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Everything posted by oma

  1. I'm not too good at following directions I got sidetracked and this is what I came up with. someone please take that polar inversion away from me for a day
  2. are you saving it as a jpg or by mistake leaving it as a pdn file? been awhile since I've used movie maker but I'm positive it needs to be a jpg. ciao OMA
  3. nice !!!!! Welshblue I want to know how you did this one! especially those long wire things. its been extreme windchill warnings all week. temps in the minus 38 celcius range. downright frosty..... so I want to know when spring will ever get here? Spring Can not arrive fast enough for me
  4. its not exactly what you ask for but perhaps if you read this tut you can adapt to what you want. if not at least you will have learned some pretty awesome tricks using paint.net. viewtopic.php?f=15&t=23329 ciao
  5. that sure is coming along nicely. the flames are a nice touch. maybe a bit of yellow and white and the littlest tinniest amount of blue in the flames will give the contrast you need to make it look sizzling hot. ciao OMA
  6. I love the new direction of drawing your own images. The connection between the song and the pic is a nice touch. Now where's the fav button....oh yes that's over on DA not here. Well if there was a fav button here I'd be adding dig a pony. I guess I'll just throw some confetti :AddNoise: :AddNoise: :AddNoise: ciao OMA
  7. excellent tut Madjik, as always we can count on you to give us well written instructions to acheive magical images. ciao OMA PS don't be such a stranger come by more often miss your lovely pictures.
  8. welcome to the forum. very nice for a newbie. good job on the fade in of your brothers picture. ciao OMA
  9. oma

    Oma's gallery

    twice post. sorry I've added some of the elements up in the previous post of weep sorrow above and changed the eyelashes to sparkly still not 100% happy with those lashes but like them a tiny bit better.
  10. open new picture. drop down box under image resize the resolution is there. then import your pictures.
  11. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks well actually Boude is correct in his comment about the lashes. I agree they are not there yet on this drawing. but its about the 10th or 15th try at them. my control of the line tool isn't the greatest lately. (my hands are acting up again, I am out of remission..and they are very numb) It would help if I had a taper line tool. keeping hopes up that Rick sometime or other adds that in one of the upcoming versions. I'm thinking I need to do them differnt rainbow colors as the black is too harsh. so that's a matter of individual lash by lash drawing. Will have to see how that progresses. any other things I should work on in this drawing ??? ciao
  12. sword try this 800 x 600 white canvas. use 3d shape sphere leave everything as is except the second box where it says horizontal radius 0.030 nice long sword blade. handle check how yellow man explained about making the vases in the pictorium realistic images. like a fat vase. the little sphere on the top is great. love the glossy. maybe a gemstone in that sphere (Ash did a great tut) and that curved hand guard. 3d 1/2 sphere. you will need to play around with the x,y,z one of them gives a nice curve. :wink:
  13. oma

    Oma's gallery

    PS Storm.shadow I didn't like to hear your eyes had popped out. I weep in sorrow at that . told you all that English language sometime strikes me as very funny. the phrases bring all sorts of wild images to my mind. EDIT added a few of the individual elements in this picture and changed the eyelashes from black to sparkly. a bit better but still I'm not 100% happy with the lashes.
  14. I'm glad you were able to sort that out. welcome to the forum. hope to see some artwork in the pictorium from you soon. ciao OMA
  15. I just looked at it what do you mean its not there I see the pictures? I also just checked on ASH DA site. he's organized his gallery so clik gallery when you get to his page and down the left side is the sort. its under tutorial so this tut is here and on DA. ???? I just had a PM from ASH he's been busy lately is there a specific thing you need answered about a step in the tut? or did you just not read down far enough in his post? about the text being on his DA site.
  16. first version! is my fav. ciao OMA
  17. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks Helen, WHM Smuff, and Storm.Shadow. ciao OMA PS Storm.Shadow don't trip over those eyeballs of yours on the way to the eyedoctor. you haven't seen anything yet. have some major abstracts in the works. I'm on a roll today finishing up some old starts and stops.
  18. perhaps you should put the crash log up here. It might give many more clues as what you've written here is too vague .
  19. oma

    Oma's gallery

    when your mind feels this cozy and comfy on a Monday Morning you just know it is going to be a good week. "A Good Week" 14456
  20. does not tinypic accept only .jpg .png or .gif ? I'm asboultley sure they don't accept pdn files. so you need to change to one of the other formats. this is the link to read how to do that. viewtopic.php?f=34&t=26975 just a suggestion ....try to use the search button up right top of the forum screen. I know this one question has been answered numerous times. That's why its stickied in the tut section. using the search button might answer you question when there isn't anyone else on the board to help you out. by the way welcome to the forum and good luck on the contest. ciao OMA
  21. oma

    Oma's gallery

    @Storm.Shadow thanks you. I love things of beauty, shiny and bright! just glad someone else finds my work enjoyable as well. once again thanks you. ciao OMA
  22. oh I love that! like bubbles in champange! great job on the abstract! check you PM"S for a private personal message. ciao OMA
  23. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks Janettsue ....I've been working on perfecting shinny glitter like texture with another member via PM we are on to something but I'm not quite there yet in what I want the final outcome on my sig and avi to look like. needs more "Bling" have to match my shining personality notice I did leave the quote about being evil.
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