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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. If the keyboard shortcuts aren't going to speed the process up enough for you, try IrFanView. It has extensive batch handling features.
  2. I see what you're trying to achieve Can you tell me how many cells you want in your finished grid (WxH)? This is more critical than the grid size as it will determine the size of the image when translated into stitches. Another thought: how about uploading the original image so I can try and find a solution for you? I'm thinking it may take a combination of resizing and pixelate to get something acceptable.
  3. Hey dysk0nektd - welcome to the forum. Let me see if I have this straight. You want to pixelate the original image so the individual cells are larger, but not lose detail? Unfortunately losing detail is always going to be a consequence of the pixelation process. That's how pixelation works. As the grid gets larger the blocks of color get larger and you lose smaller details as they are overwhelmed by the resampling algorithm. Q: Are you pixelating or resizing the image? If I've got the wrong end of the stick - please forgive me and try restating what you're trying to achieve.
  4. Here: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/27250-community-localization-updates-nl-fi-pt-pl/
  5. Hi kierweb, welcome to the forum! You're using the wrong keyboard combination to crop. Try Ctrl + Shift + X
  6. Try this one: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/16082-100-paintnet-planet-tutorial/ It has an introduction on making the planet texture.
  7. Haven't the heart to tell them I stole my author photo from some guy on LinkedIn I'm joking of course. Pixey & barbieq25 - you've made my day! Thank you.
  8. Nice! You've made a great job of your moon. The shading is particularly nice the way some of the crater rims show up in the dark side.
  9. Very nice Welshy! Thank you. Added to the index Removed my first texture to here so the Stone 101 Index has it's own post. Kicking things off with a simple texture.... Object: To create a stone texture like this: Quick Steps (for power users): 1. Create a new image: Ctrl+N 2. Fill {F key} canvas with light grey colour 3. Add Noise: Intensity 100, Saturation 100, Coverage 100. 4. Make the image monotone: Ctrl+Shift+G 5. Add a new layer: Ctrl+Shift+N 6. Set Primary colour to Black, Secondary to White 7. Fill the new layer with clouds: Scale 250, Roughness 0.5 8. Set {F4} Cloud layer blend mode to Overlay, Opacity 130 9. Merge cloud layer down: Ctrl+M 10. Apply relief: ‘Effects>Stylize>Relief@45 degrees’ Step-by-step guide: 1. Create a new image, any size ‘File>New’ or {Ctrl+N}. 2. Fill {Shortcut: F key} blank canvas with light grey colour (something like #A0A0A0). 3. Add Noise ‘Effects>Noise>Add Noise: Intensity 100, Saturation 100 and Coverage 100’. 4. Make the image monotone with Adjustments>Black and White or {Ctrl+Shift+G}. 5. Add a new layer ‘Layers>Add New Layer’ or {Ctrl+Shift+N} or click the icon in the Layers window. 6. Set Primary colour to Black, Secondary to White by clicking the small default colour icon. 7. Fill the new layer with clouds ‘Effects>Render>Clouds: Scale 250, Roughness 0.5’. 8. Set Cloud layer blend mode {F4} to Overlay, Opacity 130. For a more gritty texture try blend mode = Reflect instead of Overlay. 9. Merge cloud layer down {Ctrl+M} or ‘Layers>Merge Layer down’ or 4th icon at the foot of the layers window. 10. Apply relief ‘Effects>Stylize>Relief: 45 degrees’. For a really great border that makes your stone look like it is a separate block: 1. swap the primary and secondary colours (Primary:White, secondary:Black) 2. Apply Bevel plugin ‘Effects>Render>Bevel’ [edit] Done!
  10. You get it on other menu items or just the last one showing at the edge of the screen (like I do)?
  11. It's back. Straight from restart and rebooting doesn't resolve it. The highlighting of the entry does work, but intermittently. It alternates with the plugin tooltip. A disconcerting pulsating effect If I hit the entry at just the right time it will fire up the plugin.
  12. February Update Five new plugins this month - two of which are from first time author @HorridoJoho. Welcome HorridoJoho, and thanks for the plugins Directional Blur - @HorridoJoho. Applies a directional blur. Much like Motion Blur, but faster. SelectionInnerContour - @HorridoJoho. Applies an inner contour to a selection using the primary color. Similar to BoltBait's Selection Outline plugin, but faster. TR's Custom Palette Matcher - @TechnoRobbo. Remaps the image colors to conform to a custom (paint.net) palette by finding the nearest color match. TR's Fuego - @TechnoRobbo. A parametric fire simulator (creates realistic flames for the pyrochild in all of us). TR's Kaboom - @TechnoRobbo. Scatter or disperse an image outward from a central point using alpha transparency. Similar to a 360 degree version of Scatter.
  13. Users unfamiliar with *.pdb files might like to know where they should place that file. In the same location as the *.dll?
  14. The pretender is only 136 pages. Mine is four times that length for around the same price. If I was REALLY catty I'd buy a copy and write a terrible review Meow-hissss-meow!
  15. Yes. Undo is restricted to the current session. If you don't wish to keep any changes, you could exit or close the image without saving it.
  16. Resizing is a manual procedure in paint.net. The keyboard shortcuts will make it easier however you're still going to have to process each image separately. How many images are you resizing?
  17. It may be the jpg encoding that is applied when it saves. Jpg is a lossy format so it doesn't 100% faithfully adhere to the original image colors. Try saving it as a PNG.
  18. I can't get this behaviour to repeat following a restart. Some sort of transient strangeness. If I come across it again I'll try and remember the lead up actions.
  19. Fixed. As @n d hasn't been around for a few years, I've added the zipped *.dll to the first post in this thread.
  20. It's nicely presented, but has significant bits missing IMHO. I.e. under the Distort menu they manage to omit descriptions of Crystalize, Tile Reflection and Twist - even though they are shown in the screenshot (or am I just being catty?)
  21. I see. It's changed from :heart: and :heart-break: to and I may update the PDF this weekend if I get time.
  22. Oh, a shortcut. I had the list it tattooed on my inner thigh aagh and About :About: were Ok, but ZoomToWindow :ZoomToWindow: made my eyes water Not 100% sure that list is up-to-date. Seem to remember :heart: was broken a while back. Edit: Yep, it still is.
  23. http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/19918-forum-smilies/ in alphabetical order no less
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