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Everything posted by oma

  1. oma

    Oma's gallery

    taking my time on this one. I want a real nice image. updated the wip shots on page 35. now my testing and changing back and forth really starts. first test is some shadows in the upper wings. ciao
  2. I like those twitter pages. nice work the water drops are a great touch on the green one. that's my fav. clean and uncluttered, good choice. ciao OMA
  3. great work on that turtle. Just like a cartoon character. as always wonderful work. ciao OMA
  4. those are adorable. especially the orange one waving. get his foot tapping and some music to dance to lovely. need to pick your brains on how you did the hands. ciao
  5. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks LCF4ever per the PM I've done some reading and agree will be picking your brains on how to do that. :wink: Stormshadow i sure hope thats the hummmmmmmmm of the hummy bird and not a nest of pesky bees. added more screen shots pg 35.
  6. oma

    Oma's gallery

    now here's a thought maybe you buckle down and do some practice and I'll colaborate with you one day.
  7. oma

    Oma's gallery

    @becauseiwantedto on what do you think the three of us could work on at the same time.... @Welshblue thanks for the vote of confidence on the hummer. Its something I want to do very well on. I'm shooting for the stars but going for actual realism looking bird. check you pm's I've sent you a pic of where this one is heading. everyone else just has to wait.... for next instalment of the wip above. :wink:
  8. oma

    Oma's gallery

    no way Madjik did that and there is just no way I can even come close see his Sep 12 2007 post....... viewtopic.php?f=26&t=1072&p=98596&hilit=bee#p98596
  9. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks Helen I'm starting the colorization and the texturing now. have added more screen shots above. ciao OMA
  10. oma

    Oma's gallery

    attempting that bird yet again....... this is the one I wanted in the bunny picture but it wasn't just working out. I've found a good site that shows drawing the hummer (on paper in black and white) so I'm re doing my version from scratch, adding texture and colorization . this will be 100% paint.net. no outside renders at all. thought some of you might like to see the process. GOOD SITE FOR LEARNING TO DRAW ON PAPER http://www.dragoart.com/tuts/219/1/1/ho ... ngbird.htm draw it on paper first get the steps down then draw with line tools in the paint.net starting the drawing there could be many changes yet in this prelim drawing before I start doing the textures. just want you to see the process I use. can you see the round circles outlines? for head , upper body and the lower body. can you see the u shape for the tail feathers can you see how I joined the bill and made the throat section of the hummer? 16655 16668 current status note using new plugin in trial (by Tim) had to improvise to get direction running in the correct direction. (select copy from texture layer, paste in new layer, and rotate to proper direction then erase out any excess outside of the lines of original drawing. ) NOTE: my humming bird is in different pose from the one in the picture I'm using for a color guide so don't be telling me its too fat etc. different angle folks. that picture is just there for the colors placement. I did different angle like in the drawing tut mentioned in link above. now I need to find a good picture that shows me the colorization of this birdies back. :wink: anyone notice the nice eye? button! plugin amazing what a few shadows will do to give a picture depth. still working away some of the shadows may still be toned down or shiften in direction. but wanted to see if what I'd imagined was going to work. notice by looking at it. I really don't love the wings too squared off. they looked fine in original black white drawing but see when colored and shaded they need to be rounded. current status fixed all the wing feathers entering the final stretch on the bird now to start the background flowers. They need to be completed before I can do the final colorization steps on the bird. so here is how the birdy looks near completion I just noticed the motion of the tail feathers got cut off will need to fix that before going to much further. Fixed in final picture. Are they in the correct direction. I've been niggling back and forth one time moving them to the rear of the bird another having them shoot downward. can't figure out the correct areodynamics for the position of the blur. Ideas anyone. 16947 starting the flowers for the background of this picture of the humming bird 17144 current status flower one will work on flower two tonight and the buds tomorrow. hopefully have now gone well past this stage see next pictures work on flower two well under way (different angle) well as you probably guess I'm getting antsy to see if my intended direction this picture is headed is still on track it may change up a bit and of course the bird needs to go in but looks not too bad so far. few stretch and pulls required on some of them flower petals required yet. but this is still fairly close to the intended direction. NOTE" I didn't finish flower two yet but it is coming along real nicely. and almost done! rounded off the birds body just a bit more (gray shading down front edge of belly) and added some dark areas in background and fixed the stamens of the flowers so they were not so flat. (added more colors orangish and lighter yellow pixel painting) also redid the top of flower two that was just not right. I forgot to recheck a layer of highlighting in origianl flattening. now I've fixed it and it flows more from head of flower to stem area. absolutely 100% paint.net not a render or smudged bit in it. dimension acheived by mostly blur painting menthod I showed in the pear tut. Answer to question on how I did feather see page 44 large pictures and explination are there as mini tut ta da..... now are you ready we start all over again doing feather 7 exactly the same way.
  11. :wink: I knew it wasn't go to be easy.... but at least it gives you something to think about. I've downloaded this plugin and will be trying to work using it into next picture. thanks ever so much for sharing your plugin work with us. ciao OMA PS have a great day!
  12. this looks like fun. but with my eyes I'm sure I will never see the thing. going to try those printing and mirror tricks latter tonight. maybe I can use something like this to hide my name in my pictures. :wink: ciao OMA
  13. oma

