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Everything posted by oma

  1. oma

    Oma's gallery

    sketch pad drawing, Scan and then cut away , make a outline mask, shows first passes of blur painting close up of some of the arm and hand shading (still needs much work) gave her a little dress so she didn't pop anyone's eyes out. it took me a long time to find a model in a magazine to draw in this pose. I ended up using a lingerie advertisement she was given more flamboyant clothing and some leggings and feathers ============================================================ and that's when I scrapped that last version. She had lost all of her sultry. A brand new set of clothes, different more airy fairy wings, more shading, and loads of bling bling jewlery. (anyone notice I used the heart from valentines day picture) . added the ties on the red shoes, nice touch to draw the eye to those wonderful gams. Next up I've much more blur painting of the skin, hands, face, etc etc, and she will be around the 1/2 point. 18372 ta da "Miss Va Va La Voom the fallen fairie" love her tatoo. She's sporting ink. I think I redo the hair. I want long blond curls with flowers. We will see, hair is not the easiest to do. I think it is true blonds do have more fun.... ciao OMA
  2. madjik made a gradiant blur not sure if that's what you mean. but maybe it will help. there was a faded edge by the same fellow that made drop shadow, I haven't looked yet at his new update but there was some sort of blured edge in the old set he had. maybe look there see if that's what you require. viewtopic.php?f=16&t=22881 ciao
  3. OK we will go with that one McyD you ready to teach yourself wha to look for in a picture. I'm going to do this real real quickly. what do you notice first about this machete blade as compared to the sword? 1) I see curved portion ummmmmmmm the line can't be totally straight like in OMA's tut how would you do this? hint draw all the lines in blue I just used three colors here so you see what each lines shape 2) well OMA started with a filled in line.. that blade I just drew is hollow in the middle.... ...... Would wand out side the blade and control + i give me just the middle to fill in ? hint : yes it would . so wand outside the blade outline you have Just drawn hold down the control button at the same time as you clik the " i " key. and fill with blue. what's the next step anyone ? its open for a community effort now. anyone suggest next step and I'll do the picture for mini tut
  4. love the dolphins Helen. now that's my kind of picture lovely! going to fav this ....... oh yes palm to forehead .... this isn't DA. ciao OMA
  5. machete ummmmm not sure what it looks like. first thing I start with is a picture. did you see a picture on the internet of something you want similar to? ciao OMA
  6. try fixing your shadow if its on a separate layer.
  7. oh that's so nice in the gold color. I'm glad you were able to figure out the steps afterall. One thing do you still have the pdn? see your blade the light is coming from the right hand side (those glinty bits on the blade sugest that to my eye) perhaps the shadow should be opposite side. other than that and extremely well done job.
  8. looks something like dustbust or Eisuke furukawa if you go to dafont.com and in the search box (upper right) type dots you get a good assortment of likelies. just make sure you get a true type one, that type works in paint.net. you install same as you do any other font direct to your font directory. there is a post about adding fonts in the tutorial section. ciao OMA
  9. Thanks you its nice to know that people like the tut. I would recommend shading the handle more as well but this version is to keep it really down to just a bit (tiny bit) beyond beginners level. I don't want them to shy away from doing a tut because it involves too many new techniques, this one was to concentrate on the ability to use 3d shape in multiple passes, to obtain other shapes than just a sphere, box, or cylinder. If a person was to do all my tuts then come back and retry each with something they learned in another tut by me, they could really customize their work. its just the methods I want to impart not just making the actual image. If you look back at my own work I did do more shading on my own version of this picture along with backlighting . A copy is in my gallery (pg 30) or on my DA gallery, it actually was just late night doodling when I couldn't sleep never intended it to go much further than that, it was just a how would I go about doing this sort of idea..
  10. hello welcome to the forum and congrats on opening a new gallery. I'll be checking in from time to time to view your new items. ciao OMA PS I don't generally comment on sigs but I like that first one even if its darker than I usually view things.
  11. honestlly do not knowwhat your mean? his plugin outline does have an angle adjustment. did you download the outline by pryochild (part of his plugin pkg) ? screen shot to me by PM if you wish and I'll take a look and see what you are doing incorrectly. I'll be at my desk for a short while longer. ciao OMA
  12. I did list the link to the download first part of my tut. viewtopic.php?f=16&t=21706 its part of pyrochilds pkg. very first line of his first post there are two pictures (blue cd's) and between them it says DOWNLOAD FROM BOX.NET
  13. thanks you. that's a lovely birdy, I'm glad you could use this tut to frame him out so nicely. You've done an excellent job on making those leaves look real. great work! I'm also very glad you came away from this tut having learned a few new tricks besides just the standard basics. . thanks for trying my tut and I hope you try some of the others I've written. I try to add just that little extra knowledge each one so you can progress from beginner to full fledge artist. . ciao
  14. oma

