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Everything posted by oma

  1. are you sure its not the template border from your blog page
  2. oma

    Oma's gallery

    oh my you are correct! I remember seeing the play at least 15 or even 20 yrs ago. (amature production --not well performed--actually downright excruciating performance) must be why it stuck in my mind. now that fact about the tights..... ummmmmmm. A television program character comes to mind. ""Cheers"" "Cliff Claven"
  3. don't get caught doodling, we wouldn't want one of those nasty teachers confiscating your great drawings. You need them all for showing to us. as Helen said dragons are difficult to draw keep up the great work. ciao
  4. looking forward to you getting that web page up and running so I can visit and see all those glossies working . I like the latest "Lucky Catch" ciao OMA
  5. even a gradiant wash would look good on this fellow. very well done. I hope when you say you drew it in school you meant in art class and not doodled during math, or english class :wink: .
  6. oma

    Oma's gallery

    now that's just too interesting. the three men have weighed in in favour of brunetts. Now I wonder who was it that ever started the myth that men prefer blonds.......? my original thoughts were brunette was more sexy, was it just advertisement hype that made me change my mind????? interesting idea. ciao OMA
  7. oma

    RAM Designs

    nicely done. look forward to viewing more of your work. ciao OMA
  8. :wink: love the new direction you have taken with that mini wallpaper. the colors are really harmonious and soothing. very good job! ciao OMA
  9. nice gallery you have. my two favs are these I could actually visualize both of these being combined into a futuristic scene. ciao OMA
  10. nice! great drawing , I sense you are not quite finished with the texture for the creature? give us a hint what direction you will be thinking of taking that? one suggestion. get your self a cheapy sketch pad. they can be found for as little as $2. try not to use lined paper. even printer paper is better. especially if you go on to colorization of your sketches. another hint if you go to color that beastie in have him on separate layer and wand outside then control +i that way he won't need to be feathered in and will not have outline making him more realistic looking. example of what I speak of is in my palmleaf tut. its the absense of outline that makes piece more realistis. also on pg 44 of my gallery I show how I did a hummer feather. so you can get the idea of wanding outside so no lines show. ciao OMA PS how did you know I was trying to draw a dragon? now I have to think of something else to draw
  11. ] :shock: oh now this is the way to use stocks! world of difference from this to those one little stock, with smudge I often see around the forum. absolutlely marvelous. Your colorization/combination chose is extremely pleasing to view. since there isn't a smilie for mega thumbs up needs I'll just throw confetti :AddNoise: :AddNoise: :AddNoise: :AddNoise: ciao OMA
  12. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks you Helen I have redone hair to bleach blond I think this suits the mood more. I've added on pg 44 and StormShadow she now has had a date with the beautician and changed her hair to blond. and yes the necklace is from a previous picture. I loved that little bauble and was waiting for the right piece to use it in. I did have to lengthen the strand of blue beads to make it drape properly but think it matches up fairly well. thanks all for looking this fairy was fun to do. ciao OMA
  13. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks you Yellowman. I like her red shoes so much. yes the dress does use the Julia Fractal. It is the only method I know to make chiffon material. I'm still working on a method for other patterns. the hair I tried like the hairdresser showed me a picture something called chunks, I'm not a fan either. I think I will most likely re do that portion. perhaps I will teach myself to make long blond curls and some flowers in the hair like a hippy love child. and yes is a tattoo. I remember BoltBait called it sporting ink. I liked that phrase. ciao OMA
  14. oma

    Oma's gallery

    updated "Miss Va Va La Voom the fallen fairie" pg 44.
  15. very nicely done. It probably falls more in the catagory of manipulation but it is a realistic rendering of your idea of fog etc. so I give you a thumbs up on it. and welcome to our forum. here is a thumb of the fairie I finished today. larger version is on pg 44 of my gallery. left as a brunette and right as a blond.
  16. its called an eraser for the top layer where you don't want the old sky. look for the tut cut out the easy way. you are just cutting away the bits you don't want and inserting in a layer below with the new sky. quick answer but yes absolutley you can do this in paint.net. ciao OMA
  17. well that is a very nicely done siggy. very imaginative use of a tut! great job. and thanks ever so much for posting for me to see, the person you made that for should be very pleased. ciao OMA
  18. @Possum Roadkill glad the tut helped. would love to see what you came up with. ciao OMA
  19. it actually looks really nice. alpah mask may help with the jaggies problem. also another option would be to make the blade 2 to 4 times as big as you require end product to be and then after made resize by 25 to 50 %. example would be in my palm leaf tut. I made that very large and then at the end resized. I show where to do that in that tut. but like I said very fine job, really nice with onlt the bare minimum of instructions. That's called being creative and I just bet you learned more by that experiment than many others that have been using the program for a bit longer than you. excellent A+++ sorry can't find the gold star button :wink: ciao
  20. oma

    Oma's gallery

    touch ups yes took me a real long time as well. I honestly thought she said two cups, I was wondering...... especially since she hadn't seen the whole sketch. I'm still laughing..... Storm.Shadow yes I finished the monkey. I wasn't exactly pleased with it. I had originally a drawing of the face practiced on paper so was able to do that fairly well in Paint.net, but I hadn't started with a good full figure drawing as a result it didn't turn out as good as I would have liked. I did post it here pg 40 and on DA. I've still to redo a better drawing from scratch. Not sure when that will happen. Perhaps some midnight when I can't sleep. The way I've been going could actually be any day night now. I like this picture much better as I have a better foundation picture. only about 1/3 way thru so watch for more WIP later this week. I'm working on some good old fashioned pencil sketches this week. check your pms. ciao OMA PS I have to mention thanks to Helen she said add some bling! she just didn't say how much or how little.
  21. oma

    Oma's gallery

    Thanks Helen.... yes Oma drew that .... always something new here in my gallery. "toucoups" this is an English word? I like it. sounds exotic for just bangles and sparklies and assorted do dads. ciao I'm off to give my gal some hair. OMA
  22. hello BabyBlue, welcome to our forum. Those are wonderful little sketches. I look forward to seeing how you manage to color them in. so sweet ciao OMA (that means grandmother in German)
  23. oma

    Oma's gallery

    yes that was quite the drawing. no wonder I called her the fallen fairy. anyways I think she has some wonderful party clothes... now, loads of bling and lovely feathers. suitable for the kiddies to view now. ciao
  24. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks Boude hope you don't have too much of a headache from my exploding your mind once again. I think I bite off more than I can chew on this piece. yet another very challenging piece for me to do. ciao thanks for looking. and leaving a message. OMA
  25. love the handle only I'm having trouble which way is up? name upside down? or is the handle upside down. not knowing those blades are those jaggies the top?
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