    Oma's gallery

    ahhhh that is so nice of you to say that. I do really try to do my best in my pictures. You all keep me on my toes... I love how the bunny turned out..even better than I hoped. I'm fine doing long haired animals but I can't figure out the short hair variety. every time I do one I get annoying lines. I have to figure out a good stagger system that doesn't look so uniform ... I keep plugging away at it and it will come to me. ciao thanks for leaving a comment. so many look (count over 16600) but few leave comments.
  14. oma

    Oma's gallery

    you mean she's carrying a hat or do you mean a paunchy fat belly the fat belly is from dipping into the easter chocolates on the way to your house. sure hope there are a few left by the time that bunny gets to where you live. thanks I'd have been able to draw the outline using line tools (ovals and squares and lines) if I wasn't having so much trouble with aches and pains of old age right now. Besides I'm too impatient I had the idea for the fur in my mind and wanted to capture it on screen before I lost the thought. ciao thanks for looking I'm glad you enjoyed this one. OMA
  15. great job on that knive. good gallery overall. ciao OMA
  16. of all the pictures here my fav just has to be that praying mantis. that photo manip is hillarious. keep up the good work. I'll be around once in awhile looking may not always leave a comment but I do check out the galleries. ciao OMA
  17. colorful explosion! I see you aren't afraid of using color!. great work so far. ciao OMA
  18. wonderful pixel work. I've enjoyed your gallery very much and look forward to visiting often. thanks ever so much for sharing your art work with us all. OMA
  19. I don't often comment in sig galleries but I'm making an exception here. I just wanted to tell you I've stopped by often and enjoy your sig work. I think you are doing a fine job with this program and look forward to the time you feel comfortable enough to tackle a larger picture. your work so far shows a natural artistic talent. ciao OMA
  20. really great job on that wedding photo. love the fade in image well done. ciao OMA
  21. oma

    Sharp 7.25.11

    love the bubbles wallpaper very soothing on the eyes. ciao OMA
  22. what a little cutie that penguin is. Reminds me of the chilly weather we are experiencing here if the frosty north this week. You should draw that little guy on the beach sipping Mai Tai's
  23. oma

    Oma's gallery

    @Storm.Shadow thank you very much for the nice kind words. My drawing skills are improving but still have a long long ways to go. This was a challenge for me but I'm pleased with the finished product. I was going for one of those pictures that looks like cartoon cell paintings. Not dead on but closer than I've managed before. @Welshblue thanks at the rate your work has been increasing in complexity I'm sure you will surpass me shortly. :wink: it would be interesting what Janettsue, Helen and myself would come up with. all three of us have totally different styles. might give the kiddies some real nightmares @Helen thanks 3000 words now that's ""verbal"" @Goonfella thanks you I'm glad you liked this one. @topezia great call on the nose and bunny cheeks. I've added them, and they just make such a difference. thanks everyone. ciao OMA
  24. I faved this sink on DA. Just wanted to say I'm glad your schedule allows you some free time to play with paint.net once again. This is a very good example of realism! ciao OMA :wink:
  25. oh my! They do hurtle and hurry into the world! don't they. I always wondered where those lovely little creatures came from. :wink: The title totally thru me on that one. I was looking for something so soft and subtle. I love it, such a great interpetation, of one of lifes mysteries.! Such well done pencil work! that looks like it would be wicked for me to attempt with my hands. Super Job. ciao OMA
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