    Oma's gallery

    I'm just glad you didn't ask about the head or chest feathers. I'd still be typing and taking screen shots into next week. ciao
  15. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks you Helen and Kemaru that glossy is base of the 3 pictures "celebrate" "rejoice" and "praise" maybe next time I do a glossy like this I take some screen shots. only trouble is many times in such detail glossie I abandon it half way thru as I feel like it does not go in a eyepleasing direction. ciao OMA
  16. oma

    Oma's gallery

    @survulus here are a few little bits of making that picture sorry I really didn't save and screen shots in the making of this one. and many of the layers have so many effects one after another its hard to explain. but I ususally start with a glossie I make
  17. oma

    Oma's gallery

    some oldies but goodies http://justsitback.deviantart.com/?titl ... r/10092564
  18. nicely done wiirus, I like how you've modified for your own taste. thanks for trying the tut and I hope you learned something new you can take on to use in your next piece of art. ciao OMA
  19. use gradiant blur by madjik that will most likely work the best.
  20. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks Goonfella detailed but very simple once you get the idea of moving a layer out to work on it at a larger size and then resizing back to original size for reinsert into main drawing.. only three plugins required (bevel and transparency) both in BoltBait pkg. (very valuable plugins I'm hoping they become a basic out of the box items in some future version of Paint.Net.) other plugin must have is the one outline by pyrochild that angle option is just special. it is the one I use most often. ciao OMA PS I don't remember who taught me about screen shots but big big thanks to you.
  21. oma


    well finally.... lovely gallery. I love them all but of course my fav is and always will be the first image you posted. your sig! ciao OMA
  22. sorry no can do that. not a text editor. that's why I recommend doing text on separate transparent layer. you can go back in and delete the layer or erase out a portion. saying that some pictures can be salvaged. it its just plain black (any color) behind the word just paint over the text with background color and retype ciao OMA
  23. along the top there next to the printer picture.....see the sissors , then the copy button, then the paste button, then the crop button next one is deselect.
  24. any active selections? try the deselect button. then type when you have your color wheel open is it showing white as primary color text uses primary color always. also best to add a transparent layer to type your text on. make sure that layer is not hidden by your black layer. If you open your layers window it should be in the layer above the black one. hope that helps if not post a screen shot. might be just something tiny you need to adjust. and we can judge better from screen shot. ciao OMA
  25. oma

    Oma's gallery

    Answer to question on how I did feather well I didn't take screen shots as I went along so had to fake this out for you. Its fairly close to the original actually done same steps (I darkened my shadows a bit more in original and my original feathers look darker because of the mode blends after all the feathers were in place.) but these pictures show the steps involved. start with a line drawing I did the lines around 2 pixels on all of the feathers. closed in each individual feather along the top (under where the belly portion of feathers are. step 1 determine which way shadows run and which feathers will on the top. . in this case I started all the feathers over on the far right because they are the bottom of the stack. . I've put in the feather 1 to 5 already now we will work on feather 6 together. did you set up your colors primary 575247 and secondary 7e786c also you need another open pdn with a transparent layer as the base. same dimensions as your outline pdn. step 2 wand inside of the individual feather on the outline layer. add a transparent layer ( in this case add it at the top of the stack remember I've done 1 to 5 already "6" is now top of the stack bucket fill selection with primary color name this layer " feather 6 s" as in "feather 6 shadow" make a mental note of thes the shadow part gets dealt with way down in step 14 deselect step 3 control +A copy that bucket filled layer edit paste into your other pdn object outline 2 primary color step 4 resize image by 200% step 5 rotate the canvas using right mouse until the feather is horizontal. the round bottom end of feather should be on the left. step 6 wand outside of the feather and control + i add a transparent layer change the brush fill to backward diagonal and paint the bottom half of the feather change the brush fill to forward diagonal and paint in the top portion of the feather step 7 add a transparent layer draw a 10 px line with line tool using primary color use the nubs to make the line ajust a tiny bit curved. step 8 wand that quill line and use bevel selection set at 3 leave the colors black and white step 9 adjust the transparency of the quill to - 50 flatten the image step 10 resize images by 50% step 11 control + A use the sissors and cut step 12 clik on the thumb up right top of your original bird outline and paste in a new layer. step 13 using the move pixels tool swivel back in place using the right mouse button step 14 remember back at the beginning you bucket filled a selection in step 2 and you named that layer 6 s and I said make a mental note for later. well now is later. select that layer and gassiaun blur around 5 or so step 15 use the move pixels tool and clik anywhere on the screen and just move over and down just a touch until the shadow is showing under your feather. ta da..... now are you ready we start all over again doing feather 7 exactly the same way. 18261
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