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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. I'm not sure what you are after with either question. Diagonally select? For 'drag select' do you mean you want to make a selection with a brush type tool? More explanation please
  2. Glad you got it sorted Starrykat. Very impressed with that image! Have you started a Gallery on the forum? I hope so, as I'd like to see more of your work.
  3. Paul - zero indexing is normal and found everywhere in computers. It can take some time to get your head around it, but once you do it's easy to do the math. I urge you to persist
  4. You mean LayerSaver? If there's a problem with it, post your question in the layersaver thread.
  5. Welcome to the forum iiJoeey I assume you're using the brand new paint.net 4? Good man! Select the Magic Wand tool. Click in the center of the square & press delete. This removes the center pixels. The gray and white checkerboard pattern denotes transparency. This is normal. Create a new layer :AddNewLayer: and move it below the one with the square on it. Hint: You'll need the layers Window and the :MoveLayerDown: icon. Paste your new pic into the lower layer. It should show through the square in the upper layer. You'll find a wealth of information online if you press F1 in paint.net.
  6. Got it fine now. I've inserted the text into the post and removed the attachment. Translation of the Greek "Η λειτουργία δεν είναι έγκυρη εξαιτίας της τρέχουσας κατάστασης του αντικειμένου." is "Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object." First thing, you're using 4.0.2. Try installing 4.0.3 and see if the crash can be reproduced.
  7. Thanks Drew. I'm currently assisting in the rewrite of PDN documentation - so I'm finding out a few things. I could write a book.....No wait. I did that
  8. BoltBait's right. Your collection of plugins looks quite old. Does anything show up under Settings > Plugin Errors ?
  9. I'm not sure what you mean by "dither mode". Do you mean the legacy "Fill Modes" like this screenshot? They have been removed from the brush in 4.x. You can still access them via the paint bucket fill tool though 1. create your region with the paint brush as per normal. 2. Select the region with the magic wand tool. 3. Fill the selection with the paint bucket using the fill mode you want.
  10. Nice job! That white halo is gone and the image looks much better for it.
  11. Did you copy the files into paint.net/effects/ ? Did you unzip them (if you compressed them for the transfer)? Please post a screenshot showing the contents of your paint.net/effects folder if neither of the above suggestions helps.
  12. Drop the unzipped *.dll file into your paint.net/effects/ folder & restart paint.net. Look for the effect under the effects > animation sub menu.
  13. For AA's Assistant to work you need the "brain" element on it's own layer (and not sharing it with the black background). Your setup should look a bit like this in the Layers Window After running AA's Assistant three time @ defaults on the upper layer. Brrraaaaiiiinnnnnnnnnssssssss!
  14. That action has been around for a VERY long time. BTW I edited your post. You have been warned.
  15. Paint.net is an image editor, not an animator. There are a couple of plugins which you might find helpful: Animated Image SpriteSheet Animation
  16. Again, thank you NiteNurse. You're promoted to Sub Editing Full Under Secretary, Ok? 2D-ImageFilter Library is one of the effects I hadn't got around to checking (too much leg-work ). Thanks for the info.
  17. Sounds like you're confusing the Pencil tool and the Color Picker . Try selecting the Color Picker with the keyboard shortcut K. Now does it work as expected? It does for me. BTW it is relatively simple to install 3.5x and 4.x side by side. See http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/27227-paintnet-40-alpha-build-5034/?p=399792 I would also like to point out that SHOUTING about non-existent bugs is not a great look.
  18. The Developer of paint.net is having a well deserved break. Rest assured he will be taking note of these issues.
  19. Thanks NN. Humble apologies to all. I have been busy but that's no excuse. I will flag these plugins for a inclusion next month.
  20. August Update Four new plugins this month. Color Harmonies - @Martin Osieka. Easily create harmonious palettes or variants derived from a base color. Floyd-Steinberg Dithering - @BoltBait. Reduce the number of colors in an image by choosing the closest color in the palette, then taking the difference between that chosen color and the original color and spreads that difference out to nearby pixels TR's Color Reducer and palette maker - @TechnoRobbo. Reduce the number of colors (n) in an image. Useful to reduce file sizes. Editable color table if n<1000 and ability to save as a palette if n<97. Two Tone Threshold - @Red ochre. Assesses the tones in an image and apportions two colours between the thresholds. List of Filetypes is unchanged. So I changed the date
  21. Found a little UI rendering issue. The smaller lower slider is partially obscured by the text box above.
  22. Select the parts of the hammer individually. Run Splatter in the right color on the selection. Do this on a new layer. One color to a layer.
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