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Everything posted by oma

  1. black and white styler as far as I know is a new plugin by photoshop. it does the same as the Pleasantville effect. so Evar you will have to use the tut called Black and White Pleasantville effect. Its not as quick as push a button but you can acheive the same thing with just a bit of effort. if by chance you weren't talking about a black and white picture with a bit of colorization of single items then let us know. ciao OMA
  2. love that cruise ship. I think it would be lovely right about now to go on a cruise. I see fireworks going off in your latest art work, very nicely done. Once again you've shared with us all another fine picture. ciao OMA
  3. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks Nab its still in the works I'm not happy yet with it. I'm going for more like the new av I did but still needs a fair bit of tweeking. glad you liked that one! oh no not another one who wants a tut. maybe I should just place a camera over my shoulder and let you all watch. No that's a bad idea. My work desk is a mess right now , I'm still in my pj's having my morning coffee and my hair is in rollers. LOL! thank you sweety. hope you had a nice valentines day. here is a new one I've been working on. enjoy inspiration was a film I saw recently on the art of India POSTCARDS FROM INDIA 14238
  4. I haven't downloaded this one yet Mike. just wanted you to know I used the other version for some of my glass work so I'm going to need a good clear head when I check this one out. will have to move my old one over to another spot before I give this one a whirl. but if its any indication from the comments so far looks like this might be a winner. thanks for thinking of us all and sharing. ciao
  5. thank you It is growing on me. I'm liking it better the more I look at it. now if I could just turn it into some real $ I'd be over the moon. ciao OMA
  6. too bad I hadn't put any engravings on them. but it was a sad attempt at a "different glitter". it serves me right for trying to work on a mini tut for someone while I was listening to an annoying radio in the background playing the barenaked ladies singing "If I had a million dollars" There's not many things I dislike in the world but that song near drives me over the edge.
  7. nope you didn't offend me I was just curious as to how you did it differently. as I said I'm open to learning alternate methods all the time. LOL! that's what keeps this program fun and interesting. so in other words you did it the same method as described in the tut but at different blurs and transparencies.
  8. I've certainly no problem with you doing it differently, after all this program is known as the one where there are multiple ways to acheive certain effects. what I do think you should tell us is how? did you do it differently. This tut was put out there to show a simplified version of my method. My original I spent far more time and did many more tweeks. But gee I'm always game to learn new methods. do tell how you made yours better. art isn't a competition one against the other rather its a competition against yourself to constantly improve your skills. welcome back and have fun on the forum.
  9. yum fizzy pop! looking good might try redoing the tab part on the top that seems not correct. don't pop cans have some sort of round pull ring as well or did you break it off think I better buy a loto ticket "'caching caching"" I got carried away making glitter and ended up with a whole lot of shiny loonies. (that's Canadian $1.00 coins for you non Canadians out there"
  10. ? have you looked at the plugin section? at all? there are so so many. all do different things. and if you are just starting out I'd stick to the basics first. add your plugins as required. if you want to get your feet wet trying out installing and using some plugins try BoltBaits pkg or Pyrochilds pkg or one by Madjik the brushes is a bit different installation and if you are into that sort of thing then download the one by Simon. you into taking photos and then fixing colors etc. the ones by Tanel come to mind. and so many others that do different things. Depends on what type of art you wish to do. The plugin guys developed per requests from the picture makers, or to simplfy steps as we went along. tell us what you want to work on and maybe other plugins will come to mind on being more suited to your needs. but an all inclusive list. :wink: are you volunteering to do such a task? at the begginning of the plugin lists you will note some are stickied , they are stickied for a reason. Because people keep coming back to them over and over again.
  11. so I'm back with some more comments. as this is your first plug in I'm sure you need feedback. things that would make this more useable would be if the top round corner was independant from the bottom round corner. say you want the top of the rectangle to bow in at 44 44 and the bottom 85 68 magnificent plug in status would be if you could bow the middle of eachside of the rectangle and make that variable. with a slider up and down the length of the rectangle for placement of the side bow. (hope I explained that correctly ) ciao .
  12. its not too bad so far. I like the ability to adjust the edges would work good on making those wine bottle pictures. saves fiddling with the bezer curves. think there should be some upper and lower limits to the curvature though, or some more info there as it stands now its just type in some numbers by chance and hope you get the correct curve. I'm not likely to use this myself in my work as it stands now. I can possibly do the things just as quickly in a matter of one or two steps ..... but I think it can develop further and be pretty good. ciao and thanks for sharing your efforts with us. OMA
  13. you the same gal I worked on the cardboard tut with? send me thru PM what page layout you've got so far and what you are trying to get. if you have a sample page just PM me the link. I'm pretty sure that glitter she is using in those tiles is a built in function of the photoshop. ciao' OMA
  14. after you copy the paper go under edit and use paste into a new layer.
