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Everything posted by oma

  1. oma

    Oma's gallery

    it is not Friday today so 13 " " is fine. :wink: I laugh all day I love life! ciao thanks for looking at my gallery flip come by more often. :wink:
  2. welcome to the gallery. you are off to a fine start. . take your time to learn your way around the program a bit more before you tackle tuts. . ciao OMA
  3. oma

    Oma's gallery

    now that one was just pure beginners luck! but it gave me a real spur to figure out shiny and glass. If I could do it once I could do it again. I think I've proved that..shiny is very very very much doable in this program. its not easy but it definitely is much more simple now with the versions improvements than it was back then. yes I love the intricacy of these pieces. I'm hoping when they are framed and up in my reading area I'll feel like I'm surrounded by swirling light. maybe I'll be thinking I'm inside of one of those lava lamps. They should fit right in there with my cup of herbal and my hendrix on the cd player. what a woman of contridictions you must all think I am.
  4. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks you Welshblue that was one of a series I've been doing for my office wall. will be done up in large size for once I took the time and did them loads of dpi. and larger size. here are the two others rejoice on the left and praise on the right larger versions are in my DA site if you wish to look at details. @Storm.Shadow. I'm glad you liked those pictures from my DA. That one "I found a jewel was one of my first shiny's" that was done way back several versions of Paint.net most was achieved using just sharpen and polar and solorize. this is the thumb of the one Storm.Shadow was speaking of if you wish to look at bigger size its on my DA gallery.
  5. oma

    Oma's gallery

    you tell your daddy he has exquiste taste in art. :wink:
  6. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks Helen not quite done with that photobucket resort. few more tweeks to do yet.
  7. have a nice time Janettsue. look forward to seeing your granddaughters work in her very own gallery soon. Isn't it refreshing knowing we are able as grandparents to still impart some knowledge of even the most modern things, ... like how a graphic computor program works. ciao OMA
  8. oma

    Oma's gallery

    well I'm just about finished re arranging my photobucket account. word of advise to everyone don't let it get to over 1000 pictures in one gigantic file. sort it out early into albumns. The old way was taking me ages to find any of the pictures I wanted to forward to friends. so in honor of being just about finished with that chore here is a copy of my new picture "Celebrate" 18103 I actually made this one 10 x 8 inches big with enough resolution to have a larger canvas done for seating area in my downstairs office. ciao OMA
  9. both of you are doing some nice abstracts. I prefer mine with a bit more color here is my latest called "Celebrate" larger picture in my gallery. ciao OMA
  10. I see where you are going wrong now in that tut. give me a few mins and I'll do some pictures and PM you. ciao OMA
  11. recall post viewtopic.php?f=12&t=22651&p=141788#p141788 I sometimes use this tool on transparent layer for other angles than the set degrees in our program. make the canvas just a touch bigger and import tool into transparent layer of your work right clik and swivel entire image until you have degree of rotation. or measure degree and use layer rotate which ever you find easier. ciao not sure if it will work your app. but I often use this in drawing angles from scratch
  12. bottom layer black. add transparent layer type your word the color you want the glowy part to be. yellow? blue? wand outside the word hold the shift key down at the same time incase any of your words have center holes like the letter "e" or "a" or "o" add a layer control + i change color to white or what ever color you want the actual letters to be. use white until you get the way of doing it use paint bucket and fill all the letters. deselect :Deselect: (along the top of your screen you have that line of pictures the clip board then the crop tool then the deselect button. ) now move back down to the layer with the letters in yellow? blue? its the middle layer. he uses under effects blur and zoom blur not zoom blur +
  13. fireworks are so pretty! hope to see more from you soon. ciao OMA
  14. and did you say pictures are on the way?
  15. viewtopic.php?f=26&t=28202&hilit=hood post by Ryuninfinity last one on the page. :oops: see someonelse already pointed to this answer. hope you have a gallery would be nice to see the finished project. ciao
  16. do you have your layers window open? its add transparent layer :AddNewLayer: the just the small down arrow to the right of that will bring the layer under neath. just be aware if the layer above is totally opacic what you put on this new layer will not show thru.
  17. you can lock this thread David I've finished the revisions and moves of pictures for the tut and reloaded up to site. this request by person-321 came across my desk just before I'd finished. ciao
  18. can you show picture of what you are after? there likely is a solution and I'm just not understanding what you need. also there was an older plugin called perspective helper. not too many people use it as far as I know . I sometimes use this one in drawing. remember its a 2d drawing not a 3d render only 3d plugin is shape3d. there was another beta plugin that rendered flat image to torus and rotated. it was extremely slow, and memory hog. but did work rather well. all depends on picture and what you wish to do. upload your picture you have and an example of what you want to acheive. ciao OMa PS like your latest video.
  19. layers along top rotate and zoom section of the drop down box. may possibly help.
  20. have finished sorting this one into different albumns beleive all the links work correctly now. ciao
  21. thanks will give it a try this week. OMA
  22. is it possible to hold both in effects? or should I remove old cb to try this out. It may be more in line with what I would use brushes for than the other. just want to test it out and be sure. ciao OMA
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