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Everything posted by oma

  1. Nice! I finally get the concept of how to mask. one spot I did hesitate in your instructions is in step 3 where you tell us took me a bit to figure that out. I finally figured out it meant save the resulted flattened image as a PNG. I was only saving the one layer as my mask. smack my palm to my forhead. No wonder I could never do a mask properly. thanks for the tut now I've just to figure out how to add this into my sword. LOL! ciao OMA
  2. yes after i went back and re tried I figured it out. just seems to be awkward and you will probably get loads of "I can't get it to work" comments. Otherwise I like how I can make curved lines along the length of a shape. I've not quite figured out that green bar that comes up sometimes. ciao OMA
  3. Tim check which one you've attached. this one comes up test in the effects menu do you not need this to be in a render also I'm unable to move any of the sliders at all unless I clik that independant radius box Is that the way you intend it to work?
  4. love your handle. I saw one similar to that in a tut on Samari swords somewhere on the internet. I hadn't tried converting over yet but think now I may give it a go. very nice work. I love the blue stones. Were they from Ash tut or a render? I do see your image is sitting rather high on the background throwing off the viewpoint so I'm wondering about that. I'm thinking when you did the align step way back at the very first blue line for the blade perhaps you used the centre (default) alignment try just aligning using the top horizontal button or maybe you didn't watch the side graph on the left and started your line up above the 4" mark. .
  5. just a question. what will happen when you move these around and you write a tut. how are you going to explain where to find the effect? in your re arranged menu or in the one everyone else uses?
  6. oma

    LJXD's Gallery

    Hi there just stopping by. I've been to your gallery many times. but just now realized I'd never commented on how great everything looks. sorry about that. Your work is very astounding to look at. I love the variety. but you know me can you guess which one I'd just have to love the best? it has to be a swirly abstract. ciao OMA
  7. ha ha ha don't you be trying to trick me into volunteering to do a glass tut. nice try. ciao OMA
  8. very nicely done. thanks for the comments on my tut. thanks for doing this tut. and showing me your picture. do you still have that as a PDN? When you put it against a black background you loose the edge of the sword in its dark spots. when something like that happens in my pictures. I usually make some sort of background contrast at that spot. I just added some notes at the end of the tut..... about variations and background things to watch for. check post directly below original tut. Personally for me the proof of how successful this tut has been is when I start recognizing and seeing items around the gallery not exactly the same but using some of the same principals. ciao thanks for stopping by OMA
  9. NO from me (for now) I sent you a PM Simon .
  10. Madjik that's great. colorful and lively. I can feel the motion. Lori not bad for a beginner abstract artist. Soft and sweet. I think it needs a name. "Passion for Strawberries and Cream"
  11. I love that wood one with the engraving on it. that's really nicely done.
  12. don't scrap that! two words ""more textures" especially the shield rim and the helmet would like to see that become more 3d. by the way did you draw that helmet? It's wonderful. :wink:
  13. oma