  15. you are welcome personally I didn't find that all that shiny. but its not too off from the sample you have given. :wink: it actually looks better in colors. other than silver/gray.
  16. colors primary red secondary blue. not wishy washy ones some real vibrant hues. effects>render>clouds scale 250 roughness 1.00 normal same layer effects>stylize>outline at default don't panic it will change color adjustments > conditional hue/saturation change the fade to vertical and under the color wheel where it says hue range that slider on the right needs to be moved all the way to the left. adjustments > auto level adjustments black and white next its curves + now this is the one you have to play around with because the clouds in the first step are never the same. I did an xml file but like I said this may need slight adjustments for your glitter. Hidden Content: <?xml version="1.0" ?> - L A A true - - - 0 0 - 53 77 - 102 136 - 125 141 - 153 205 - 193 252 - 255 255 REMEMBER my glitter is not tileable.
  17. I just can't figure out how to make a tileable one.
  18. I think I get it now . its supposed to be pasted into a new layer that maintains the size? at 4x6 . but if I'm reading the persons question correctly she is working in scrapbooking and will want to print this out so would she not require more than 96 resolution? edited above post. to show .
  19. when you make the new 6 x 4 you need to have the same dpi. the resolution needs to be the same as your 12 x 12 which is 300 the 6 x 4 is probably set at the default of 96. when you open a new image of 6 x 4 make sure you also set the resolution the same as the resolution of the the 12 x 12. that should fix the problem. per Rick's message below.....that's not the best method just paste it into a new layer (you find that under edit along the top line) the 4 x 6 stays the same size. but I'm still thinking if you want to print this out at old Wally mart or Blacks they say it needs to be a higher dpi. same with submissions to scrapbooking sites. They want higher dpi's than the standard 96 default. ciao OMA
  20. yes once you get used to woking with layers its very easy. just remember if you want transparency around an item it is a .png never a .jpg. but what are you going to use the .jpg for in another program. perhaps it all can be done in this program and save the hassel. ciao
  21. viewtopic.php?f=34&t=28790&hilit=cutting+out+images you need to cut the man using line tool or paint.brush the above link to a quicky tut by Simon shows this. he uses paint brush but my preverance is line tool which gives a cleaner edges. you might also search for alpha masking that gives the best cleanest finish. . the man you cut out is then file >saved as a .png remember where you saved him! open the new picture you want to insert him into. clik layers (along top line file, edit, view, image, layers etc clik import from file. you will be asked which picture. that's why you need to remember where you put him when you saved as a .png. he will be on a new transparent layer and you can move him around as you wish. just keep using import for all the items. the program will automatically add them in on separate layers. that way you can move them around as you wish. when you think you are done save as ""name collage" .pdn ( get used to saving the .pdn working file. as sure as rain you will notice something later and you can still go back and change. ) and then save as "name collage".jpg or .png. (this is the one you can print out.) it will ask you when you do the save as "name collage".jpg or "name collage.png" if you wish to flatten say yes. NOTE : things you might want to do before combining all the pictures into your collage is to resize the images after you cut them out individually and before you same them as png's. that way you don't have to deal with it in a multi layer image. resizing is done this way clik image (along top line file, edit, view image once that drop down box opens clik resize. I'd leave the maintain aspect box checked so your items don't get too skewed. hope that helps. ciao OMA
  22. I did a basics on facial features. its on my deviant art site. not sure if that's what you are after. its not aime style. ciao
  23. ok you are at the end of my knowledge of vista. this post will bump it to the top and perhaps someone else can figure it out. looks like everything is ok on the screen shot as far as I can make out. really strange but I'm sure it will be something simple. EDIT one time when my paint.brush wasn't working it somehow switched from left button to right button. which was just a glitch. it corrected itself but maybe try the other mouse button just on the off chance. worth a try. I know how frustrating it is when you want to draw and nothing seems to be going your way.
  24. are you perhaps using dual monitor? if so read this thread. viewtopic.php?f=10&t=20974&hilit=dual+screen
  25. I love that little guy you popped in behind the pear. You've done very well. the shadow is like you say so so . but then I didn't tell you how to do it and I'm glad you tried to improvise. That shows you are creative and adventurous. Two qualities that make and artist individual. so lets see tips on a shadow. you did correct putting it on the layer below. do you have the drop shadow plugin? I make two layers of my item(pear on transparent background) use drop shadow on bottom one unclik the keep image box. (make sure your primary color was black) run the plug in. then clik the black layer tilt it using right mouse button. blur it a bit using glassiaun blur around 4 or so. then transparent gradiant it out so the darkest part is near the bottom of the pear. to fade away the furthur out you go.
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