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Everything posted by oma

  1. the CD one is great! I'm going to try that tut.
  2. agree that cd is very well done. i've just looked at that tut and its one I'm going to try as well. I have a feeling this one can be further manipulated into a fantastic abstract. and yellowman that sig is one of the nicest I've seen. I never seem to be able to acheive such great reflections. and I like how you've rotated it. ciao
  3. agree that cd is very well done. i've just looked at that tut and its one I'm going to try as well. I have a feeling this one can be further manipulated into a fantastic abstract. and yellowman that sig is one of the nicest I've seen. I never seem to be able to acheive such great reflections. and I like how you've rotated it. ciao
  4. that fantasy castle one is really nice. makes me want to go on a vacation. but I don't see any person in the fractal brush. Tell the wife to get some rest she's seeing ghosties. ciao OMA
  5. that fantasy castle one is really nice. makes me want to go on a vacation. but I don't see any person in the fractal brush. Tell the wife to get some rest she's seeing ghosties. ciao OMA
  6. welcome to the forum. good gallery, you will find a lot of fellow sig makers here on this forum. I'm not one for the sig side of things, so seldom give comments out on them. But will say the one with the wolf is very appealing to look at. ciao OMA
  7. welcome to the forum. good gallery, you will find a lot of fellow sig makers here on this forum. I'm not one for the sig side of things, so seldom give comments out on them. But will say the one with the wolf is very appealing to look at. ciao OMA
  8. sorry not ignoring you just haven't had a lot of time lately. I tend to spend more time looking in personal galleries that's all. and when I post here I tend to just comment on the one directly above mine or on ones that I've been noticing someone taking a real departure from their comfort zone and attempting very complicated pieces. so lets see what can I say. this last one I'm not fond of it. I like the previous one with the gradiants and the swirl going into the middle much more. That one was more visually appealing because of the colors, and the gradiants. It has more movement and depth than this one. I always look but don't always comment. :wink: ciao OMA
  9. sorry not ignoring you just haven't had a lot of time lately. I tend to spend more time looking in personal galleries that's all. and when I post here I tend to just comment on the one directly above mine or on ones that I've been noticing someone taking a real departure from their comfort zone and attempting very complicated pieces. so lets see what can I say. this last one I'm not fond of it. I like the previous one with the gradiants and the swirl going into the middle much more. That one was more visually appealing because of the colors, and the gradiants. It has more movement and depth than this one. I always look but don't always comment. :wink: ciao OMA
  10. Dream tunnel is not my fav. just a tad too washed away. the picture needs something to make it zing. perhaps an off centre point of interest. asymetrical might work better. the one of the craters is smashing.
  11. Dream tunnel is not my fav. just a tad too washed away. the picture needs something to make it zing. perhaps an off centre point of interest. asymetrical might work better. the one of the craters is smashing.
  12. oma

    Oma's gallery

    no I shouldn't have doubted that. I knew the dark shadow wasn't correct it was the transparent fade out I totally forgot about! I was too focused on the need to cut the main element out to make a shadow. the transparent fade made it possible to do just a basic cut around and not need to really mask it out. I had originally thought the water distort and tried it. didn't like it. the wet floor works much better. ciao anyways want to say thanks again.
  13. oma

    Oma's gallery

    no I shouldn't have doubted that. I knew the dark shadow wasn't correct it was the transparent fade out I totally forgot about! I was too focused on the need to cut the main element out to make a shadow. the transparent fade made it possible to do just a basic cut around and not need to really mask it out. I had originally thought the water distort and tried it. didn't like it. the wet floor works much better. ciao anyways want to say thanks again.
  14. oma

    Oma's gallery

    I guess my english wasn't correct on that one. the piece was done ages ago. already was flattened. no PDN avail for the individual elements. I even looked thru all my old burned discs to see if I'd salvaged anything. so I did a rough cut out the shape and then used the shadow plugin. same thing less steps. although the transparent gradiant might solve one issue I'm having with this shadow. I'm really not sure it needs a shadow. Are you sure you are not seeing a planet where no planet exists. :wink: its just colors..... whirled around in my mind. EDIT: good call I did go with the transparent fade out on the shadow and the wet floor reflection was the icing on the cake. good call, I shouldn't have doubted you. posted it back on pg 26 with the other two versions.
  15. oma

    Oma's gallery

    I guess my english wasn't correct on that one. the piece was done ages ago. already was flattened. no PDN avail for the individual elements. I even looked thru all my old burned discs to see if I'd salvaged anything. so I did a rough cut out the shape and then used the shadow plugin. same thing less steps. although the transparent gradiant might solve one issue I'm having with this shadow. I'm really not sure it needs a shadow. Are you sure you are not seeing a planet where no planet exists. :wink: its just colors..... whirled around in my mind. EDIT: good call I did go with the transparent fade out on the shadow and the wet floor reflection was the icing on the cake. good call, I shouldn't have doubted you. posted it back on pg 26 with the other two versions.
  16. have fun I'm sure you will enjoy using this set of plugins they are great! I tend to use them all the time. I really like the one effects>color>colorflip/rotate
  17. have fun I'm sure you will enjoy using this set of plugins they are great! I tend to use them all the time. I really like the one effects>color>colorflip/rotate
  18. oma

    Oma's gallery

    I'll have to adress that shadow somehow. this is an older piece reworked. flattened to acheive some of the effects. a shadow would have to be cut focal to separate layer. or perhaps just a fake in shadow using blur? not sure my skills are up to that but I'll give it a try. if you don't see a revision up it will be because the outcome is blahhhhhh! EDIT first attempt at adding a shadow has been posted above comments better or worse? correct spot? ciao
  19. oma

    Oma's gallery

    I'll have to adress that shadow somehow. this is an older piece reworked. flattened to acheive some of the effects. a shadow would have to be cut focal to separate layer. or perhaps just a fake in shadow using blur? not sure my skills are up to that but I'll give it a try. if you don't see a revision up it will be because the outcome is blahhhhhh! EDIT first attempt at adding a shadow has been posted above comments better or worse? correct spot? ciao
  20. no icons because Ed doesn't code them in. the plugin works fine with out them.
  21. no icons because Ed doesn't code them in. the plugin works fine with out them.
  22. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks Helen and AmadeusX its coming along. I've been working on getting a decent canvas like background and this seems reasonable looking. now I'm stuck in how to give it brush strokes like in actual oil paintings. this is a project I've been attempting off and on for ages and ages. I get as far as the canvas and then can not figure out the rest. (at least to how I want it to look) (I'd like to eventually get a script lab done up to automatically place over all my work giving a brush signature to my work.) again it goes to the back burner. perhaps next version of the program will offer up some new ideas on pushing the limit on this project. . ciao
  23. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks Helen and AmadeusX its coming along. I've been working on getting a decent canvas like background and this seems reasonable looking. now I'm stuck in how to give it brush strokes like in actual oil paintings. this is a project I've been attempting off and on for ages and ages. I get as far as the canvas and then can not figure out the rest. (at least to how I want it to look) (I'd like to eventually get a script lab done up to automatically place over all my work giving a brush signature to my work.) again it goes to the back burner. perhaps next version of the program will offer up some new ideas on pushing the limit on this project. . ciao
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