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Everything posted by oma

  1. ? ok I know my eyes are bad but where is the Fairies picture. page ? the name intrigues me :wink:
  2. did you loose your color palete? along the top file , edit , view image etc. clik window clik color pallet. should show up again. while you have it up on the screen hit the more buttton. even more colors avail on that wheel. ciao OMA (this info is avail by pressing F1 anytime you are in the program)
  3. banner is smashing. I have to remember that combo of glow and glow mode. It gives a very nice look. that is a great vista style wallpaper. was that from the tut by David? Its looking so smooth and flowing. great job. OMA
  4. very Zen like that tree. and the water is smooth as silk to look at. great cloud reflections in the water. the grass wellll ummmm needs some swing and sway, doesn't quite match the flow of the rest of the picture. like little soldiers at attention where the rest of the picture apears to be doing a waltz. ciao OMA
  5. I absolutely love the latest creations. and your banner is Wow! I love the front and center Paint.Net one the best on the banner. What font was that you used. Its really eye catching. always a pleasure to visit here. Lovely lovely work. ciao OMA
  6. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks you Welshblue, picture is nearing completion but still needs those final tweeks. everyone else see prev page (page 33) the picture is open for critiques now ....it is nearing the home stretch and I can see some problem areas, some I know how to fix others well I need some suggestions. It is drawn as best as I can draw at this point so be nice. ciao
  7. oma

    Oma's gallery

    updated bunny in my garden pg 33 its snowing a blizzard outside my back door tonight so this is absolutely wishful thinking on my part. everything is 100% Paint.net no outside renders. Although I did hand draw the outline sketch for the bunny and scanned it. my hands just were not up to the detail in the line tool .. ciao enjoy OMA
  8. I value your comments but I don't know mean by that one. Mosaics are made of (usually) square tiles. One of the intrinsic properties of a mosaic is that it comprises versatile tesselating tesserae. ;-) sorry Tim I wasn't questioning the mosaic part I was just wondering if there was a possiblity of add a rounded off option as well. Most likely not (can you tell I can not get my head around plugin writing?) but thought I'd ask. ciao OMA
  9. one route you might explore is using webdings for the snowflakes. There are plenty of fonts/webdings for snowflakes out there. DAFont is a good site. I don't use the brushes plugin all that often but didn't Simon have something added not long ago about using webdings and fonts as brushes? ciao
  10. so now that all that cafluffal is over. can you give us some clues. Is Paradise a game? or a travel agency? I agree what you have isn't too jazzy yet! wouldn't draw my attention into your site. The text is rather plain looking. But if you just want to stick with text there are some great tuts, 3d, shadows, textures, they all help add interest. you just have to give us a few more clues of the direction you want to take it.
  11. as the above people menitoned it is a family site so could I ask you to remove the short form swearing. now for helping you out. I re read the first post and can not see where you let us know what type of banner you wish us to give you tips on making. do you have a certain style you'd like ..... or have seen some image that sparks your interest? this will help us give you some tips on which tuts that might help you create a very nice banner for your site. ciao OMA
  12. Love it.! like how you worked in that transparent cut out. sweet. thanks ever so much. now I have to rush my other pictures along so I've time to really push this baby to the limit. !!! :wink: ciao OMA
  13. :?: I'm still learning to draw contrary to what everyone might think. I'm happy with this little bunny so far excecpt for someone please help me out. I can't figure out how to do these parts. they look rather lame compared to the rest of the little critter. ciao OMA
  14. thanks Leif I wasn't at my own desk so couldn't check the link for them. ciao
  15. use search up left top of the screen you need to find the one share your scriptlab scripts. there are two wrinkled papers in there.
  16. as always great work. ! thanks you very much. ciao OMA
  17. bit too tile like. although I can see it being used in some nice stained glass pieces give option for rounded off corners and you have a drawingwise more versitle plugin. then you could make cobble stone, and brick walls.... not too bad
  18. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks topezia, Storm.Shadow and becauseiwantedto. I;ve added a further screen shot of work in progress on the bunny in the garden scene. such a long ways to go on this one yet. ciao OMA
  19. oma

