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Everything posted by oma

  1. how in the world did you slip past my notice? absoultely wonderful work here. keep it up. now I know my way to Vectorvilla I'll be stopping by for some coffee and cookies quite often. ciao OMA
  2. finally finished this one. large version pg 38 my gallery and the work in progress shots are on pg 35 100% paint.net
  3. oma

    Oma's gallery

    finished! oh at last I am so pleased with this one. the work shots are back on page 35 (progress from start to finish ) absolutely 100% paint.net below is the thumb of the picture before the little tiny tweeks. ( I show both in the larger size...before the tweeks and after on pg 35 with the work shots ...you can see the little things better there on pg 35) 17222
  4. bravo bravo! that little guy is just amazing. great great great job. ciao OMA (that one made me really smile big OMA grin. )
  5. nice ones yellowman. just the tip of the iceberg of polarinversion. soooo many possibilities. my favourite effect of all time. ciao
  6. you are very correct that tut is very old version. perhaps you should check out ED Harveys plugins. they are stickied in the plugin download section. he has some fine halftone dots etc. etc etc that should keep you buy for hours. viewtopic.php?f=16&t=26244&start=0
  7. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks WelshBlue I've started work on second flower now different pdn (different angle of same fuschia flower) as you can see from the last picture I added on pg 35 in the hummingbird background I was getting anxious to check my idea was still on track. hope you all take a look and please let me know what you think. ciao OMA
  8. oma

    Oma's gallery

    actually way way more. if you take into account the number of layers when you merge about 20 or 30 then restart adding more the program will start counting again. try it just add 10 blank layers merge them down to 4 left and then start adding what is the layer number you get 5! but you know you have already 10 layers and this new one is #11 in reality. . I didn't count the actuall layers for flower 1 but it has to be at least 120... and don't forget I had two pdn's going on this flower. when I was satisfied with one portion in one pdn i just flattened that portion copied and added to the other pdn. so that could be another 20 layers or so flattened showing up as one layer in the work in progress shots. thanks Crimson its not my best abstract work but I wanted to purge so many little ideas from my head before I started the flower. didn't want to get lost in a tangent. the realistic styles of the flowers really call for super attention no outside distractions of the other wonderful plugins calling my name. thanks everyone for looking ciao OMA
  9. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks Helen and thanks LCF4EVER LCF you just caught me updating have a look flower one I think is just about done. a few more tweeks of shadowing etc and that baby can go to rest and I'll start flower two. ciao OMA
  10. just had to stop by and tell you how impressed I am with you gallery. Its really coming along. I loved the pdf planner, saw it on DA as well and had a real good look at it over there. excellent work. I'll be stopping in for a wee peek around again next week. ciao OMA
  11. love the wand! very magical indeed. the background is smashing! great great great job. ciao OMA
  12. great stuff in your gallery I like the aircraft section the best. That is very different from what others are doing. actually everything look wonderful. I'll be checking back often to see how you progress as you are off to a very fine start already. ciao OMA
  13. nice work I love that cloud wallpaper its really nice and soothing looking. the perspective drawing is really good as well. you did a great job translating that tut over from adobe illustrator. ciao OMA
  14. oma

    Sharp 7.25.11

    holy smolly I love that! tip my hat to you. great great job. ciao OMA
  15. orange circle on one layer pyrochild outline plugin black 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 pixels whichever width you like for inner black circle around the orange then run the plug in again with a wider white circle then run it again with black same width as the inner circle. add you font layer as a separate layer over all of them.
  16. oma

    Oma's gallery

    @Negrumir @Goonfella @welshblue @Storm.Shadow @HELEN I thanks you all for the comments and keeping me motivated just want to update on page 35 I've completed the bird and have now started the flowers for background I added a few very sparse shots of the first flower in the works. ciao OMA
  17. :shock: now that is just downright unbelievably magical! bravo hats off and a grand bow to you sir. ciao OMA
  18. @ShK_828 :wink: oh that is smart! good use of humour! I like that one a grea deal. ciao OMA
  19. @Simon. Style is nice, colorization good. like the others I find it a bit blury. I would also like the focal point off towards one side. the clik PDN MSN Twitter Brushes I don't mind the positioning. Actually I didn't realize that you could clik on them. one thing I think is you should have mentioned in the post it was a render from another program ( terrigon ? ) and it helps when we are able to see the original to determine if your paint.net manipulations added or detracted from original. I would love to see you do this one or something similar 100% paint.net. as I'm sure it would look just as nice if not better. (and a bit bigger I like to see these things without squinting :wink: ) overall for a render in a sig I like it, (and that's saying a lot....as I don't usually like renders :wink: ) ciao thanks for share your art piece with us. OMA @LFC4EVER This is extremely thought provoking. Took me a few mins to finally realize what it was portraying. it has an artsy abstraction to it. I am always attracted to very textural pieces and this one is spot on. . The back lights are extremely well done, and in my mind the clouds of gasses are the main eye candy. Something is a bit off on that small nob of a planet in the foreground. Perhaps its the scale but it needs to be be made look as if it is further away from the larger planet somehow. there is a round circle thingy down bottom leftt that is distracting and pulls my eyes out of the picture and also one star just smack dab bottom centre of main planet. As another person mentioned this definetly belongs in a series. great job. ciao OMA @Mikey! excellent. Good clean lettering, lovely font, crisp , glossy and no stray pixels . What more can I say on par with the best and I'm having a hard time coming up with much more to say. Its perfect the way it is. thanks for showing us your artwork. ciao OMA
  20. art is like fine wine and expensive chocolate to be savoured not rushed thru. :wink: I like to take my time and look at each piece critically in this advanced area. I refuse to be rushed in my repsonse. theres always the umberalla areas ... :wink: for those too impatient to wait their turn. I would like to also include in the rules something that keeps this from just becoming another c4d section of sigs. lets get some real sink your teeth into art in this section. ciao OMA
  21. viewtopic.php?f=16&t=21592 in our plug in section one of the stickies. just because this pkg is soooooooooooo goood
  22. ? did you play with that little round ball shape thingy up the left top of the rotate zoom? not totally sure I understand what you are after if that doesn't work perhaps try the plugin called oblique maybe that's more what you are trying to do. (its part of madjiks pkg of plugins. ) if neither of those two things work it might be best to put up a picture or link to web page showing the type of effect you are going for. ciao OMA
  23. hi there Gyps13 welcome to our forum. try out under top line there it says file, edit, view etc. see the one called layers click there check some of the rotate zoom features. have fun. ciao OMA
  24. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks for the facts Helen although I do not actually think a hummers heart beats quite so fast. I'm not downstairs in my library where my books are but I don't recall reading its that fast. Welsh blue thanks ever so much for the comment. yes I realize the blurs of feathers are cut off by this won't likely matter once the background gets put in. that one I sent you with direct its headed most likely has changed. I've been experimenting with different things haven't settled on just how busy or absolutely plain it should be. Crimson you sly dog you..... I was going to guess it was you but just wasn't too sure... thanks for the comment/hint. you had me going there for awhile. I've had this one on the go and just finished it up this morning while I thought of the appropriate background for the hummer picture. a little break from reality paint.net 17080
  25. @RedJiggly that's a cute screen name, makes me smile everytime I read it in the forum. I like you picture and I'm really glad to see you experimenting with different blend modes. very very very nice work. Here is one I've had in the works for awhile. larger version in my gallery pg 37
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