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Everything posted by oma

  1. I love this sig. simple, sweet and to the point. PS the fire one is real creative. I like that also. especially since its outside your comfort zone of just sigs :wink:
  2. did you look under effects then renders? I can't remember but this might be one of the ones you need to turn off the computor and restart again before it shows up. ciao OMA
  3. oh those are very special looking. I really like the one you call slinky. very nice. now that you've found your way to our forum and have started yourself such a fine gallery, I hope we see more of you. ciao take care OMA
  4. oh those are very special looking. I really like the one you call slinky. very nice. now that you've found your way to our forum and have started yourself such a fine gallery, I hope we see more of you. ciao take care OMA
  5. nice nice nice wallpapers. do you know its from an image like this I made some lovely flowers. :wink:
  6. nice nice nice wallpapers. do you know its from an image like this I made some lovely flowers. :wink:
  7. New sig! :shock: :shock: like that a lot.
  8. New sig! :shock: :shock: like that a lot.
  9. great image Rob I like the cartoon effect. see those little white around the hair line you might want to take a black brush and fill them in. you are way way too young to be sporting that gray. Here's one I did tonight. its actually a quick prelim sketch of a picture that I'm drawing, of course much larger and more detailed, with better coloration I hope. The paint.net program allowed me to visualize it better what it would look like when the benzatine layers were done and I darkend different areas. original is in a book about 2 1/2 x 3
  10. great image Rob I like the cartoon effect. see those little white around the hair line you might want to take a black brush and fill them in. you are way way too young to be sporting that gray. Here's one I did tonight. its actually a quick prelim sketch of a picture that I'm drawing, of course much larger and more detailed, with better coloration I hope. The paint.net program allowed me to visualize it better what it would look like when the benzatine layers were done and I darkend different areas. original is in a book about 2 1/2 x 3
  11. feeling pressured! ( I remember you asking me that way back when in my gallery about a pineapple)
  12. feeling pressured! ( I remember you asking me that way back when in my gallery about a pineapple)
  13. effects>stylize>edge detect. I'm fairly certain its a standard item and not a plug in but I could be wrong. that was just a suggestion. you could try other things. its just to let you know you need more to this one. don't stop yet! this picture isn't done. ciao :wink: run with it experiment. remember there's always the back up button if you don;t like what its done... I use that a lot.
  14. effects>stylize>edge detect. I'm fairly certain its a standard item and not a plug in but I could be wrong. that was just a suggestion. you could try other things. its just to let you know you need more to this one. don't stop yet! this picture isn't done. ciao :wink: run with it experiment. remember there's always the back up button if you don;t like what its done... I use that a lot.
  15. I'm sure you will most likely be better in time. Don't forget you have the advantage of starting to draw at a much earlier age, I only started on computor a little over 2 years ago. :wink: Its just practice, have an open mind to tips and critiques. Also one way to really improve is to hand draw on paper as well, if you don't already . I found my paint.net skills really improved after I started doing that as well. ciao and I'll be watching, I don't always leave a comment, but I try to make it to everyones gallery at least once a week. OMA
  16. I'm sure you will most likely be better in time. Don't forget you have the advantage of starting to draw at a much earlier age, I only started on computor a little over 2 years ago. :wink: Its just practice, have an open mind to tips and critiques. Also one way to really improve is to hand draw on paper as well, if you don't already . I found my paint.net skills really improved after I started doing that as well. ciao and I'll be watching, I don't always leave a comment, but I try to make it to everyones gallery at least once a week. OMA
  17. oma

    Oma's gallery

    why thank you sweety. I try. I started out same as everyone else here. newbie! with a great big capital "N" lots of practice, and an open mind to critiques and tips really helps. look forward to seeing some of your work, in your gallery. ciao OMA
  18. oma

    Oma's gallery

    why thank you sweety. I try. I started out same as everyone else here. newbie! with a great big capital "N" lots of practice, and an open mind to critiques and tips really helps. look forward to seeing some of your work, in your gallery. ciao OMA
  19. ah but her hearts are in perspective. Helen I think those glossies are sensational! some of your best work so far. Like LFC4ever said time for challenge. I'm thinking you need to do a background image to go with the glossies. just using some effects. step out of that comfort zone. no line drawing allowed. (I'm just jealous because you draw so much better than I do :wink: ) The gauntlet has been thrown.
  20. ah but her hearts are in perspective. Helen I think those glossies are sensational! some of your best work so far. Like LFC4ever said time for challenge. I'm thinking you need to do a background image to go with the glossies. just using some effects. step out of that comfort zone. no line drawing allowed. (I'm just jealous because you draw so much better than I do :wink: ) The gauntlet has been thrown.
  21. better ! I'm liking you getting into more sophisticated coloration. using the more button beside the color wheel instead of just the set colors in the original paint.net pallet. now lets see if you can work on using multiple layers and adding to this image. perhaps try a duplication layer of what you have here. set top one to additive and then use edges. on the top one do another whirl/twist. at a different setting. one secret I find is a full of depth abstract takes time. I tend to do maybe 4 or 5 things, get up and leave the computor for about an hour or two or three then come back and look at it again. Most times my abstracts take about a week to do. ciao OMA
  22. better ! I'm liking you getting into more sophisticated coloration. using the more button beside the color wheel instead of just the set colors in the original paint.net pallet. now lets see if you can work on using multiple layers and adding to this image. perhaps try a duplication layer of what you have here. set top one to additive and then use edges. on the top one do another whirl/twist. at a different setting. one secret I find is a full of depth abstract takes time. I tend to do maybe 4 or 5 things, get up and leave the computor for about an hour or two or three then come back and look at it again. Most times my abstracts take about a week to do. ciao OMA
  23. the CD one is great! I'm going to try that tut.
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