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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. This has been asked before http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/25989-reformatting-the-plugin-index/?p=386825. As I said back then, I'm not providing the Index in this format.I understand how it could be useful to some users, however the risk of abuse becomes too great.
  2. You can move the selection as you cast it by simultaneously holding down the second mouse button. This combination allows you to drag out the shape and position it at the same time. Give it a try - you'll wonder how you ever did without it #2 When the selection is made you can rotate it by activating the Move Tool (press M) and right clicking + dragging (NB 3.5.11 - in v4.0 you left click in the 'rotation zone'). No need to copy & paste at all. Why this is working for you is that PDN defaults to the Move Tool following the paste operation.
  3. You've posted this in the tutorial section. It doesn't really belong here because it is not a tutorial. I'll move this to the Paint.NET Discussion & Questions section for you.
  4. It seems to work flawlessly. I was prompted to install GS - which I did, then it ran like a dream. Completely baffled by the command syntax
  5. Perhaps an internet issue? Sometimes when the connection is poor the images fail to download within the specified time-frame. The image filename generally is shown as a result. Try pressing F5 a couple of times (=refresh) to see if the image can be encouraged to show.
  6. There are issues with the plugin under v4.0 I've listed ZBD in the incompatible plugin list here: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/27661-incompatible-plugins-an-incomplete-list/
  7. Once text is committed to the canvas, it ceases to be editable characters and becomes instead a collection of pixels. Thus you cannot re-edit the text by returning to the text tool. In your case you should be able to move the entire layer. Highlight the layer in the Layers window and use the Move Tool . Click and drag the layer.
  8. I still like the idea. Lower-end users will have the desktop default. Power users will set the path of their innermost desire. Everybody happy. If I have to copy the *.dll from the desktop every time I will cry
  9. Nice job cyberschelm! Welcome to the forum
  10. Slight correction. MadJik was here 10th January 2014. He's still popping in
  11. It's called Dragon Is Coming. I got it from DaFont.com, but check the license carefully. There is a link here: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/28009-font-tricks/?p=405769
  12. You can type in larger font sizes - you aren't restricted to the ones in the drop down list Byline: Seems to be the pattern that more often formal/text/manuals have the same font in a smaller size. Color is not necessarily the same. More informal books (i.e. novels) can go with a different font and color. There seem to be as many exceptions and there are rules here, so go with what you like. You could try searching for "book cover" under Google Images to get a broad sample. These are excellent reading to learn a bit about typography: http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2013/04/17/making-sense-type-classification-part/ http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2013/06/19/making-sense-of-type-classification-part-2/ http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2013/05/17/typographic-design-patterns-practices-case-study-2013/ (A great place to find out what to use based on what others are doing - website based) http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2013/08/06/beautiful-typography-web-design/
  13. Start big. Really big. Bigger than you imagine it should be.... http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/27966-hard-copies-have-extra-borders/?p=405435 Printing requires all those extra pixels to make a neat job. If you need your image made smaller for screen use you can always resize down. Like this...
  14. Try this one Noise Reduction. It was written specifically to remove jpg artifacts.
  15. I've got it. ClipWarp seems to have been broken by the latest release. Strange. ClipWarp Tested with 4.0.5168. Exception details: System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'PaintDotNet.DataObjectExtensions' from assembly 'PaintDotNet.Core, Version=4.0.5168.12074, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. ClipWarpNew Tested with 4.0.5168. Exception details: System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'PaintDotNet.DataObjectExtensions' from assembly 'PaintDotNet.Core, Version=4.0.5168.12074, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
  16. Even though a plugin does not appear in the list of incompatible plugins, one or two might still crash due to needing an update. Several plugin authors have recompiled their plugins specifically to make them compatible with v4.0. The list only determines the compatibility of the latest version of the plugin. Once v4.0 goes public I will update the Plugin Index to indicate these plugins.
  17. Most of the licencing terms are quite reasonable. Good luck finding a font to suit.
  18. I am sure I had Clipwarp working. Please post the crash/error message. Thanks.
  19. Hi brakket - welcome to the forum Very quickly.... 1. Open the source image. 2. Create a new layer. 3. Fill the entire new layer with a light grey. 4. Type your text onto the grey layer using a very different color for the text (i.e. red). 5. Use the Magic Wand tool + Shift key to select all the text on one go. 6. Press delete. 7. Press F4 and lower the opacity of the grey layer to suit. 8. Run AA's Assistant over the grey layer to smooth the edges of the text. 9. Flatten and Save As (not Save - that would overwrite the original).
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