    Oma's gallery

    why thank you for the comment on my gallery front page. I truly enjoyed doing that banner. The most difficult part was combing thru all my older Paint.net creations , I wanted to put them all there but knew I had to limit it and yet get a real cross section of the types of work I've done. Another consideration was color, I didn't want too many of the same color side by each. once I picked the pictures I made a copy of each and just resized them all into one file. Then it was just a matter of importing each into an open image on a separate layer, so they could be moved and rearranged as I wished. I'm glad you stopped by and left a message. Don't be such a stranger drop by more often. ciao OMA
  14. great point. sometimes when you write these tuts it is difficult to see where someone might get hung up on something what we just know without thinking about it. will be including in as a tip ASAP. ciao and thanks for the heads up. OMA
  15. oh my soul Helen how did you know I was thinking of drawing a set of salt and pepper shakers. is my house bugged? I walked past the china cabinet on my way to bed last night and thought those would be good to try. After seeing how well you've done on yours I'm glad I just sat down at the computer and hadn't started on them already. Oh I can not believe how in sync you and I are art wise. great great great job on the chrome lids soo shiny. did you use curves? did you keep a copy of the curves settings? ciao OMA I'm still shaking my head at the coincidence.
  16. Thanks Oma . I`m honored to be included in such an awesome tut. Here is my go. I cheated a bit with the buttons and Googled a nice ruby pic instead. I thought it deserved the genuine article as its such a good tut. :wink: I sorted out the imperfections with the handle but Photobucket keeps uploading the first version. Strange. I`ve also included the sword in my latest pic in my gallery. that's truly well done! oh I'm so glad you added a pic I was beginning to think the tut wasn't written well enough I'm glad you reminded me of the gems I'd forgotten to add the links to Ash gemstone tuts into the spot where I used buttons (poor mans gems) as an alternate. what font is that you used? looks like an eagle? I can see some little pixels around the spot where the two smaller rubies were resized. I usually avoid this by moving the selection cutting and adding to another layer and then delete the old layer the gem was on. or you can just wand a transparent portion of that layer (makes them show up at 0 tolerance) and control +i and use eraser. re the photobucket after you delete out the old version of Medievalsword you can add the new version if and only if you make a change to the name somehow. try adding the new version as Medievalsword2
  17. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks Helen I'm glad I could help . I've just realized its time to update my index on the first page again, I've added a few pictures lately that should be listed. so I'll be busy tonight. I wonder what will inspire me in making my next art piece. you never know might be a totally different direction altogther. thinking cap now on. ciao OMA
  18. you need to cut the duck out separate. the tut you are looking for viewtopic.php?f=34&t=28790 so cut out your duck the wand will not work paste it in a transparent layer make yourself a new background and the do your gif movement pictures. ciao OMA
  19. red's one of my favourite colors as well, and I also love blue. I just had a look at the bigger version you posted in your gallery , very good. ciao
  20. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks Suffice? You posted a great tutorial. That's the best one I have seen, not even the Photoshop tutorials could explain that so well. A job well done. Have a cup of coffee on me, Oma! thanks will do that. hope you draw a sword real soon. ciao OMA
  21. @Minoeman very good job. you were able to follow that tut to the T. no spots of trouble? any places you think I need to beef up the tut instructions? I won't ask if you are North Carolina fan or Virginia Tech., I just say enjoy the game. I look forward to seeing what you come up with in the way of a sharpened sword. . ciao OMA
  22. sometime if I don't draw my picture dark enough and the scann seems faint. I make a duplicate layer and set at multiply this might take several layers at multiply. then I use brightness/contrast. start by moving the contrast slider first up higher. each image is a bit different setting but I eventually get a black and white image. from there you can use color to alpha plugin or one by boltBait called strip primary color. a lot depends on the actual orginal image and the quality of the scann. you might have to remove some stray pixels etc. (noise) with the eraser. and you might also try selection outline both BoltBait and Pyrochild have versions of this either will work to make lines bolder if all attempts to get a good scann to paint.net I've resorted to the old cheap tracing paper method and a good dark pencil /black ink and rescann.
  23. glad you think so thanks for the vote of confidence. It took me a bit to simplify from my original and get a decent looking finished product. I needed it simple enough for those that want a bit of a challenge, yet not too intimidating that no one uses it. yes that is the easiest way and is how I actually do this step. The reason I chose to show this way is for the beginners. You would not beleive the number of PM's I get just asking me the simple question how do I change the size and where? and how do you know its a transparent screen? but I will add your little tip into the tut as a side bar, everystep a newbie can learn is a bonus. ciao
  24. thanks Helen oh I'm human for sure. see the flaws in above. right button on the handle wrong spot. and the handle off center. I missed those in trying to simplify the tut. But I'll fix those booboo's before the end of the evening. :wink: EDIT: too late I've fixed them now.
  25. yes I'm raising the bar here boys lets get some real good tuts with some teeth in this forum. too many sig tuts right now....we need some meat and potatoes. :wink:
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