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Everything posted by The_Lionhearted

  1. Everyone seems to be known for something here (Helio = spacescapes, uH = Vista stuff, jpope = amazingness) so it would be an interesting contest if we used stuff like that. Who will unseat Helio from his spacescape throne?! :twisted:
  2. See if you could get Ash's lighting settings. I thought he did a great job on that! (imho too much blur uH)
  3. Did you blur the text before you started? Try following the directions to the letter if you try it again...it's difficult to see where someone went wrong just by seeing the end result. :? Welcome to the forums!
  4. Very nice Wingdingo...welcome to the forums.
  5. @jake (a couple pages back): Tiny sig looks good, you're really having fun with that theme, ya? @uH: I like the flames one...pretty! @jpope: You always use color really well...do you add color using clouds and blurs, or paintbrush and blurs...how many different layers do you have on each of your creations?!? @someone: imho the clouds could be a bit lighter...what is you used that grain in the middle part for the entire flag? @Misfit: Those are some pretty good cars. And I'm impressed that you were able to make them look so good. Nice job!
  6. uH would pwn imho... I don't know if there should be. On one hand it sounds like it could be fun, but on the other hand I'm not so sure I could invest the time (as if PDN doesn't suck away my life already! )
  7. Yes...trying to sharpen a blurry picture too much makes this...
  8. I liked that one...I got to see how you used shadows and layers. It was very revealing. Er...in a good sort of way.
  9. Oh, to spend a day in the mind of jpope...to learn how he thinks! And "bawk bawk productions" is classic...don't you think so barkbark00?
  10. Oh CMD you are my hero... Thanks for all you guys' help! It's slowly but surely becoming clearer...
  11. Crud...I knew I forgot someone... If you would do it...
  12. Click on the "more" button on the color picker (bottom left) and then drag the "transparency - alpha" slider all the way to the left.
  13. The name says it all really. I've been trying to wrap my mind around what the Alpha Mask Plugin is capable of, and people are always talking about how they used it on something amazing... :shock: So what I'm looking (hoping) for is someone (bb00? boltbait? jake2k? Helio? uH?) who is experienced with it to sit down and create a "alpha mask basics" tutorial with pictures. I think this would help clarify a (imho) complex feature of PDN (and be stickied?) for the new people and introduce a good tool to the world at large. Or perhaps I'm just too stupid to figure it out. (and use too many parentheses)
  14. I finally got my Mom to upgrade from ME to XP last spring... Stinks when you're the family's tech support... PDN 3.07 rocks! Thanks Rick.
  15. The_Lionhearted


    ambition is the precursor to success. Your daily moment of zen...brought to you by Rich.
  16. When you go to image -> resize Uncheck the "maintain aspect ratio" box Enter both numbers Basically the "maintain aspect ratio" means that it'll keep the image with the same dimensions...just smaller.
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