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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. Mini tutorial - http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/31884-restoring-lost-windows/ Welcome to the forum MaiaDMC!
  2. You guys know how to break my heart
  3. No pony? Can't wait for the rest of the series. Thanks TR!
  4. Hi there cybamephisto Best way I can think of to do this is use of paint.net's Copy Merged feature (Ctrl + Shift + C). This creates a copy of all the visible layers and places it in the clipboard. 1. Open the pdn image 2. Make visible the layers you want to appear - hide the rest. 3. Press Ctrl + A to select all 4. Press Ctrl + Shift + C to copy combined selection to the clipboard. Now you can either paste it into a new image (Ctrl + Alt + V) or use a plugin like TR's Export Selection to save it.
  5. You should be able to do this manually using the magic wand 1. Set your primary color to the new shade you want to install. 2. Activate the magic wand & set the toolbar tolerance to 1% and selection mode to contiguous. 3. Make a selection on the target color. 4. Selection size in pixels is shown in the Status bar. If less than <whatever> number of pixels, hit the Backspace key. 5. Repeat 3 & 4 as required. As far as a plugin, you've just made your request. A nice person might come along and write a plugin for you.
  6. Thanks. I hope you enjoy it Tomokatu BTW did you try drawing a line with the Shift key held down? It constrains the angle to the nearest 15° increment. VERY useful for longer lines
  7. The new documentation has been written for some time. It is awaiting final approval from Rick (paint.net developer).
  8. @toe_head2001 has recompiled this plugin to work under PDN 4. You can find the new version here: Point Warp / Engorged Smudge for PDN 4
  9. Glad we could help fancyfree. Welcome to the forum! I hope you enjoy your stay
  10. Thanks toe-y! How about releasing this in it's own thread to differentiate the two versions? Edit: New plugin split into it's own thread.
  11. You're misunderstanding how these controls work. Try imagining the roll control is an eyeball with an arrow sticking out of the centre of it. Rotation is the eye twisting about the arrows shaft. Ouch - yucky. Next is radial movement. This is twisting the arrow from side to side while it's head does not move. See how the above rotation is still about the arrow shaft even though it's off to one side? In this way these two controls are intrinsically linked. The final rotation is rotating the arrow about it's sharpened (and bloody) head. This has an effect on radial movement: consider twisting the arrow to one side and then rotating it (that's gotta hurt!). This macabre and gruesome tutorial is brought to you by Zombies.com (maybe) In slightly less terrible terminology (thanks Bruce)... Item1 is the rotation around the center (applied first), Item3 is the tilt from center. Item2 is the direction that Item3 is applied in.
  12. To remove portions from an existing selection, hold down the Alt key while casting a new selection. This has the same effect as toggling the selection mode in the tool bar - but doesn't persist like the tool bar options. BTW: This is the natural twin to the Ctrl key which adds new selections.
  13. The example image is a JPG. Jpg's do not support transparency - you'll need to save it as a PNG or some other format which does support transparency
  14. Try copying the image Direct Link and paste it inside an img tag. Surround the whole lot with square brackets. [img=<image url>] I've uploaded an image into your first post. Edit the post to see how it works.
  15. Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) uses a 15-bit RGB (32,768 colors - also known as Highcolor) palette, with up to 256 simultaneous colors. The 15-bit RGB palette use 5 bits for each of the red, green, and blue color components. The reason you can't find a palette is that you can choose 256 individual shades from a swatch of 32768 colors. The number of possible combinations is huge.
  16. To add photos, upload them to a hosting service and post the links here. See HERE
  17. You've got the Grim Reaper in there and you're worried about realism? Big moon = spooky/macabre/primal. The sort of thing you're not-so-subtly hinting at with the title and Reaper image Like your changes & agree that the font is a little too ornate for great clarity. I can't read the title on your thumbnail image for e.g. I can read Steve's titles in his similarly sized thumbnails.
  18. Can't see one... http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/15260-plugin-index/?p=252432
  19. I should have mentioned that once you have that setup ^ clicking anywhere on the canvas will create a 1x1 pixel selection at the click-point.
  20. Ishi's gallery prompted me to create this little fellow... <ps:SimpleGeometryShape xmlns="clr-namespace:PaintDotNet.UI.Media;assembly=PaintDotNet.Framework" xmlns:ps="clr-namespace:PaintDotNet.Shapes;assembly=PaintDotNet.Framework" DisplayName="Minion" Geometry="M 140,140 A 49.5,57.01,92.49,1,1,370,150 Q 370,240,370,300 Q 380,320,390,420 Q 380,480,340,470 Q 320,460,340,450 C 350,440,352.11,432.11,360,430 L 360,410 Q 340,440,300,440 Q 290,450,300,470 Q 320,470,310,490 Q 280,490,250,480 Q 249.23,467.11,250,450 A 5.59,5.59,-94.76,1,0,245,450 Q 248.27,461.44,240,470 Q 250,490,225,495 Q 213.56,498.27,205,490 Q 201.73,478.56,210,470 Q 210,455,185,435 Q 140,430,140,380 Q 130,410,140,420 C 130,440,140,440,140,450 C 142.89,455,150,470,140,470 C 140,480,126.44,480.39,120,480 C 100,470,106.73,451.44,110,440 Q 110,430,110,420 Q 110,370,130,320 Q 130,240,140,140 M 280,150 A 18.03,18.03,0,1,0,310,170 A 18.03,18.03,0,1,0,280,150 M 200,150 A 18.03,18.03,0,1,0,230,170 A 18.03,18.03,0,1,0,200,150 M 310,170 A 11.18,11.18,-90,1,0,290,160 A 11.18,11.18,-90,1,0,310,170 M 230,170 A 11.18,11.18,-90,1,0,210,160 A 11.18,11.18,-90,1,0,230,170 M 250,120 A 50.99,50,180,1,0,250,180 M 250,120 A 50.99,50,0,1,1,250,180 M 300,280 Q 250,250,200,290 Q 250,270,300,280 "/>
  21. Try the Recolor Tool http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/RecolorTool.html
  22. Ooo.... Nice! I really like that Markie. A few things to try - just to see how they look: 1. Fade out the person/skull layer(s) by lowering the Opacity (press F4 with the layer active). This will make it look more spectral. 2. Shift the person/skull layers behind the buildings. At the moment there is a definite overlay the other way. 3. Lift the moon higher - to make it look more illuminating of the cityscape. Something like this:
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