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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. I've got to say how impressed I am with these. Seriously nice work!
  2. Excellent entries and a very well run competition. Congratulations to all the winners. @Chimay: Rep'd +1 Thank you.
  3. It is my pleasure to announce that Scribble has been restored. With his permission I have also restored @Red ochre's other plugins.
  4. It is my pleasure to announce that Red Ochre's plugin pack has been restored as an attachment to the first post in this thread.
  5. Once confirmed the shape is unable to be re-edited using the shape tool. This is because the shape is converted from the cool math into pixels. That's just the way it works. Sorry. For this reason we recommend placing any new object on it's own layer. It is a relatively painless process to erase the contents of the layer (or hide it & make a new layer) and redraw the shape.
  6. A handful of plugins have load/save setting functionality built right in. Not many though. As you have found there is no way to make the changed settings persist once the Paint.NET session is closed. Your best bet is to write the settings down. I tend to only record the settings I change from the defaults. This saves a little time and effort
  7. There probably is little incentive for a programmer here to write such a plugin just for you. However they might if they share your interest or there are a number of people asking for it. Let's leave this thread out there and see if anyone is willing to give it a shot.
  8. @Mike: Please upload a demo image showcasing the tutorial result. Users shouldn't really be asked to download a file unless it's what they need. An example image would show them that.
  9. To my knowledge there are no filetype plugins which support UTX. How are your programming skills?
  10. Hey YoungWilliam - Welcome! Easiest way is to copy the Paint.NET/Effects/ folder to a USB drive then copy the files to the same location on the new computer. You might want to copy the /Filetypes/ folder while you're at it.
  11. I've got to agree Mike - the new sig is very impressive! Nice upgrade.
  12. That's breathtaking Goonie! Just beautiful
  13. Don't be so modest. It' a nice piece of work!
  14. Moderators Announcement. @Red ochre has decided to leave the Paint.NET forum. He has made this decision independently. Unfortunately Red Ochre has decided to remove his plugins as well as his presence. That's a sad loss for all of us on both counts. Missing the plugin, this thread has become a source of confusion for users looking for the download. I'm going to lock the thread and wish really hard that Red Ochre returns.
  15. I was going to suggest "Freeform". "Not Fixed" has a 'broken' connotation.
  16. If you can select the O completely using the Magic Wand then try this: 1. Make the selection by clicking on the "O" character. 2. Press M on the keyboard to activate the Move Tool 3. Click and hold on the center-top nub. 4. Press the down arrow key on your keyboard once. 5. Press ESC or Ctrl + D to deselect.
  17. Nothing is being "swept under the carpet". We Mods take our job seriously. We have discussed the issue, in depth, and acted. Red and I conversed via PM and email. We wrote things together. Shared ideas and modified stuff. We helped each other. In short, Red O is a friend on mine too and I am sad that he's gone.
  18. Now a note about resolution. Note that it shows something titled Resolution in the dialog above, but we didn't use it. Far better (IMHO) to calculate the size manually. Let's say the logo you're creating is 6" x 4" (photo sized) when finished. That should be large enough for a letterhead and most hand-held promotional work. How big do we need the canvas to be? High quality printing uses 300 dots per inch. We need to supply enough dots from the logo image to cover 6" by 4". Doing the math: 300DPI x 6" = 1800 pixels wide 300DPI x 4" = 1200 pixels high So to create an image capable of being printed at high resolution and covering a size of 6" x 4" you need to create a canvas 1800 x 1200. Do your sizing this way and you can ignore everything else in the above dialog.
  19. @googooheadgoogooplex: Are you using version 3.5.11 or 4.0? The technique below is valid for both, but the screenshots are for 4.0 so they might differ slightly (so don't worry ) 1. Open Paint.NET. 2. Click the menu item File > New (alternative: Ctrl + N does the same). That should open this dialog: 3. Make sure the checkbox Maintain Aspect Ratio is not checked (no tick in the box). 4. Type in new width value in the top number box 5. Type in the new Height value in the second number box 6. Click the OK button to create a new image in the sizes you have specified.
  20. Thanks Skully. She's a character I created a little while back. She and two smaller siblings have a couple of cameos in my book
  21. The source image has a huge effect on the finished article. Here's what I tried: 1. Opened a source image (a cartoon chicken ) 2. Selected the chicken with the magic wand (select background then invert with Ctrl + I) to establish the size in pixels (see the status bar following the selection). My chicken was 461px W x 491px H 3. Divided these sizes by the preferred grid size (I used 40x40 because my image was roughly square). 461/40 = 11.5 and 491/40 =12.2 4. Ran the Mosaic Effect plugin over the chicken with these settings (NB the grid size is an average of my calculated sizes) The result was I turned this into this Does that help?
  22. You can use the Recolor tool , or the Magic Wand (to make a selection of the brush) then Paint Bucket the selection with your Primary color set to the new shade.
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