    Oma's gallery

    did you see the little guys staring out at you ..... they are my extra set of eyes to keep a watch on all you creative people. :wink: I often stick little things into my pictures. not too many of you notice them. another OMA trademark is using polar inversion. I tuck it away and hide it quite often. ====================== new art work in progress =========================== I need to work this into a picture. (10 min sketch) work in progress :wink: this is a test into placing bunny into garden. note bunny has changed direction. Also I think he/she needs to be a bit plumper, after all he/she is the Easter Bunny and has been dipping into those choclate eggs a few too many times. There is still much work to go on this garden picture. 16243 I feel this is nearing completion. Now calling it complete. I've gone as far as my current skills allow. I will need to practice drawing more.!ie: I am not happy with the tulips completely. They need to be joined to the stems with those little leaves under the petals. Fixed A few little touches to background (not sure what yet). Fixed added the little bushes and some little flowers and some grass to a bald patch. I worked so hard on getting the nose looking more decent but see its getting lost against the background foilage. That really needs addressing but not sure how to fix that artistically. Suggestions anyone on that ? Fixed.... just had to move the bunny up a bit and over. shift a bit of the background around to get a light color contrast behind. The birdies I'd planned may not make it to this picture. They are just not up to where I want them standard wise yet so perhaps I'll save them for next art piece. The bunny's tummy needs to be rounded out more since I've moved the arms/front paw position so he/she could hold the butterfly. The whiskers are needing beefing up on one side. etc etc etc. Fixed as good as I can do on those right now. I'd say overall I'm very satisfied with how has turned out.. I see improvement in my drawing skills here, and I can see the flaws and areas I need to brush up on. So overall the picture has acheived the goals I set myself. The last adjustments have been done. consider this one finished I added in rounder cheeks per Topezia comment. gave the other arm something to carry per PM and added shadows under arms , brightened butterfly and anchored it to the hand with a shadow. by the way I've enlarged the nose as noted by Topezia as well. (good eye) , added the ridge along the top of the forhead, fixed the whiskers, although they still look a tad thin on one side. The are exactly same size. as they are flipped layer ???? not sure what's going on there. finally colorization at end looks better, sharper , cleaner. The bunny in my garden PS I love how the path turned out. those stones took a lot of figuring out. Not just a strip of color run across the page. They acutally look raised and textured.
  20. Oh I sure hope that's not the name of that lovely flower! very pretty nice texture as well. looking good. actually I like this one very much Janettsue. it has that oriental feel to it. but the house isn't correct. you need one with those funny shaped roofs. pagoda houses I think they are called.
  21. sent you PM a quick draw bunny so you understand how to look at the shapes and interpet them. took from my drawing books. don't trace draw it using ovals and line tools and you should be fine. look forward to seeing your creation in the pictorium. ciao OMA
  22. absolutely stunning work. I'm glad you learned some additional things about the plugins and this tut brought you out of the woodwork to join us. I look forward to viewing further artistic creations by you. Have you started a gallery for yourself yet in the Pictorium. If not you should. thanks for trying this tut and I truly love your adaptation. ciao OMA
  23. very nice images Negrumir. as to how to put as thumbs see the first one near the end where it says 1080103done.jpg change that to th_1080103done.jpg and you have a thumb. ciao OMA
  24. In other words, if you don't want to mess with it, you don't have to. I see no reason why OP should have to change anything. so explain to me inbetter the steps I need to do to try these out? some look quite similar to others we have already.
  25. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks Helen great new word. I like especially when you use it to describe one of my drawings. Topezia where in the world have you been? I've missed your witty repartee around the board :wink: I'm glad you are back, and look forward to seeing what you've been working on. on another note.... I'm surprised no one noticed the little faces in my sig? looks like our new smilies. (on the right side of the A and on the top center of the M I made a boboo when I did the O i cut the little guy off. :oops: ciao OMA .
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