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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. The Eraser takes it's alpha setting from the Primary color. You can set the Primary Alpha value to something really low (1,2 or 3 works well) in the extended Color Window. Using the Eraser with a low Alpha give you.... a soft eraser
  2. I think Ed is waiting for the public release of v4.0 before he makes these plugins available.
  3. Do you mean the file is being associated with Paint.NET? That means file associations are messed up. To correct the file association, see post #4 in this thread: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/18309-file-associations/
  4. Ed has released a new package which should be compatible with v4.0. Find it here: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/27701-ed-harvey-effects-for-paintnet-40-alpha/ Remember these are still in development as is this version of Paint.NET.
  5. Paint.NET does not work the same way as other programs. The developer is in the process of updating the application to make it even better - that's the beta 4.0 that we suggested you download. Paint.NET works this way. You will have to get used to it. The image size and number of layers affects the amount of RAM used. Using this formula (W x H x 4) x (L + 2) (for an explanation see: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/8606-out-of-memory-to-loadedit-an-image-read-this-first/) Your image: 2048 x 2048 x 4 x (Layers + 2) = 50mb for a single layered image and add 16.7mb for each additional layer.
  6. Hi Gary, welcome to the forum Cropping affects the entire canvas, i.e. ALL the layers. It sounds like you're trying to alter an image element which is on it's own layer. Applying CROP in this respect is changing the entire image. Instead, you want to select the element or layer part with one of the selection tools (like Rectangle Select) then use the Move Tool to stretch or squash the selection to the desired size. TIP: you'll need to activate the correct layer by highlighting the layer in the Layers Window. As your background is on a different layer, it will not be affected by this selective editing operation. To remove part of a layer, select the part and press the Delete key.
  7. I don't recall such a filter. Rather than messing with the image in this way, try using either the PNG preprocessor or OptiPNG plugin. The preprocessor simplifies an image in order to enhance the compression which PNG uses. Use it prior to saving. It's supposed to be almost undetectable visually. OptiPNG forces the filesize down by compression while saving is being done. If you really want to squash the filesize - try both.
  8. Hey PNgirl13 - welcome to the forum 1. There is no brush pressure in Paint.NET 3.5.11, but.... 2. In the beta version of 4.0 you'll find a Softness setting for the brush tool which allows you to customize the strength of the brush. This might be a solution to the first point. 3. Please ask this question in the Custom Brush plugin thread. That way we keep all the discussion about the plugin together in one place These questions are better directed at the general userbase and not the developer/troubleshooters of Paint.NET. I'll move this thread to the Paint.NET Discussion & Questions section.
  9. Thanks again Welshy I'm not sure how that one got missed. Edit: It's flagged as depreciated - so I didn't test it
  10. I'm keeping a list of incompatible plugins here: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/27661-incompatible-plugins-an-incomplete-list/ Bevel is noted in the list (I updated some of the list yesterday).
  11. Spoiler tags seem a bit flaky. I recommend you use [hide ][ /hide] tags instead.
  12. Good catch. Thanks Welshy! I'll update this tonight. @cc4fuzzyhuggles: Thanks. Always trying to help
  13. The effect you want is called halftone. There are a couple of plugins: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/18811-ed-harvey-effects-v-35-2012-02-13/ - this one has 12 different shapes. http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/26731-trs-halftone-plugin/ - dots and boxes.
  14. Updated half of the list under 4.0.5168. The following are working: Blendmodes Plus Conditional Hue & Saturation (CondHSAdj.dll). Engrave/Emboss. Nope. In ain't fixed after all Extract Color. Hue/Saturation+. Local Contrast Enhancement. Yay! Thanks Rick Error messages updated for those that remain broken. If it doesn't have a version number beside it, it's still untested.
  15. Simple tip: Make your screen image three times the printed size, and print it at high/photo quality. That is, when the image is viewed at 100% size on the screen it should be three times the size you want when printed. Let's say a business card is 9cm x 5.5cm in size. Your image on screen (at 100%) should be approx 27cm x 16.5cm. On a monitor with a resolution of 96PPI that's a pixel size of around 1020 x 624.
  16. Yup. This is a known issue. It appears that some individual plugins and the common file CurtisBlack.Common.dll is incompatible with the latest release. Rick is improving things with every release. He mentioned that a number of previously incompatible plugins should now work with 4.0 .5168. Unfortunately Curtis' plugins are not among them. I'm keeping a list of such plugins here: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/27661-incompatible-plugins-an-incomplete-list/
  17. If you are updating an earlier version of Paint.NET there is no need to reinstall the plugin. It will be automatically available following the update. If you do not currently have the plugin installed, then you will need to install it. You are being advised to try the 4.0 version because it handles images in a different way which saves memory.
  18. JPG and PNG only support a single layer. A multi-layered image will take up a great deal of space because of the extra layers. I think the problem is that the image is fairly large with many layers. Solution? Reduce the number of layers and/or more RAM. Or follow David's advice and try 4.0.
  19. To soften the image before creating the border, try this little plugin Dream by @BoltBait.
  20. I'm not sure why you need a seamless texture - only half of the planet is ever seen at once. Just make sure the joins are on "the dark side" Try this: Fill a layer with any texture and run Shape3D with the sphere model. It gives you options to map the texture (half and full) and also does the shading for you.
  21. That's OK David. I recall doing the same with Shape3d. I'm sure Rick has done it too. The whole thread merging process is counter intuitive isn't it? I will flag the change and include it with the next roll out on 1st March.
  22. The only common file format which preserves the layer structure is *.pdn. If you haven't saved in this format you can assume it's a single layer. In a multi-layered pdn, toggling the layer visibility is a quick way to find out what's on a particular layer. You can also see some detail in the layer thumbnail in the Layers window. In a flattened image there is no way to tell which layer held individual elements of the composite image.
  23. Win 7+ allows you to right click on the image and "Restore previous versions". That may allow you to recover the original.
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