3
  17. Nice glossies you have there. Great job on the mademoiselle too. KIU! Once thing i've noticed in most of you work is that you've feathered the edges but you still seem get some slightly aliased edges. You can get rid of this by using Alias (by Mike Ryan) first, then Feather (by BB) with True feather. Or, use Alpha mask. I suggest you learn how to alpha mask if you don't know, as if used properly alpha mask never gives aliased edges.
  18. http://rapidshare.com/files/174390286/P ... 4.pdn.html still needs a fair bit doing, especially in the top middle area.
  19. Thanks man, i was inspired by your tech sigs. Thanks man Thanks, but i have no idea why the C is a bit aliased, maybe its the font, hmmmm.... 45 layers isn't much, my hamilton sig was 60+, and my spacescape piece would probably go to 100+ layers total, so i'm working on each part on separate .pdns.
  20. Too dark to be chrome. Nice effect though. The colour one is nice, but a little too saturated. And, maybe gradient coloured text?
  21. This could work for some of them. [*:wnyrkmx6]First do Adjustments > Black and White (Ctrl + Shift + G) [*:wnyrkmx6]Then duplicate the layer. Set the duplicated layer blend mode to color burn. The sketch should become more black. Merge the 2 layers. [*:wnyrkmx6]Now, run alpha mask on its own, but remember to check the Invert Mask box. The white should be gone and you should see a checkboard pattern behind your sketch. [*:wnyrkmx6]Now, Adjustments > Curves (Ctrl + Shift + M) Make the luminosity as a horizontal line at the bottom. [*:wnyrkmx6]You've now cut out the sketch. I hope.
  22. SDOTY Entry: 100% PdN, approx 45 layers. NOTE: This is being posted after i sent my entry to tHs.
  23. Great job, but i'd lower the opacity on the rough clouds. They're too overwhelming.
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