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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. June Update Two new plugins this month. Hide / Reveal Stenography Hide (and reveal) images within another image. Similar in concept to BoltBait's Stenography plugin with more options. WebP Filetype Load and save Google's WebP filetype. Added to the Filetypes list
  2. Cross processing tutorial: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/14942-cross-processing/ Plugin. Yes there is one. It's in Ed Harvey's plugin package (not so easy to find in the Index): http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/18811-ed-harvey-effects-v-35/
  3. The tools work on the active layer. This is the layer that is highlighted in the Layers window. To work on a different layer (e.g. with the move tool) simply click on the other layer's name in the layers window.
  4. Try this: Remove the background first, then save in a format that preserves transparency (e.g. PNG or the native PDN format). Open your background image. Now import the transparent image (Layers > Import from file). Press CTRL + A (select all current layer) Press M (Move tool ) Resize the imported image by dragging the nubs around.
  5. This is not really a query for this (troubleshooting) section. I'll move it to the Plugin Developers forum for you. You should be aware that you are unlikely to get any support for a standalone app.
  6. You need to delete the white areas. When deleted, these will show up as a grey & white checkerboard pattern. One method is detailed here: Another is to use a plugin like AlphaSpace or the Grim Color Reaper
  7. The short answer is yes. If they are your photos and you are doing the editing then you can do whatever you like with the images created.
  8. You don't want to install ALL all the plugins released. A handful of them are rubbish, others are very clever, but you will never use them. Download and keep updated the ones you need and use. Anything else is a waste. To see if your installed plugins are working OK, Check the Utilities menu > View Plugin Load Errors.
  9. I like this idea! Thank you ssaamm. Note: A help file in the zip would have been helpful to newbies , so here's what you do with the download: 1. Download it - of course! 2. Unzip it 3. Copy or move the 6 XML files to the location C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\Documents\Paint.NET User Files\Effect Presets\Curves+ 4. Now when you open Curves+ there will be the 'Vintage' collection added to the list of presets (top dropdown list in the dialog).
  10. Reducing the filesize has its downsides. Either you will end up with fewer pixels, in which case the image will be smaller. Or you will reduce the quality of the image (losing fine definition). You're looking at 19mb being reduced down to 1/10th mb. Thats a big reduction! Expect tradeoffs. Try reducing the size first. Halve the size and save a copy. Halve it again and save as another copy. Compare these files, and use the one with the closest size to your limit. Also try altering the file type and compression used. Compare saving as a PNG and JPG for example. As mentioned, JPG has a slider to control the quality (& therefore filesize). PNG has the OptiPNG plugin that can be used to squeeze png files without losing too much information. If you get really stumped, upload your file and post a link here.
  11. This should go in the first post. I'll paste it there for you.
  12. There is a plugin for the red/blue type of stereo images: Anaglyphs (stereo pictures) And there is this one: Color Aberation
  13. A slightly more verbose explanation: The image you are copying carries the transparency with it when you copy. So when you paste it, the image (including the transparent bits) overwrites the layer you already have. Rick suggested using layers. Bingo! 1. Create a new layer above your background :AddNewLayer: . 2. Paste your transparent image into this layer, and the transparent bits will allow the background layer to show through. Find out more: http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/WorkingWithLayers.html
  14. @null54 has just released this: WebP filetype plugin.
  15. You're an admin. Suspend null54's account until your plugin is ready.
  16. Post further questions in the thread related to Custom Brushes. Note: You will need to download the latest version of Custom Brushes. The mega pack you downloaded is an illegal ripoff of the plugins offered here and are almost all out of date.
  17. I'm not sure why you want to move/remove the windows without an image open, but here's how you can do it: Press F5 to toggle the Tool window visibility, F6 for the History window, F7 for the Layers and F8 for the color window. You can move the windows about with an image open. If you close the image, the position of the windows will persist.
  18. http://forums.getpai...es-transparent/ (hint: read the whole thread, not just the first few posts). Remember, http://searchpaint.net/ is your friend
  19. paint.net can save files in numerous formats. Several of these have quality or compression settings which will result in different file sizes. If you're after *.jpg files, reduce the quality slider when saving and you'll get a new file size along with the preview. If you want *.png files, I recommend downloading and installing the OptiPNG plugin. What file format were you after?
  20. You're looking for the Custom Brushes plugin. Click here (Note the link to the tutorial at the bottom of the first post ) It needs to be downloaded and installed before you can use it. Here's some info on how to do that Plugin Installation & troubleshooting
  21. So if the above is loaded as the current palette, hovering over color FFfce94f gives the tooltip "Butter". I like. Of course no comment, no tooltip. There might also need to be some sort of limit to the number of characters.
  22. What about these two? Black and Alpha+ Black and White Converter v1.1
  23. Yes, much better. To save yourself problems in the future, please read these thoroughly: Forum Rules and these Tutorial Posing Guidelines. You will note item #4 in the tutorial posting guidelines. If you had used SEARCH you would have found a large number of lightning tutorials and even some plugins which automate the process. Generally we discourage repeated tutorials and I'm inclined to close this thread for this reason. However, your video is clear and posted in the correct sub-forum so I have decided to allow it. Please do not be in a rush to write tutorials. When you wow us with your work and get repeated requests for a tutorial, then consider writing one. Fair enough?
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